What is the most satisfying thing in dbd?

I have heard several things, like hitting someone with a hatchet a mile away, or getting a survivor at the exit gates because they were badly positioned, or getting that clutch escape.
To me, it's this...
When the traps hit at just the right time and you snowball harder than the good guys in return of the king when the ghosts appear from the ship.
But, to you, what is the most satisfying thing in DBD? What makes you go
People taking the time to add me to the party and send some salt my way
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Downing and hooking a survivor that is wearing the exact same thing I wear on that character.
I dunno why. Its like beating your ghost in Mario Kart. Just like, take that, me.
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Finding and killing that invisible Survivor who does unhooks, heals, gens and totems.
You don't see them the whole game, but you feel their presence. Then you find a Feng Min, and say to yourself, "I've got 3 stacks of BBQ, and I've never seen Feng. THIS is the one who's being such a pain!" And then you chase her down.
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When all 4 survivors have DW active at the same time.
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Tunnelling a p3 claudette
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for survivor its probably losing a killer in chase since that is probably one of the harder things in the games to do
for killer its probably just getting a really good out play
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Get 32k points
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When I was doing that EGC NOED sacrifice challenge, I was playing Spirit and got all the survivors on death hook. One, a Claudette with a flashlight, had been a pain during the match. I saw her run to an open exit gate, and I was like, "Damn." But then... she didn't leave. I refused to go over and chase her out, so she kept creeping farther away from the border until she was running in circles in the middle of the gates.
I phased over and surprised her with NOED.
That was satisfying. Survivors getting cocky and going down for it feels good. It's even satisfying when I'm spectating as other killers do it.
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Oh, I find that so annoying (Even though that’s how I play Survivor too). I usually try to bait them out by slugging their teammates. Then the elusive survivor gets tunneled.
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Outmindgaming the opposition
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Hitting the Sprint Burster with a hatchet.
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When a team gen taps to stop regression against PGTW and you get to regress a generator from 90% back down to zero with a few hooks.
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When you win a chase against a killer by not using more than one pallet.
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Getting a Head On stun mid chase. They never suspect it until it hits them.... literally. >:D
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Last remaining survivor. Killer closes hatch. Two exit gates are really close with no way to open. Having a key, finding closed hatch and almost double PIP.
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Watching a fellow survivor get mori'd (or performing the mori yourself) and then watching them come here to demand a mori nerf as if it happens every game because they were mori'd for the first time in like a week or two.
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Anytime I can get a survivor who was trying to annoy me. Clicking flashlights, tea bagging behind a dropped pallet. I adore killing them. I also 100% love getting someone who is at exit and teabagging, but they overestimated how close they are and I get them. Happened only once but it was and is my favorite killer memory.
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I'll tell you one thing that is very satisfying. Running a killer for 5 gens and escaping. It doesn't happen often but when it does you get a feeling that has never even been there before and it feels amazing.
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For me it's the satisfaction of making someone dc when I predict and counter rotate them with killers like spirit and ghost face..or head shoting a flashlight clicker with a hatchet
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Sniping Across the map with Huntress and landing the hit.
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Playing a game without bugs once in a blue moon
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Whether I survive or kill, it’s always that sound. So satisfying it is, the snap! of the Trapper trap.
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Disconnecting as a P3 Claudette as I'm being tunneled
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Finishing that boat gen and hearing the horn sound. I always go straight for the boat gen as survivor until it's done, and as killer I camp that boat gen. They can escape all four but don't even touch that gen! It's mine!
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Actually spotting a p3 Claudette to begin with!
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I love the sound a survivor makes when they hit the ground.
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Leatherface's Mori, hands down
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That got rid of that my guy 🙁
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Anyone wearing a p3 outfit is tryhard trash.
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We have nothing else to wear for Freddy ok?!
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Facecamping an annoying survivor.
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Head on save teammates
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Both the traps for trapper and docs laugh when you shock someone. Also hitting a survivor while they try to 360 ooooooh yeeeeeees
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Someone who obviously has ds and misses
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Omg yes! Those stealthy players can be such a pain...
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When a survivor camps the pallet and I fake going around the pallet but moonwalk and 360 to slap them on the head and they even fail to drop the pallet ;3
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When you moonwalk nicely
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Getting a buff to a killer that isn't just quality of life.
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When a super sweaty player fails 😂
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Running a killer and they DC
it’s the ultimate victory
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Beeing in Frenzy for longer than 1min, my record was 24 stabs. Or seeing the new Susie skin... ooofff
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Stunning a killer with Head On
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Milking a ripe canker.
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Right now I really enjoy it when I can snowball with Oni's Demon Strike. Even better if I can predict a juke and still get the hit.
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Managing to sacrifice myself to save people without BT. On my Scoopy boi there is no BT so I man up and take hits. The best example is from a week ago. It was just me and this Jane left during EGC (on Autohaven, the one with the gas station) and she got hooked by the Huntress 24 meters in front of an exit gate. Before she got downed I opened the other door since the other was already open. One person was pressured out and the other died before the gens got done. As I opened my door I saw Jane go down. I ran straight towards the station and hid close by as Jane got hooked. The Huntress decided to camp instead of getting more hatches (lucky me). I tried to sneak by but she noticed me and chased me into the garage and I looped her around the truck pallet but I needed to end it quick if I wanted to save Jane (who was on 2nd stage). I let the Huntress get a free hit on me in order to stun her, thus giving me time to save Jane. I managed to unhook her and body blocked since the Huntress was targeting her. We both made it inside the gate but the Huntress downed me since I was dead set on getting the Jane out.
Nothing is more satisfying than saving someone who is scared and helpless. Giving them hope and reassurance that there are those who will die to save them is a feeling like none other. They ended up adding me and I added them back. It was definitely one of the best matches I had.
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Wait...are you saying that, in a single feral frenzy, you got 24 stabs? How?
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Precise blink lol
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Right at this moment I would have to say the most satisfying thing is finding a match.