Why cant we use Red envelope offerings this lunar newyear?

I still have like 50 red envelopes left from last year and thought i would save them till now, but you cant use them now, why?
Best Answer
They're trying something new out with the events. This years Lunar Event is integrated into The Rift pass, so the theme for the Lunar Event is in The Rifts rewards, challenges (somewhat), and Store cosmetics.
That's why the Red Envelopes don't work, there isn't an in-game event to use them on, the event is with The Rift itself.
Simple: because there is no event this year.
Edit: You can still buy the new skin of Legion and Jeff in the game store.
Post edited by Avilgus on0 -
But why are there new skins and different gens and stuff?
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They're doing the bare minimum (or arguably even less) to make it look like an event. I don't think there has been an actual event since the last new year event.
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No such a thing as events anymore. Its just moneygrabbing now.
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That's a negative way to look at it...
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I prefer the word "realist".
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I haven't really seen anything that has outright made it seem like we're being thrown with paywalls or advertisements in-game.
You can still do challenges by buying the characters with in-game currency you get over-time, The Rift still pays you back the 1k Auric Cells you spent if you decide to commit to The Rift.
You can also buy the Premium Rift Pass to unlock all those rewards AFTER you completed the entire rift, so I don't see how anything is moneygrabbing here.
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It really isn't a moneygrabbing thing though, it's just something new they want to try out.
I don't see how it's moneygrabbing.
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The gens and hooks this year are purely cosmetic. Some new skins are available for free, some are in the Store, and some are tied to the Rift. There are also a couple of free event charms given to all players.
I too am a little disappointed that it wasn't at least the way they did it last Halloween. Personally, I would have preferred to be able to get Lunar Coins in the Rift and spend them on Susie's or Jeff's new outfits, rather than receiving some free recolours automatically, and have red envelopes to burn for extra bloodpoints, but that's just the way it goes.