Survivors too many lives?

from reading the forums a lot of people thinks the game is unbalanced, going in favor off either side depending on view but most agree on it being in favor of swf, and some of the killers being to weak.

might be easier to balance the game around 2 kills 2 escapes if the stats are easier to read for the devs,
so instead of giving survivors 2 times their can be unhooked, change it to second hook is death.

the second hook on death should only take effect if 15 seconds have already passed since the first hook, to not encourage patrolling to much, and give killers incentive to go for someone else.
off course some people will just wait it out, after downing the unhooked survivor and then hook, but camping can never be completely balanced unless people died on first hook.

will make it less stressful for killers instead of survivors having up to 12+ lives,
shouldn't really effect the low ranks to much either, their either bum rush the hook unhooking within the killers sight, or saves would hardly happen.

the timer could always be adjusted and it shouldn't interfere with survivors reaching stage 2 on first hook.


  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited August 2018

    They posted stats from a long time ago, and the only 2 killers to fall under a 50% sacrifice were Wraith and Freddy, and that was before a lot of changes that can be construed as buffs for the killer(s). The stats excluded disconnects, Mori kills, and NOED.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    What master said.. it should be killer needs 3 kills to win... and survivors stay the same
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    As for having to many lives no.. they have to many chances... a chance is being taken away with the DS nerf and it's actually going to take teamwork and skill to get the person off the shoulder which is nice but there is still insta heal, unbreakable (which I'm unsure if it's a problem but it's still a chance added) which combined could give 4 chances in a single match to 1 person 
  • krick
    krick Member Posts: 13

    @Eninya said:
    They posted stats from a long time ago, and the only 2 killers to fall under a 50% sacrifice were Wraith and Freddy, and that was before a lot of changes that can be construed as buffs for the killer(s). The stats excluded disconnects, Mori kills, and NOED.

    your talking about this link, over 4 months ago?
    where trapper was at 55% sacrifices before he got buffed and more survivor nerfs arrived.

    theres also the depip squad stats from over 7 months ago
    going against killers as a 4 man swf without perks, to show how much the game favors them.
    since the depip squads experiment I have no idea how many nerfs survivors got hit with either, but would be interesting to see how well swf would do in the current patch.

    I think the stats are helpful but not something that should be looked at 50% ratio and think its balanced, just something there to see if the game gets completely one sided

    plenty, or in my experience more games ends with a survivor getting hooked once, then ending up dying to hook patrol, but once in a while you run into a killer that doesn't hook patrol or go for the survivor rescuer, instead of the hooked survivor.
    their might end up with getting 7-9 hooks in the game but end up with zero or 1 kill after the game.

    now I'm not trying to say killers should give the hooked hooked survivor a chance, its obviously better to deny them, and up to the game to balance around all this hook patrol

    this would make the game harder for survivors, but next update seems really good for survivors with short immunity after getting unhooked?? exhaustion disappearing on hook, kindred for all survivors so its easier to figure out who should go for unhooks, and more reactive pallets.

  • krick
    krick Member Posts: 13

    @Master said:
    I dont believe that a game like thsi shoudl be balanced aruond a 2 kill 2 escape rate anyway.
    Such a rate can always be achieved by hard camping the first guy and NOED, but I really dont think thats the way to go.

    Killers are supposed to feel powerful and scare the survivors

    I feel 3 kills and 1 escape is definitely to low a survival rate, would just promote to much hatch camping or survivors bum rushing hooks because their pretty guarantee to die, who really knows what % sacrifice the devs are trying to balance the game around now, the 2 kills 2 escapes balance was mentioned ages ago.

    I wouldn't really mind killers going up to around 60% sacrifice rates, if more things was implemented to counter camping.
    and about scaring people I doubt the kills matter, and its more the zero terror radius killers popping up right next to survivors that gives a shock

  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    Survivors should NOT be entiteled to escape! they are just taking escaping for granted cuz of the current state of the game, and it should NOT be like this! Killer should be feared and survivors dying on the 2nd hook would be BALANCED! since they have 1975957 second chances! Of course baby salty survivor mains would cry if this would happen, but it would be a good balance! maybe give BT as a default perk with survivors and 2nd hook is death! It would make survivors think about saves, about their gameplay etc...

