Tunneling vs gen rushing



  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    So, we can agree it's not cause of gen rushing but more on map and killer choosing

  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    The issue is why they can't apply pressure. A killer should not be dependent on their mobility to be allowed to apply pressure. Mobility should be a power in and of itself, not a requirement for a viable killer. These killers, on paper, are designed fine. They sacrifice mobility for aggression in chase. The issue lies that without that mobility, the generators cannot be pressured and they are done too quickly. Therefore, the issue lies in the speed of generators, not the killers themselves. This is especially present when even killers with high mobility AND deadly aggression in chase (spirit and nurse) are STILL unable to pressure generators enough to stop them from being done. The issue is with generator times, not killers.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    If gen times are increased, maps like Hawkins and The Game are going to become a 4k Death Sentence more than they aleady are (quoting kill ratio stats), whyle maps like Rotten Fields are gonna be more "gen pressure" balanced... Again, you see how the problem is still the maps...? Not the gen rush

    You're telling me no map should be different from each other in a balanced kill ratio? Or are you telling me gen rushing is wrong means you don't want the gens done so fast that you can only 2k? would you take out the fun of picking a map in order to give the survivors or the killer a harder game? Cause if maps were the same statistically speaking then they'd just be cosmetics...

    "A killer should not be dependent on their mobility to be allowed to apply pressure.", "This is especially present when even killers with high mobility AND deadly aggression in chase (spirit and nurse) are STILL unable to pressure generators enough to stop them from being done."

    Go check the kill ratio per killer per rank... Spirit, Nurse and Freddy on PC, Spirit and Freddy on PS4 and XBOX have the highest kill ratio... Lets talk about what people see as a "win", that's subjective, kills? pips? fun? It's just a matter of perspective, in the argument you quoted, as spirit and nurse, you wanna be able to 3k+ (a good nurse and spirit already do) without more than 2 gens being done? now that's greedy don't you think?

    It's just a matter of luck, which map you got for the killer you chose with which addons and offerings and against what survivors, with what ranks with what items, offerings and addons. it's more complex than the argument of "gen rushing"

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Lol what a poor comparison

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    On console you can play for 12 hours straight and exclusively go against the 4man swf toolbox teams. I can't take anyone who thinks it's "rare" seriously

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I just got “owned” by a pallet camper on fractured cowshed with huntress. Drop pallet sprint to next pallet. For 3 gens, with team of toolboxes. Camper was a rank 8, lowest rank on team. I’m rank 12. No imbalance in this game.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited January 2020

    That moment when ACTUAL STATS are released and you get to know your PERCEPTION is missguided...

    Or maybe you're just having REALLY bad luck for 12 hours straight...

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    edited January 2020

    To an extent I can agree but many times as a killer chases me off a gen, then turns around to go check that other gen thinking I'm gone I just immediately come back. My pressure is never actually gone because unless you do chase me I'm right back on that generator meaning you can't leave me alone.

    Most killers cannot keep pressure on generators when people do this and its not even a skillfull move you just literally go back to the gen when not being chased. If the killer commits a little more time to really chase you off then they lose pressure on the other gens, if they just make you run a few meters then turn around to check another gen they do little to stop your pressure as you simply turn around too.

    Stealth killers can get away with pressure simply because the fear of never knowing if they actually left or not makes you doubt yourself (although some maps don't have great LOS breakers so even this tactic has limits).

    The only time you will see a killer truly stall gens is when the survivor team cannot do Ruin skillchecks (being removed), the team spends too much time trying to insta save off hooks (meaning you now have 2 less people on gens), or the team is just afraid to do gens in general.

    When I play survivor its 99% solo and I typically do the majority of the gens always applying some measure of pressure. This pressure just gets easier to apply as I get to the upper red ranks and others understand this basic concept.

    EDIT: Spelling errors.

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    Exactly, sometimes it is the killers choices but sometimes the killer can make all the right choices and still not be able to do anything because of map design but I think we are more likely to see a gen time fix with the current maps than we are to see every map reworked which is why i think a lot of people are proposing gen time increases. I personally don't think gen times should be increased all together but maybe we look into a second objective or something that stalls the first 2 gens from popping so you're not required to bring corrupt for set up killers. Maybe even make mechanics for stalling on those killers that need it most? There's definitely something to do but maps take time.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    But increasing gen time would give more trouble than actually fixing what needs a fix man, I just made a post about it.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    edited January 2020

    HAHAHAHAHA I just responded to that post!

