Wanting to help the game

So this will be the first time i will be posting something like this so i will attempt to make it quick but also give a valid argument and answer while i am at it. The games player base is at a sort of cut off right now: a mini civil war if you would with some liking current patches and different things while others not so much and are leaving due to this. But another thing that is very prevalent in the game is the obvious need for bug fixes and different balance issues that cause the the game to diminish in quality as well as become repetitive and also turn down the games "fun" meter on multiple radars. While i am aware this might be what the Mid-Chapter patch is meant for it doesn't seem to give the devs enough time nor enough money to really do what they are truly capable of. Which is, making amazing content that people who play this game would immediately pay for and use the second they get the chance. Something i would like to ask for would be a Chapter or even just a segment of time on its own where the devs only focus on Bugs,Balance issues, and even tweaking to character designs or note worthy issues that have been complained about throughout the life of this game. Through both sides, Killer and Survivor alike there can be "representatives" which are cycled through each month to give input on the current state of the game, and if not then having someone who plays Killer and Survivor at both high and low ranks to help a general discussion to a middle ground can be established between the two parties. But the idea is to have a "Chapter" where the devs don't have to focus on content but only use the resources they have to repair the game as we don't know if they may eventually stretch themselves to far and snap causing both the game and any hope of the future to fail. Second, Devs please understand that the community you have here are human, they think and feel different at times then what you may think, its the freedom of choice that you have given us to allow us the different characters and play styles that we have now and why this game is known as "asymmetrical" and is not a "locked in pick" type game, so please don't attempt to make it that way. This act takes away the freedom we enjoy and makes the game unfun in a lot of cases; but if not then please look at the over all feedback of both sides instead of one side, as this has caused problems in the past and currently is causing the problems i had mentioned earlier. I do enjoy this game and i don't expect much out of this post but i will gladly defend it if necessary so someone more important than me in the future can do a much better job of typing than i can.