What Are These Survivor Queue Times (Raising Awareness)



  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    I know that :P I believe though that killer pips compared to survivor pips were one more in difficulty for the red rank areas. I might be wrong but yeah, hope that makes sense.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    A.I. Isn't even on the table. That would indeed kill the game. So silly to think about.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    They used to. The issue was that using the average rank of SWF, along with lax DC penalities, and the old rank reset made it super easy for high rank survivors to smurf. Trolling and harassing new killer players was frequent.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    "The Ruin change will end the world"

    You watch.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Don’t know which side of that you’re on haha. But I’m excited for the change.

  • Wooferson
    Wooferson Member Posts: 22

    Probably because of the current matchmaking system, not to mention when ruin comes out more killers will probably drop off for a while at least. It's so frustrating to go against full red teams as a green rank killer, so I imagine other killers around my level are experiencing the same thing and quitting or taking a break from the game. Less killers = less matches going on at once = longer queue times for survivors and super fast ones for killers.

  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175
    edited January 2020

    Legit, I like to think I'm a main Nea, but yesterday after waiting 10mins on queue, for a match that didn't even began due to someone crashing or whatever, followed by another 5min queue, which also didn't make it through, yeah.

    I swapped to killer and got a 5s queue. lol

    I haven't been playing SWF as much now because queue times make it boring.

  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207
    edited January 2020

    It will be worse after the nerf. I got 1k plus hours and without ruin game is pretty boring. Might play survivor instead or probly other games.

    I think this change almo is doing will be beginning of death of dbd

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    I have around the same in game hours and I feel the opposite, playing as killer. Too many people rely on the perk to slow the game down for them I am excited for the change.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    -Survivor wait times are horrendous.

    -Balancing is a joke.

    -Matching-making is totally screwed up.

    Having a break from the game. Will do me good.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Ugghhh yes. This is the common experience I face just solo survivor. It's painful. There are times where I am set on playing survivor because I care less than when playing killer and then I can't and it's like great guess I have to play killer.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    After ruin, less people want to play killer. So there's are less sessions for survivors to fill.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867
    edited January 2020

    My survivor que times are less than 3 minutes in rank 6. Killer at same rank is nearly 20 minutes

    I played a lot of survivor with my wife this week, unfortunately. I saw a huge amount of afk killers. Roughly 1 in 5 matches was afk.

  • HeavenRoad
    HeavenRoad Member Posts: 78

    yeah recently for some reason Ive been getting killer queues instantly while usually it took 10 min.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    No ruin, no killers. some killers are giving up after that Ship that BHVR DEVS are doing

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Killer queue taking 20 minutes? Is that what you are saying? What console are you on? I press ready up as killer and bam a lobby everytime.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    All the fuss over ruin. I personally think it isn't necessary. The perk is still there it has just changed. This will help everyone grow as killers who use this as a clutch perk.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Same experience. I can't pinpoint exactly when this change happened maybe a month ago but killer lobbies being instant while survivors take years. It's starting to get to me.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Because pipping requirements for survivors are to lax. To many potatoes ranking up... need to make it harder.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I'm on Steam, North America midwest.

    My que times have dropped below 10 minutes for the past few, but this is primetime.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Ahhh that is interesting that it's like that on pc. I'm on ps4. I thought it would be better on pc.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Whatever the true issue is, it should be top priority for BHVR. It's driving new players away from playing this game and it's causing current players to go play something else.

  • OtakuFreak
    OtakuFreak Member Posts: 206

    This is what happens when the developers cater to the survivors, whilst not fixing a broken matchmaking system. It is natural for people to not want to play killer when they're essentially just tools to facilitate survivor fun.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    I agree. This could be what kills the game. People aren't gonna play if they have to wait 10 minutes to just get a match. They are constantly adding more cosmetics etc and I wish they would focus more so on the bugs. I know artists aren't coders and debuggers and what not but yeah. It can be frustrating.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    I don't think they are completely leaving killers in the dust. Certain killers have been changed but I don't think they have been overall nerfs. Just gotta wait for people to get used to the changes. If they did this "nerf" to survivors I don't think it would affect people playing survivors, as in they would quit. But who knows.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Those survivors are the ones that have the will to wait for other survivors to go on killer lol why I have stopped playing, I'm not waiting thise que times as survivor and I'm not spending all my time on the game playing killer lol

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    1)Survivors are Op- 3rd person view, teamwork, 2 health states, tools, 3 hooks, dozens second chance perks

    2) It gets really frustrating really fast most killer mains weather they feel it or not 4k is a win and anything less is a lost. It's one team vs the other mentality

    3) In a horror game the mood matters... and if your a killer you want to feel powerful... scary even. And survivors just tbag behind pallets and click flashlights around loops before they jump hatch... the moods gone.

    If any helpless survivor can screw around in front of an immortal monster trying to kill them... then the games unbalance and without fear or suspense

    As they nerf killers to be balanced for the adv stats they will find most games are anything but. After 600 hours matches are always one or two ways. A straight excape or a murder roll

    Que times are the only reason I became a killer main

    But that's my ps4 experience.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Three reasons for that.

    1. Too many survivors for killers at red ranks which cause queues to be longer.
    2. Killers that stopped due to ruin nerf incoming will get worse once it will be live.
    3. Killers get more nerfs than survivors ( Nurse , spirit , ruin , Incoming Hillbilly nerf ) Survivors nerf are ( Balanced Landing which isn't really nerfed but balanced , Insta-heal are still strong purple one is stronger and red one skilled based ,)

    Ruin nerf will increase the already long queues the kill rate will drop. Survivors saying ez will get what they want but will get bored once they will get insane queues.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Yeah it's true. This queue time was happening before the ruin change was announced. I'm sure it has affected it some but to say that is the sole reason is wrong. Also your wording bull shiftery gave me a laugh, thanks haha.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Also I didn't know they had some patch notes for it already. I'm gonna have to give that a look through. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I've been playing killer for about two years now and can say we are in better shape than ever. The change to ruin is not the end of the world. It changes how it is effective.

    I remember when the huge nerf to healing happened over a year ago. Killers said survivors would just need to adjust how they play, and they did; they started hitting gens without healing creating a wailing cry about the gen rush.

    Now killers are upset about ruin changes, but they need to listen to their own advice and change how they play. The new ruin can work well if you are willing to protect gens instead of zero in on one survivor and the hook. Gens are the way we wear them down.

    Over a year ago I had a killer give me the advice to stop focusing on the hooks and focus on keeping them guessing and kick them off gens. My success after that was tenfold. New Ruin supports just that, keep them off the gens.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Yeeeessssss. To all of this. Some killers think it's the end of the world. But that's how the game goes. Something changes and the players adjust until they find their rhythm. It will be fine haha. Can't adjust to that lobby wait time though, no thank you.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Well with this last update I think lobbies are going quicker, can't say I was completely paying attention but I think I only had to wait 5 minutes for lobbies. Not that 5 second killer queue, but an improvement.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Yeah no, it's still kind of bad actually getting to sit down and play. It seems slightly faster for survivor lobbies but not by much. Please. Fix.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Looking at the tome, I can't remember exact count but I think the survivors had almost double the killer amount for Rift challenges. That's not gonna help more people into playing killer :/

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    Eyyyyyy they acknowledged the issue with testing new systems and an invisible rank. That is promising.

  • PumpkinKing
    PumpkinKing Member Posts: 122

    I mean they have constantly been changing how their system works to try and figure out the best way possible. So it isn’t as if they have done nothing these past four years