Why don’t people actually try and put the effort into learning nurse ?
lol. Thanks Elegant. Like someone else said before:
Limiting to 2-3 blinks? Ok
Adding recharge mechanic? Ok
Combine both of these+stun+c/d on blink+can get stunned at blink+maintain 97% movement speed?
She is no longer on top tier, in fact her kill rate is lower than most killers if not the lowest.
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Playing on consols. Not to mention It's disorienting and annoying Blinking around with the darkening vision, camera jerked toward the ground....I don't feel compelels to put in X hours/matches to learn her seriously
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As OP just said, base nurse is extremely powerful
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??? I hope you are being sarcastic, those reasons you quoted are more reasons why she is broken and gets stumped by any good survivor, on top of the ones I mentioned.
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I would but she makes me motion sick.
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Before, I just didn't like how bad she felt to play on console. Then they added the extra cooldown, which has denied me multiple times of a blink that I know would've downed people. That and She just isn't fun for anyone anymore.
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Cause killers need skill. And players are too lazy.
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After her rework she just became unfun to play because now you are forced to either save your blinks for map pressure or when finding a Survivor. On top of that, you have to deal with fatigue and an extra cooldown.
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I was pretty much a nurse only player, only switching to other killers for dailies. Sure nurse was fun, but i hit that wall of stale-ness that eventually comes from playing one character for too long. I barely touch her now as i rotated between other killers, its fun to go back and play as her but it's not something i'm itching to do very often, heck i even pass up on nurse dailies if im not feeling it. Dunno if any other player's felt like that at some point.
I did come back and played her a bunch when hawkins was added, that was a fun time, really helped to learn the map and get a good understanding of the distances and how survivors would act for future matches on there.
It's also the possibility of nurse's base kit changes for other player's and the stigma it caused.
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I cant wait to see the new ones so all those people that say she's still "OP" eat their words. She was nerfed too much and now needs a buff, that's a fact.
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These statistics are irrelevant to how strong she is lmao. Go learn how to read statistics and data. These numbers do not factor in skill ceiling at all. For this to be even close to relevant it would have to show average number of hours played by each player per killer, average kill rate of a player with over 500 hours on each individual killer, etc. Your comment didn't prove anything at all about what I said. I said nurse has a high skill ceiling and people aren't taking the time to learn her because they think she's weak. You literally just proved my point with your comment.
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Ok how about this one at red ranks aka what should be the best of the best:
She is STILL bottom 3(Huntress is slightly higher) with what should be the best players in the game handling her.
So to people who have learned her enough to play and stay at red ranks she STILL under performs compared to most killers.
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You are mistaking. The balancing standards are different for killer and survivors. Survivors are balanced around the average (which is why they changed Ruin), but killers are balanced around their highest skill (which is why they nerfed Nurse and Spirit). The stastics don't say anything.
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She's not fun to play as on console. I used to enjoy the challenge of it, but once they added the cooldown to her blinks, it no longer felt rewarding to bother with her. Games should be fun.
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Man no wonder devs nerf everything that's not necessary with guys like you. Nurse was and still is one of the best killer. She's doesn't need rework changes i'm good with that.
Rework means rework the whole power concept plus add-ons. Freddy is a rework as the power is totally new but freddy was bad he needed it. Nurse don't as she was the best killer in the game. The concept she have is unique and have a unique gameplay. reworking his concept will make nurse a loopable killer and another boring killer that get looped on haddonfield/coldwind farm/crotus prenn. Such fun to play like that right.
Nurse need a base kit revert and cooldown add-ons changed into something else. As omega blinks now have a charge time nerf as he should have been and 4/5 blinks is no more. Even three blinks can't go though walls if you got a LoS blocked. She's balanced people don't want to admit it because she can't be bullied and being looped.
Survivors want to make no efforts to win, the proof is simple. Ruin was nerfed great skill check was too hard and annoying, nurse is not different she can't be looped and so annoying boom nerf hammer.
