What's the deal with Lery's ?

I know they reworked the map, it's not that I don't like it, but without map offerings it's almost impossible to enjoy playing Billy or it get too boringly repetitive to play survivor.
Did they systematically increased the odds of getting new/reworked maps because I don't remember being spammed as much than by this map.
Pretty sure everytime a new map comes out, the chances of getting that map are higher. Might be wrong though, but that's what I heard. And I'm sure they consider the reworked Lery's to be a new map.
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thats a fact that the maps get a higher chance to appear when they are new or reworked.
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Do you know if it's until next update (so basically for every half chapter?) or more like a few weeks before going back to "normal"?
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No I mean I know that, but I swapped out between killer and survivor multiples times ending up with a 8 times in a row streak on Lery's, it usually isn't as bad as it is.
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Yikes.. yeah, you got bad RNG there for sure. Guess you just got unlucky :/ I got the new Lery's more often than the old one but never as many times as you did.
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it is only for a few weeks
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Sounds good. I don't mind the map since it looks super nice but it'll be good not to play that map every two games anymore.