Small quality of life changes that would be nice to see.

A small list of things that don't drastically change gameplay, but it would make the game look nicer and feel better.

-Make killer adept achievements require a Ruthless instead of a Merciless. That, or make survivor adepts require a double pip instead of just escaping. It's a lot more difficult to get a killer Adept achievement rather than a survivor adept achievement.

-Make an animation for escaping through the hatch while being in the dying state. Like, pulling yourself through it. The fact that you're dying, crawling on the ground and then suddenly mario jump up when escaping through the hatch is a little immersion breaking. It'd be nice to have an animation for that.

-When using Shred on Demogorgon, give free turn rotation after the lunge. The fact that you can't turn after hitting a shred is super awkward and not at all needed.

-This may or may not be a bug, and this may or may not even be a thing, but I think I encountered this bug once. When a generator pops while putting a RBT on a survivor as Pig, it doesn't actually start the timer.

-Demogorgon portal placements are a little wonky inside of the Shack, where the boards are in the center. I'd like that to be fixed.

-Remove the "Evil Incarnate" achievement. Why is this a thing. Survivors always go in lockers/DC when I try to get this achievement. I was thinking about instantly killing survivors when they get caught in a locker with tombstone, but I feel like some people might not be happy about that so idk

Anything else? I'll update this list as I think of more. ☺️


  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I'm all up for making the adept killer achievements just being "kill all 4 survivors using the killer's base kit", since the survivor version is basically "escape,. you don't have to do anything, go hide in a corner if you want, just escape"