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Are you saying that going from 6 blinks to 2 blinks+ a c/d on the blinks was appropriate? Although I agree with you that those stats dont account for how much time a given layer has used her, they still show that she has one of the lowest kill rates overall and at red rank.
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You didn't read a single thing I posted or you didn't comprehend it. Idk which. I already said nurse is still the best killer in the game. But her design is horrible and needs to be changed. She's boring to vs and boring to play as. Also, if you think the base blink change needs to be reverted you are delusional and not worth having further discussion with.
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You neither you didn't read. I said the cooldown from base kit should be reverted.
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Most people just don't find blink gameplay enjoyable I myself main
1) Pig
2) Legion
3) Demo
Well I can list of strong bits of their kit and bits that need to be improved yet I play them because I just genuinely like their gameplay however I'm not going to force myself to play gameplay I don't like just because it's more efficient
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That's exactly what I said. The base blink from her base kit absolutely does not need to be reverted and you are delusional for thinking so and not worth having a discussion with.
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I'd like to see some proof that "nurse is still the best killer in the game" because so far all the proof has been to the contrary. The only people that still say she's "OP" are either trolling or speaking with no proof. Again I am not saying its impossible to get a 4k; I've gotten them, but compared to any other killer she is at the bottom, and I do have over 500 hrs of playing her.
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Of course he doesn't because survivors would be in danger. Survivors are allowed to tbag killers and loop them. Once a killer can stop loops and go though walls. Survivors want a nerf because they can't have their boring gameplay they got since three years and can't juke instead of looping.
I guess survivors deserve their queues time increase. Yet survivors get nerfed a lot and are still the strongest side of the game and always will be. Nurse was always fun before but right now not fun.
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because survivors dont put effort in skill checks. Effort is bad.
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yea this comment isn't even worth touching LMAO
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I love how you still say these even though red rank statistics prove otherwise as we can assume any killer who can stay in red ranks to be the best of the best from what information we can have.
So according to the red rank info(the current Gold standard) from the best nurse killers she is still bottom 3.
Either the statistics are wrong or you are.
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Why would I put that much time into learning a killer that gets countered by just running in a straight line?
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I play her tol have fun depipping from rank 1 back to rank 6-7. Its not even her blinks, I land most of the blinks where I want to, its the swing after the blink, its the c/d on top of the fatigue, its the 97% movement speed, etc. She is literally my worst killer by far and I have over 500 hrs just on her and 3 months str8 rank 1 killer.
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Getting to red ranks is time based and not skill based. It's incredibly easy to get to red ranks if you play the game enough. Also, read my post talking about the statistics that I already talked about. It's super simple and I shouldn't have to explain it, but I did anyway since people are somehow confused. The stats for kills that the devs released don't take skill into account. For a hard to play killer that people don't invest time into, their average kills are going to be lower and bring the overall average down
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By this logic everything your saying can also be treated completely false as we don't know how the nurse or anyone else is at highest possible performance thus making any claims that she is #1 killer irrelevant as they cannot be proved.
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Those same statistics where used as an excuse to nerf her...which yes was needed but whoever says she is still the best killer is just delusional or trolling. You think she's at top? Give some proof because all facts and numbers point to the contrary.
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She needs to either: a)Get back 3-4 blinks and leave everything else as is. b) Have her base speed increased to 4.2-4.4 just like hag or huntress and leave the rest as is, c) remove the fatigue, or d) remove the c/d between blinks.
Any ONE of these changes would buff her back to the top tier while maintaining her very high skill cap and without putting her anywhere near as powerful as she was before.
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Basically, it's because most people tend to go for the option that provides maximum payoff for minimum effort. Even though Nurse, played to mastery, is still the strongest killer in the game, there are several others who are almost as strong that are much easier to master, and most people care more about winning the game than they do about mastering it. The only reason to learn Nurse is for the personal satisfaction of having mastered the strongest and most difficult killer in the game, and/or just because you find her gameplay so enjoyable that you don't mind the learning curve.
