Item/Add-On release among other QOL things

New chapters are great and all, but we should focus on spooks, fun, and overall diversity in the play-style of the survivors and killers we already have and enjoy! Lets spice it up in a good, and spooky way! Post your favorite ideas, and feedback to others!
Some from me, and from others who've I have taken inspiration from!
Perk Recycling, New Survivor Key Objective, QOL Nurse Changes, We're Gonna Live Forever Rework, Diversion Rework, Brand New Part Rework, and Bloody Rare Add-On Release!
Perk Recycling: Simple concept, basically you can right click a level 3 perk, and turn it into bloodpoints, removing the perk, but allowing you to unlock it again in the next bloodweb, how much bloodpoints you gain depends on the rarity. Starting from 3000 bloodpoints for common, 6000 for rare, and 9000 for ultra rare. This will allow players who prefer a lower level perk over its higher level to aquire said perk in their next bloodwebs.
New Survivor Objective: Key Parts are now required to repair generators, and are found within all chests in the map alongside the usual items they may find. As long as one survivor has a part, other survivors can work on that same generator until either: The survivor with the part stops working on the generator, the generator gets complete, or for whatever reason, that survivor decides to disconnect) Survivors that escape, or die, will drop their Key Parts. Survivors will not have to swap out their items for their part. There will be one part in each chest, there can be no less than 5 chests in a match (things like scratched coin would screw survivors unless that is implemented). Makes Chest finding perks more useful, slows the game down just a little bit, and is simple as that.
Since the Nurses rework she has fallen drastically out of use, even from dedicated Nurse mains, she has always had a high skill cap, but that doesn't mean players should feel punished for using her power, even effectively (trust me, run in a straight line, find line of sight blockers, and if you play smart, she will Never Catch You... unless you run into a wall. No one feels in danger, or empowered when playing against or as nurse anymore in higher tiers, unless they are potato) (no offense to the potatoes). After reworking her Add-ons per the unanimous community request, and tweaking her baseline ability, we should remove the cool down on her ability, the ground vision she gets is often all a survivor needs to capitalize on in order to escape at lower tiers, or change her so she can now cancel her initial first blink... or both. (Also Screaming Irish Banshee Skin When BHVR C'mon)
We're Gonna Live Forever Rework: After unhooking a survivor the killers aura is shown to you for 4 seconds. Each time you unhook, take a protection hit, heal, or complete a co-op action-objective, gain a 25% stack-able bonus to all blood-point gains up to a maximum of 100% (QOL change to bring WGLF up to par with the killer equivalent)
Diversion is now a baseline survivor trait, finding and searching rubble piles throughout the maps will allow a survivor to swap their item (except for their generator part, maps, keys, and rings) for a pebble to use as a diversion while within the killers terror radius, an individual survivor can only take 1 pebble/s from any given rubble pile (its gotta be that perfect pebble, also prevents things from getting spammy).
Diversion Perk Rework: Survivor will no longer have to be in the killers terror radius to use diversion, and allows the survivor to carry both their item and a pebble, along with increased diversion range.
New Bloody Survivor Add-ons
Key Add-On: Heavy Chain, Bloody Rare key Add-on, allows survivors to instantly search chests, the key is consumed when used this way (unless you have milky glass of course)
Key Add-On: Crow Feather, Bloody Rare key Add-on, grants the survivor immunity to illusions while holding the key
(can't for the life of me think of more survivor add-ons, kind of have a well rounded assortment already, feel free to add suggestions)
Brand New Part Change: Rarity changed from Ultra-Rare to common, now allows survivors to repair generators without searching for Parts.
Bloody Rare Killer Add-ons
Wraith add-on: Ritual Bell, Bloody Rare Wailing Bell Add-On: while de-cloaking, illusions of the wraith de-cloak and walk towards survivors for a short duration or until the wraith is fully uncloaked (basically they play the unloack animation along with the wraith. This effect has a 15 second cool-down (bing bong spam prevention center).
The Ghost Face Add-on: Broken Camera, Bloody Rare Night Shroud Add-on: Allows The Ghost Face to see his red stain, removes the ability to expose survivors while stalking, instead fully stalking survivors grants up to 4 charges in his camera to flash and blind survivors who are within his red stain and within a chase by pressing the active ability button, being stunned, or blinded while in a chase will cause the ghost face to lose 1 charge and blind both him and the survivor that stunned, or blinded him for a short duration. The Ghost Face cannot stalk survivors until all charges are consumed (Imagine the lulz)
The Hillbilly Add-On: Strange Fuel, Bloody Rare Chainsaw Add-On: Once The Hillbilly begins a Charge, 2 illusions of himself charge in randomly chosen survivors directions, The Hillbilly cannot see these illusions. The illusions pass through objects until they collide with the survivors and disperse in a puff of smoke, survivors that make collision with the illusions scream and reveal their location for 3 seconds. This effect can only trigger once every 20 seconds.
The Pig Add-On: Broken Timer, Bloody Rare RBT Add-On: If a gen is completed while a RBT is on their heads it activates, removing keyboxes aura from their vision, and gives them several random de-buffs at fast changing intervals, the timer will randomly and violently beep, they will randomly hear the killers terror radius, and suffer blindness, the traps kill timer cannot be altered while this Add-On is used.
The Pig Add-On: Buns of Steal, Bloody Rare The Pig Add-On: Many years of sneaking have given the Pig the BUNS! The ability to be undetectable throughout the trial without Grass-Vision! However the pig can no longer put hats on survivors heads. (She NEEDS it!)
The huntress Add-On: Cursed Song!, Bloody Rare Huntress Add-On: When the Huntress downs, hooks, or kills a survivor her red stain is removed, and terror radius, and lullaby is heard by all survivors for 60 seconds. This effect has a 80 second cool down.