Now I have an idea to nerf adrenaline...

Before I peak I am a full on survivor main but as killer gets nerfed more and more I think it's time something survivor gets nerfed.
Adrenaline will still maintain it's speed boost after gens, but when 5 gens are powered, you'll get endurance for 120 seconds. I mean, who likes to mend, right? (The timer will continue to go while dying or hooked.)
Wait what does this mean?
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you act as if nothing on the survivor ever gets nerfed, that's simply untrue. adrenaline doesn't need to be nerfed and this is a terrible idea for a change as well
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My idea for Adrenaline is that it only gives a health state while you're slugged. This makes it still situational without just being a free health state.
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Do people forget that Adrenaline activates after Survivors have done their job?
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It allows survivors to not get 4ked when the killer fails to protect the gens, must be too OP ammiright?
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Terrible idea. Everyone acts as if our stuff never gets nerfed. DS is practically useless at this point and people still want it to be nerfed. Adrenaline does not need a nerf.
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Well it's annoying to go against when using the now popular end game builds and you know what the devs do to mechanics they find annoying.
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You're jumping the gun. They have to nerf killer end game builds first because devs are exclusively survivor sided /s
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Thanks for the positive feedback everyone. Kissy face emoji
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Yeah this is pretty good to me, a decent adrenaline buff and a solid counter to noed
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Except you will run, still tank a hit and not be exhausted. This is a full buff
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Would you mind explaining to me why you consider DS to be useless?
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Recently, survivor things that are meta haven't been nerfed, or even none at all, that I can think of.
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Is this even a nerf? The only way you could logically nerf adrenaline is to remove the insta heal from downed. It's goofy to instantly pop up and punishes killers for trying to pressure gens with slugging. It's like saying if 4 people survived to the last gen you might as well just surrender the game because it's pretty unlikely that you'll be able to pressure enough people off that one of those gens won't pop in 1 min, and if you slug, well, Adrenaline is probably the most meta perk besides Lithe or SB.
Also, how come so many survivor nerfs aren't really nerfs but things to be circumvented? Like the insta heals.... So many situations where it is instantly better. Say you slugged someone and are engaged with a toolbox wielding Jake, then with nurse's calling see someone going to heal the guy in the ground, so you go to pursue them.
With old insta heal, that guy would be off the ground and you could pick and choose who to pursue, of you want to make that insta heal basically a waste, you go for the injured party. Now you can see that guy healing, go chase him, and be completely unaware of the fact the guy on the ground has a timer on to rise. Now of course you can pick the guy up and just hook him, but the point of slugging is to make an inconvenient healing situation that wastes to survivors time.
Once you place them on the hook, you further your objective at the cost of risking that guy running off hook with a health state he can recover from, because camping is bad and discouraged so it's not like you can defend them to well, but somehow circling around a slug is different 🤔
Anyway, that's only one instance. Another situation (which I don't know if this is for the syringe or the purple insta add-on, but either way) is where a David with a health kit basically gets a free extra health state in a chase, which is ridiculous. They will have you chase them, get hit, get chased, use dead hard, use insta, get hit and now they have a mend health state.... Now you have to at some point pursue them, to say otherwise is to say you basically cannot chase that survivor all game until he's the last... But then it comes back to the slug situation where you have to know there is an insta heal in play, you have to know it was used on the slug, and now your only way of overcoming this scenario is to either put the slug the hook like survivors want, or chase that David until you exhausted his instacrutch.
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I would just like it if they balanced it out a little bit. Change it so when the last gen pops the adrenaline coresponds to what is happening to the survivor:
Outside of Terror radius? It'll wake them up and allow a downed survivor to recover once from the downed state to the injured state.
Inside of Terror radius? Wake them up and immediately heal them from the downed state.
In a chase? Wake up, grant endurance for 15 seconds and sprint boost of 5 seconds.
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Just bring noed to counter it.
Adren? No ed wins.
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Adrenaline really promotes genrushing, if I see gens pop while the survivors are still injured I get worried.
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That's probably because they have already received changes and were done over time well before the killer ones.
Since the usage isn't as high or the impact they give now is acceptable for them (bar probably DS and why they are keeping an eye on it) They are now working on making other perks more attractive to help change up the meta instead. It's kind of common sense tbh as you either nerf or make things more attractive.
Things constantly go round in circles when it comes to balance as any changes can and will shift it. It's only by making these can they then get the data needed to decide what needs to be done if it shifts it too much in one direction.
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Your balance suggestions would only make it even more overpowered than it already is.
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Excuse me? That would actually balance it out, more than it is right now. It tones down what is currently in the game and in no way is it more overpowered than what the current Adrenalin is...
You get a mere wake up and a recover when outside of the terror radius - Current live version would grant you all benefits: wake up, heal to healthy and sprint.
I have no clue how you can possibly imagine this to be overpowered. It's already drastically toned down.
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Im regretting making this thread...