I played a game with my friends and we were against The Doctor and suddenly music comes on when he was near us (i don't know if they changed to new music) then he shocked everyone at the same time, plus we all got the snap out of it when he shocked everyone. I don't know anything about the doctor cause I never play as him but if you guys do please tell me 😃
Best Answer
a small summary of the doctor (reworked)
The Doctor has the ability to put people into the madness stage, each stage is defined by the "brain" icon in the bottom right hand corner. If the tally goes from no tally to l than it means you're in madness tier l, if it goes from l to ll, than you're in madness tier ll! So on and so forth until you hit tier lll madness, which is when you'll be given the "Snap out" option.
In Tier lll madness you can't work on generators, sabo hooks, or heal others or yourself, the only thing you can do is get chased and dropped pallets... otherwise you'll spend your time holding down M1 and hitting the "crazy skill-checks" to get out of Tier lll madness and go back into Tier ll madness
The doctors new powers
The Doctor can passively apply madness to Survivors by activating his "Shock Therapy" ability, which shocks a Survivor and heavily applies madness to them, his other power is "Static Blast" which applies an AOE effect that makes any Survivors in his Terror Radius scream and reveal their location, but this has a 60 second cool-down.
Static Blast has a 60 second cool-down between uses and Shock Therapy has a 2.5 second cool-down between each use.
the music you heard
This is The Doctors new chase music that plays when you're being chased by... The Doctor. It was given to him as of the 3.5.0 patch, so that's the new music you heard, before he had the basic music.
The new chase music puts me in mind if the phrase "Crazy Train"
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The Doctor IS pretty crazy yeah ha ha.
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That and the music has a choo-choo thing going on in it.
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I suppose that's one way to look at it yeah.
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What you experienced was Doctor's new "Static Blast" attack. It has a long cooldown, but allows him to shock all survivors who are inside his terror radius simultaneously.
As FireHazard described above, when playing against the Doctor, survivors progress through "tiers" of madness by being exposed to his power. At tier 3, survivors are unable to perform most interactions and have to "Snap Out Of It" in order to return to a lower madness tier.
The key feature of Static Blast which wasn't mentioned above, though, is that any survivor hit by it will immediately ascend one madness tier. You and your friends must have all been at tier 2 already when the killer used his power, which is why you all were suddenly in tier 3 after his attack and had to Snap Out Of It.
And yes, the Doctor's chase music has also been overhauled in the recent patch, so that would be the unfamiliar music you heard.