New ruin good on Legion?

Was fully under the impression that this new ruin would be absolute crap and only useful on killers like Billy who can zip across the map. After watching a monto video however...i decided to try emulating his build and found it to actually work pretty well. I dont know if its the fact that your saving time not having to kick a gen, or the simple fact of being able to know which gen needs your attention now, but I've actually been able to do pretty good with it on Legion. Still havent tried playing on Asylum with it so... wish me luck there. Whats you alls thoughts on this? Have you been surprised with new ruin on a character you didnt expect?
For those curious...this was the monto video I took inspiration from...
New Ruin on Pig far been better than Old Ruin. Been running it with Sloppy Butcher & Surveillance (small sample size ofc) but getting Traps on people's heads as fast as possible. With sneaking around it has led to quite a few peeps being off Gens or scared to get back on them in case their Heads pop or wasting time to heal thanks to Sloppy Butcher. So it has some decent effect...again, small sample size.
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Id imagine it would work well with Plague due to her puking on gens. If you have survivors that cleanse, they might not wanna hop right back on a gen while its infected and may let it regress some...
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Yeah I've been enjoying the new ruin a lot more on Legion then the old one
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Yes because he can keep survivors off gens.
This is what I tried to explain the other day but got shot down. I went against a Trapper with Infectious Fight. He was making full use of it and dishing out damage to as many survivors as possible. The longer you can keep survivors off gens the more mileage you get from Nu-Ruin.
Nu-Ruin is actually pretty damn powerful with the right builds. Dare I say more powerful than before. It doesn’t slow progress like old Ruin, it actually deletes gen progress. Its especially powerful against solos because if you leave a gen while you’re chased chances are that gen is going back to zero. Meanwhile swf can just ask a friend to finish it and they can prioritize gens.
Thats my one issue with new Ruin. It enhances the gap between solo and swf. Thankfully though I expect Ruin to fall out of the meta now because it doesn’t immediately provide a noticeable difference.
Post edited by ClickyClicky on3 -
Now I'm wondering if behavior reduced legion mend time during the winter update for this new ruin update.
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My build on Hag atm is Ruin, Surveillance, Nurse's and Sloppy Butcher. I just protect 3 gens ferociously and there's nothing they can do about it. Legion could run the same build easily.
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Plague? You're kidding, right? Few people cleanse against her. They'll power through a gen and move on, broken or not. I used it a few times yesterday on my Plague, and it was either ignored, or broken in 30 seconds. Plague doesn't have the mobility to make use of it.
Freddy, though, does. I haven't leveled mine enough to get a solid build, but combined with Surveillance, he can force people off gens pretty easily for Ruin to take hold.
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The only problem i see with thia is a lot of the time other survivors i face kind of sacrifice the survivors with the RBT in order to survive.
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in both games Ruin was very close to some generators, but Monto was lucky enough for survivors to not notice it (especially in the first game), plus the early game slow down relies on you finding survivors quickly, otherwise gens will pop anyway.
If you want to mess around with Ruin+Surveillance with Legion I would suggest to try to use the add-on Fuming Mix Tape and do the following (note that I haven't tried it, but I think it would work):
after the first 10-15 seconds of spawning, go into feral frenzy and see which generators are being worked on, then if they are very close by stop immediately FF and walk there normally (to preserve your power and look for scratch marks), otherwise just rush there to apply surveillance. The goal would be to highlight early on the generators where survivors are located and start from there. This way you could apply early game pressure, but relying on a iridescent add-on for that is a bit meh.
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I've yet to try new Ruin outside of PTB, but from what I tried on PTB, I didn't care much for it on Pig. I found that the ideal case of "Traps kept people off gens which enhanced Ruin's potential" didn't really match my personal experience of "people just bumrushed gens in spite of Ruin (in spite of Ruin AND Surveillance) and just took out the totem close to the end of the game."
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It really depends on the map. Even legion can't make it back and forth across the bigger maps fast enough to keep up gen pressure.
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From my games as Plague, people cleanse when they start gettin smacked down too fast. Nemesis+PWYF makes her pretty dangerous at ending chases even without her corrupt purge really fast.
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Pig main here. This only works if you can somehow get pressure rolling ahead of Ruin getting cleansed or generators getting repaired. Even then, her power is hamstrung by not having generators repaired, so...
It's counter-intuitive to her design now, since the pressure is still gated by her being ahead. Survivors can realistically ignore traps until they're activated; it's not like they apply any kind of repair or healing penalty anyway, with the latter being possible through one of her worst addons.
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Does it matter? It's a hex perk
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I played legion 1 time using it. It did ok. 🤷♂️