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Eninya said:
    They posted stats from a long time ago, and the only 2 killers to fall under a 50% sacrifice were Wraith and Freddy, and that was before a lot of changes that can be construed as buffs for the killer(s). The stats excluded disconnects, Mori kills, and NOED.

    As far as I remember the stats INCLUDED DCs as kills.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Survivors should NOT be entiteled to escape! they are just taking escaping for granted cuz of the current state of the game, and it should NOT be like this! Killer should be feared and survivors dying on the 2nd hook would be BALANCED! since they have 1975957 second chances! Of course baby salty survivor mains would cry if this would happen, but it would be a good balance! maybe give BT as a default perk with survivors and 2nd hook is death! It would make survivors think about saves, about their gameplay etc...

    By the same token killers should not be entitled to sacrifices.
    I do like the BT being default WITH 2 hook kill though. Good idea! 
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    krick said:

    from reading the forums a lot of people thinks the game is unbalanced, going in favor off either side depending on view but most agree on it being in favor of swf, and some of the killers being to weak.

    might be easier to balance the game around 2 kills 2 escapes if the stats are easier to read for the devs,
    so instead of giving survivors 2 times their can be unhooked, change it to second hook is death.

    the second hook on death should only take effect if 15 seconds have already passed since the first hook, to not encourage patrolling to much, and give killers incentive to go for someone else.
    off course some people will just wait it out, after downing the unhooked survivor and then hook, but camping can never be completely balanced unless people died on first hook.

    will make it less stressful for killers instead of survivors having up to 12+ lives,
    shouldn't really effect the low ranks to much either, their either bum rush the hook unhooking within the killers sight, or saves would hardly happen.

    the timer could always be adjusted and it shouldn't interfere with survivors reaching stage 2 on first hook.

    Step 1 Prestige killer to P3.
    Step 2 Acquire Mass Ebony Memento Moris
    Step 3 Profit
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Survivors should NOT be entiteled to escape! they are just taking escaping for granted cuz of the current state of the game, and it should NOT be like this! Killer should be feared and survivors dying on the 2nd hook would be BALANCED! since they have 1975957 second chances! Of course baby salty survivor mains would cry if this would happen, but it would be a good balance! maybe give BT as a default perk with survivors and 2nd hook is death! It would make survivors think about saves, about their gameplay etc...

    By the same token killers should not be entitled to sacrifices.
    I do like the BT being default WITH 2 hook kill though. Good idea! 
    Its the killers job to kill.. if killer is not killing killer is not working as intended.. its the one job they have..survivors are not meant to live every match therefore if survivors know their going to die they mine as well waste as much time as possible giving the team the best chance they have 
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Most survivor have a super mario mindset.
    Every hook just removes one live <3
    And they feel entitled to play through all 3 lives, no matter what.
    That's why they complain about camping or tunneling.
    Because after they lost one <3 they want everything reseted to full health.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    Yes this is bad as fk survs got soo many second chance and life this is just omg rly.And after match insults about camper tunneler noob baby killer ######### etc...Becose if killer want secure kill must tunel or camp victim no other way mayby onlt if you got uber altruistic team wher no one make gens and every one want farm each other from hook.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yes, Survivors have too many safety nets. Take away all their safety nets, and I guarantee you'll see a spike in survivability, followed by much-needed Killer buffs.

