Revealing Ghostface


This is a super unfun mechanic for survivors. It is too finicky, unreliable, inconsistent, and gives the killer free hits for just walking up to survivors even when they’re not even remotely attempting to be stealthy.

Because of this mechanic, a stealth killer’s biggest counter, spine chill, is still relatively ineffective against GF. You know he’s coming, you move away to a safe window/pallet tile (possibly your only option other than running into a dead zone and/or leaving scratches) and even if you see him coming towards the tile from a mile away, he’ll very likely “outplay” you no matter what, because the mechanic is so unreliable he’s got a good chance of looping you without his red stain even if you keep your camera centered on him throughout.

I know people playing GF complain about it too, because they seem to get revealed out of nowhere, but I don’t feel like a “nobody’s happy so everybody wins” really works in this scenario. Other aspects of game balance, sure, maybe, but when I play against him I feel like I’m getting outplayed by the mechanic rather than my opponent more than 50% of the time.


  • sailormars
    sailormars Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2020

    i agree so much. I have a video of me staring at him straight on and for a bit, nothing happens. Then it starts to reveal him, he moves slightly to the left (no, not behind cover, literally just slightly to the left) and the reveal resets. And I go down, of course.

  • Bzdmny
    Bzdmny Member Posts: 8

    I’d say there’s a difference between being outplayed by a successful moonwalk and being outplayed by a broken mechanic on a killer who’s just holding W, but thanks anyway

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    I rather not to reveal GF so he wont detect me. I try hard not to look at him.

    As GF, i love to be revealed and so I find survivors.

    Its a win-win for GF. If not revealed, he can mark. When revealed, he finds the survivor that did it.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Yeah I make sure to look away not to reveal him if he's not coming towards me, or if he's in a chase with someone else.. had too many bad experiences revealing him mid-chase and he turned around and went for me instead.

  • YourFather
    YourFather Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2020

    To be annoying for ghost face i suggest DS,DH,Object of Obsession and Sole Survivor.

    Post edited by YourFather on
  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Pretty much everyone who has played against him has said this but if you look at all the fuss when GF first came out (I do admit he was a bit weak) the devs caves in to the most hardcore killer mains just because they make the most noise.

    Ghostface sucks the fun and joy out of this game like nothing else.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    What really sucks the joy out of this game are people like you, who are unable to improve only a little bit. All their energy is spent on crytime in the forums and nothing else.

    A little weak, not a single content creator liked how GF was introduced into the PTB. Scott etc it doesn't matter, find me a single good nonbiased cc who liked how gf was when he arrived on ptb.

    He wasn't a bit weak he had no power because you could reveal him by simply spinning your camera everywhere.

    Go ask for nerfs, make every killer a 115% killer with no power and tell yourself you are good because you than finally manage to escape, probably bloodlust has to be removed as well and to be fair they all just need 110.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    No what sucks the joy out are people like yourself who do nothing but complain, attack, and try to belittle anyone who would like to see certain things changed to make the game more enjoyable.

    This feedback section is free to post in. Why not create your own topic if you want killer buffs? Rather than try to put down everyone else whos opinion you disagree with?

    Theres such an emotional reaction any time the slightest hint of a killer change is brought up unless it involves buffing them.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Yes because there is nothing left but belittle and laugh about people who still cry for killer nerfs when playing survivor is as challenging as taking a #########.