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Did anything meaningful come out of the Q&A?

illusion Member Posts: 885

I watched the first part, but when they got to the Ruin questions, I had to stop watching after the first few. They were softball questions that were asking about things that had already been answered in the update notes. I dreaded sitting through another hour+ of cherry picked questions that didn't really answer anything new.

I saw the Tome stuff and the matchmaking stuff in the beginning. Did they get into any good Ruin questions, or any other balance related stuff later in the Q&A?

Best Answer


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    There was a lot there, a couple of things that I personally found very interesting. I'm working on my usual livestream summary post right now, so if you're interested in finding out what was said without watching the stream, that should be along in a few hours!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020


    I can give a "small summary" of what was note worthy I suppose. I can try my best to give the exact answers they gave, but I won't obviously get a word for word because I need to cut down on a lot of what they said to save space, i'll only focus on the ruin questions as well, just to cut down on time. A lot of other questions are said after for The Doctor, Tome ll, etc and I can't really write it all up at this time since it's late for me personally.

    (Side note: I might also shorten some things that were said to make the answer more compact, but it should still be what they were trying to convey... just modified to save space. I'm not editing their answers to change what they say, this is my attempt for a word to word but just shortened. If I do mess up on some answers that you later go back to check than I apologize, i'm just human after all not a robot.)

    Questions about ruin and generator progression as a whole

    Some questions below will focus on Ruin, base generator times, toolboxes, and anything related to these as well.

    • [Question] (What was the thought process behind the Ruin change?) [Answer] (It was mostly to help with the new players that were coming into the game, observing the veteran players showed that it didn't really have an affect on them that much since they would go right through it. There were many possibilities for the change and we tried many things that ended up being too OP, so we found a middle ground through the suggestions we had and we're fairly confident in where it should be at the moment.)
    • [Question] (Will other slow down perks see a change as well?) [Answer] (Having a lot of slow down perks could make the game end up feeling a bit stale, for example, if you had someone run Ruin, Pop Goes the Weasel, and Thanatophobia... than you'd have a hard time getting any progress done as a result.)
    • [Question] (Have you considered making Ruin a non-hex perk?) [Answer] (We considered it... and it didn't seem right, if it stayed a hex perk than we could keep its "power level" up, if we made it not a hex perk than we would have to change the percentages to reflect this change.)
    • [Question] (Have you thought about keeping the "no great skill check progress" part of Ruin?) [Answer] (That's a good suggest, so if we find out that the current Ruin isn't living up to the amount of power that we think it should have than that's something we're considering to add in the future.)
    • [Question] (Are you looking into changing the base generator repair time?) [Answer] (We're looking at some possible changes to toolboxes and the repair bonuses you get out of those, but we have nothing set in stone on those yet. As for the base generator time it's probably not going to increase because asking Survivors to sit for say... 120 seconds if their unmodified is a bit much.)
    • [Question] (Will toolboxes be changed in the near future?) [Answer] (Yes we're looking at some fundamental changes to how toolboxes work and their values, we don't have anything set in stone as of right now though, it's something we're currently working on right now and we can't really talk about details at this time.)
    • [Question] (Are there any plans to adjust Survivor generator perks accordingly) [Answer] (These are... not really used that much a whole lot despite being used on free characters. So, we don't really consider them to be a problem, so at the moment those will probably be staying the way they're.)
    • [Question] (Are there plans for a secondary objective?) [Answer] (In the short term it's unlikely that you'll see a brand new secondary objective pop up, which probably is more likely is more focus on existing side objectives like the totem system for example. Since at the moment the totem system is in the spotlight due to the Ruin change.)
    • [Question] (Are you looking to improve some of the weaker perks?) [Answer] (We do plan on looking into some low usage perks and we do actually have a list to give you. So here are some perks that we plan to hit soon due to their low usage, Small Game, Cruel Limits, Any Means necessary, Slippery Meat, Vigil, This is Not Happening, and Technician.)
    • [Question] (Will commonly used Survivor perks receive the same treatment?) [Answer] (Some of these Survivor perks while they're quite common were not used nearly as much as Ruin or Self-Care. Decisive Strike already got a serious cut back, so we're not that worried about it's power at the moment. If you consider Borrowed Time and Adrenaline they don't nearly stick out as much in terms of usage as Ruin did, If you consider Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, and Adrenaline, Lithe is actually used more than all three of those, so we're not too worried about these perks at the moment.)
    • [Question] (Will there be other generator slow down perks in the future?) [Answer] (It's not impossible that we'll make more of these, however we would have to be very careful about how they interact with others, we don't want sets of four perks that're slow down to be meta anymore, for example, new ruin does not have good synergy with PGTW as it locks out the damage generator action. Only one provides value at a time. Going forward we might find other interesting ways for generator slow down perks, but we don't want these easy perks that synergize for strong slow down builds.)

    and end note for this summary

    Again, I only wanted to focus on the Ruin changes since they're the most important ones from these stream (I guess), I had to go back into the stream and gather a lot of them word for word for you and after that there was a lot more to cover on The Doctor, Tome ll, and other such things that were Misc.

    @Fibijean does actually compile a list of everything that is said in recent streams... so you don't have too! So, if you want to know more than feel free to go back into the stream and check for yourself, but if you want to wait for Fibijeans write up than expect it to show up in the General Discussions sub-forum as always.

    Hope this helps, despite it not covering E V E R Y T H I N G and other note worthy questions that I missed, I couldn't write up everything in such a short time, mainly because I don't really want to go back and write everything word for word... sorry.

    Maybe another time, since it's late where I am.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 885

    LOL There's absolutely no reason for you to go back and write everything down word for word. That was already a lot. Thank you. Much appreciated. :D