  • krick
    krick Member Posts: 13

    @Peasant said:

    Step 1 Prestige killer to P3.
    Step 2 Acquire Mass Ebony Memento Moris
    Step 3 Profit

    I didn't take moris into consideration when making this topic, maybe make the red one far more rare and change it back to old moris, keep the yellow and green the same, 1 for when you get a daliy and the other for running dying light, since it would still be a bit faster then the second hook.

    my intention for this topic is to lesson some of this toxic game play

    giving survivors only 2 lives promotes less hook patrol from killers,
    their isn't much reason to wait for a survivor to reach stage 2 on hooks, if the killer returns to the hooked area after not finding someone their saw further away
    it also promotes less hook rushing from survivors side, their don't have to worry about the second hook stage taking effect, since the normal will either be 1 or 2 lives
    overall killers would get less out of camping, keeping the hook timers at 120 seconds

    a pretty frustrating thing for survivors is being hooked and then camped to death, while being hook farmed, instead of happening twice it turn into more of a once per game thing so you can start looking for a new game

    I disagree with giveing every survivor BT I feel its very different for kindred if 70% of the matches contains swf, then solo should receive some help.
    Kindred for all survivors, would also be a huge boost for survivors so I feel the 2 lives max would be fine.

    for instance it will tell survivors in witch direction the killers appear to be moving away from the hook.
    tell whoever is closet to hooked survivors so their get an idea of who should go for the unhooks.
    and probably the best if whoever is closet starts running around, it gives the others an idea of the survivor being in a chase so their can pick a different route to the hooked survivor, instead of stealing aggro from the killer and bringing them back to the hooked survivor.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @krick said:

    @Master said:
    I dont believe that a game like thsi shoudl be balanced aruond a 2 kill 2 escape rate anyway.
    Such a rate can always be achieved by hard camping the first guy and NOED, but I really dont think thats the way to go.

    Killers are supposed to feel powerful and scare the survivors

    I feel 3 kills and 1 escape is definitely to low a survival rate, would just promote to much hatch camping or survivors bum rushing hooks because their pretty guarantee to die, who really knows what % sacrifice the devs are trying to balance the game around now, the 2 kills 2 escapes balance was mentioned ages ago.

    I wouldn't really mind killers going up to around 60% sacrifice rates, if more things was implemented to counter camping.
    and about scaring people I doubt the kills matter, and its more the zero terror radius killers popping up right next to survivors that gives a shock

    The hatch mechanic needs a revamp anyway> @slingshotsurvivor said:

    MaxiferPriest said:

    Survivors should NOT be entiteled to escape! they are just taking escaping for granted cuz of the current state of the game, and it should NOT be like this! Killer should be feared and survivors dying on the 2nd hook would be BALANCED! since they have 1975957 second chances! Of course baby salty survivor mains would cry if this would happen, but it would be a good balance! maybe give BT as a default perk with survivors and 2nd hook is death! It would make survivors think about saves, about their gameplay etc...

    By the same token killers should not be entitled to sacrifices.
    I do like the BT being default WITH 2 hook kill though. Good idea! 

    In a horror game like this it should be a rarity that you escape the powerful killer. At least that was what I expected, I was pleased in the first phase of the game in low rank, but sadly the game turns around quite quickly once you understand how much power survivors have.

    I like that idea too

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Peasant said:
    krick said:

    from reading the forums a lot of people thinks the game is unbalanced, going in favor off either side depending on view but most agree on it being in favor of swf, and some of the killers being to weak.

    might be easier to balance the game around 2 kills 2 escapes if the stats are easier to read for the devs,

    so instead of giving survivors 2 times their can be unhooked, change it to second hook is death.

    the second hook on death should only take effect if 15 seconds have already passed since the first hook, to not encourage patrolling to much, and give killers incentive to go for someone else.

    off course some people will just wait it out, after downing the unhooked survivor and then hook, but camping can never be completely balanced unless people died on first hook.

    will make it less stressful for killers instead of survivors having up to 12+ lives,

    shouldn't really effect the low ranks to much either, their either bum rush the hook unhooking within the killers sight, or saves would hardly happen.

    the timer could always be adjusted and it shouldn't interfere with survivors reaching stage 2 on first hook.

    Step 1 Prestige killer to P3.
    Step 2 Acquire Mass Ebony Memento Moris
    Step 3 Profit

    Moris are way too rare. You cant rely on them for your gameplan