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As a former Nurse main, her nerf made her irritating to play, she's not even worth playing anymore. She's still the best and strongest killer's but she's very annoying to play
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She s NOT at the strongest anymore that is our point. You think she's at top? Give some proof because all facts and numbers point to the contrary.
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Numbers mean nothing he just mean that most players is playing her badly and get less than two kills. As strong nurse main don't play her anymore the stats stay low.
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You are just talking with no proof man. I play her, with over 500 hrs and I still seldom get 4 kills and I'm not alone. She is too weak compared to other killers, even when you finally "master" her. All proof shows she is at the bottom of the tiers now.
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I play both killer and survivor, rank 1 3 months in a row with both and as the majority of survivors have said, we love going against nurse because she is the weakest killer atm, and the numbers prove it.
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Its why I keep putting off Huntress. No one likes to get bullied even if you have the excuse "Im still learning." and at my rank if i were to switch over to a killer with a high skill cap that i dont know how to play i will get destroyed.
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The fact is that even when you "master" her, she is still at the bottom of the tiers.
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LOL seems legit.
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I'd love to learn the nurse actually, but first there will need a fix of the matchmaking system, cant learn much if,being currently rank 9 I keep on being paired with rank 1-3
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Tried. Conclusion?
I ain't got time for that.
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The truth is, there are no "facts and numbers" that prove conclusively either way. The only numbers we have are the official stats, and they don't prove anything except that Nurse has a low kill rate. If you want to speculate as to why she has a low kill rate, that's fine, but that's all it is - speculation.
If you disagree with me saying that Nurse is the strongest killer based on your personal experience, that's fine. I don't have personal experience to go off, so I go with the advice of knowledgeable people whose opinions I trust.
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Regarding the stats: don't forget that these were platform wide, and it is known that the nurse on console is way harder to play. There was another PC redranks only stats for pre and post rework which was something like 75% killrate before and still above 60% after.
For me, I also started to train nurse short before rework. I had the intention "depip somehow, so the latest killer adept is easier, regarding the double pip only needs 14 emblem points in yellow ranks. Perfect time to start learning nurse!". I prepared to a bunch of 0 kills incoming. If you expect totally nothing, and then start to perform better, it really feels good. And way less frustrating. I don't mean "give up initially" like the idea going around at the moment with ruin changes. Just know "you will eventually get better and just try to learn by every match. I even put Whispers on, which I never use, just to learn how to handle that perk parallel, instead of adding perks to "get at least some points". Or talking about points, I even added Beast of Prey (or Distressing) just to get some value.
Then, even before her rework was announced, I just started to get better, getting some black pips. But I was not depipped enough to get to yellow rank reset. So I started to waste some of the old rare addons to make her a super quick 1 blink nurse, because I got annoyed of the 180 trick to make you blink too far. In the second game I got another black pip with a 2k. As untrained 1 blink nurse. When this starts to roll, you will love the short unsweaty timeout you have taken
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Because even when you learn her she is still at the bottom of the tiers.
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More or less yea. There were never a lot of Nurse "mains." before. People just played her because she was overpowered and relatively easy to do well with. You could put less sub 100 hours into her and do really well on her. Now you actually have to spend time to do that and a lot of the people who played her a decent amount stopped because they never really enjoyed her. They just enjoyed wining easily. She can still do just as well and as consistently if people actually put in the time to do that. Not a lot of people put that time in tho, so her numbers are always going to be low. It's the same reason that harder to play characters in games like LoL have low win rates even if the character is really strong. Ryze for example was highly contested for a long time in pro games and consistently performed well in those games. In solo queue however, he had like a 44% win rate when they aim for around a 50% win rate. Ryze was really hard to play well and needed a competent team to play around. Nurse has similar issues. Insane in the right hands and pretty bad in the wrong ones.
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You say nurse is "Insane in the right hands and pretty bad in the wrong ones." but the fact is that even when you put in the time and master her she is still at the bottom tier right now.
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Nurse after the rework is a lot more stressful then playing another killer who wont even remotely punish you for as many mistakes nearly as harsh.
Shes still a capable killer, but her downsides make her incredibly unfun to play with or against anymore.