    What amazing timing ^.^

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    Agreed but we all know they only seem to be able to push 4 map reworks or so a year. The game shouldn't stay in the condition it is for that kind of time for an all map rework. That will hurt the game too much. I can still consistently 3k/4k without ruin but new killers are struggling. The lack of killers at the moment have drove queue time up so much that a lot of my survivor friends are less inclined to play and my friends who aren't amazing killers are having very tough games to the point that they don't even get a drop of enjoyment from it. I don't think that's going to be healthy for the game. Something needs done to make the game more enjoyable for killers. Map reworking is 100% the biggest flaw but I don't see it happening in time to prevent people from quitting.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited January 2020

    How about actually hugely decreasing the appearance of specific maps that need reworks even with offerings as a band aid instead of messing with all the game?

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    I'm not opposed to it. Would love for the devs to come out and give some plans on how they'll address this other than "We're Listening" or make it so gen times are relative to map size as a band aid.

  • TicTokCringe
    TicTokCringe Member Posts: 39

    Not really. The killer objective is to kill everyone (not get one single person out the game because they are toxic) while applying pressure on the gens to stop them from popping.

  • TicTokCringe
    TicTokCringe Member Posts: 39

    There already aren't a lot of pallets. I don't know what more do you want? Let survivors just spawn on the hook or remove all the pallets. Use perks like spirit fury and enduring

  • DostiL
    DostiL Member Posts: 39

    It is, mostly a "brutal killer" which means you did barely ok.

  • Gen rushing: survivors ignore potential blood points and pips to rush through a game focusing only on the objective. Very boring for survivor and killer, hard for killer to counter.

    Tunneling: killers ignore potential blood points and pips to rush through a game focusing only on the objective. Very boring for survivor and killer, hard for survivor to counter.

    Theyre essentially the same thing yet for some reason people make excuses for it on the survivor side but still hate when a killer does it.

  • Please. It’s blatantly obvious you guys either don’t play the game or do so only in baby ranks against potato survivors. On most of these maps with most of the killers you can’t pressure seven gens consistently enough to stop gens from popping like crazy.

    If I load into a corn map or Ormund as Trapper, even if I completely ignore my power and set zero traps, 1-2 gens can still easily pop before I get someone down because the maps are too big or too poorly designed with loads of safe pallets and vaults.

    Imagine you have AIDS so you’re having breathing problems so your doctor ignores your AIDS and just gives you some nasal spray. That’s what you clowns did ignoring main issues with the game that causes a lot of killers to run Ruin and just nerfing Ruin. And yeah sure maybe you guys will look at gen times and map layout with Ruin and make changes but at the pace you guys work and change things the game will be long dead. Pretty good job.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Those stats are rubbish that make no sense whatsoever

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    You just reminded me of when my wife says an illogic argument, I have actual proof against it and she says my proof is false...

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Look up the classic science supplemental pdf "How to Lie with Statistics", most people on these forums badly need it

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I've read that, I work in these specific subjects for living actually, and you're stating Devs give info they want to give. Why would they release info that proofs that they need to buff or change things... If they lied or manipulated info wouldn't they have placed averages proving "balance" instead of proving maps need changes, specific killers need buffs/ nerfs/reworks? Or do you think everything is wrong?

    Don't get me wrong, I know cuantitative statistics need of the cualitative parts and variable explanation and description, but specifically, kills per map and people on party count is way to easy for them to have messed up...

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    They were red ranks I was Ghostface a non mobile killer and the survivors used a template of purgation and red forest offering so it was going to be one of those and moris lose killers points so what I'm supposed to just not win on those maps

  • Gen rushing doesn't happen anywhere near as often as content creators or forum whiners say. It needs extremely competent 4 man SWF with specific loadouts for it to work. It's then helped when the killer sees 4 toolboxes and suspects 4 man SWF, but only runs his "main" killer and standard 4 perks. Thus, it's always the killers fault in a gen rush situation. Nothing to do with maps size, loops or whatever some content creators say, to cover their incompetence.

    Tunnelling is a tactical choice made by the killer to win the game. It won't win against competent 4 man SWF team, but it will win against randoms and play for fun SWF.

    Most the people talking about gen rush, have never even had it happen to them, they're just sheep, repeating something they've been told to repeat. Just one video, of this happening to you, it's all that's needed. So this proves how rare the actual gen rush is. Tunnelling, happens considerably more often, it's potential is in EVERY game. As an average, I would say I get tunnelled in 1/4 games, but I don't get tunnelled enough to consider using DS. As a killer, I have never been gen rushed, not once. I have certainly had games where 2 gens went very quickly, but that didn't mean the other 3 did. Thanks to my perks selection for that match. I don't use Billy, spirit, nurse, demo, Freddy or other such killers, I am happy with trapper or Dr, but can use any killer really, depends how I feel/what my daily is.

    Anyhoo, tunneling v gen rush. Tunnelling happens far more often than gen rush. That's the fact! It has nothing to do with anything the contennt creators and their sheep repeatedly say, it has all to do with sloppy gaming, fact.