Never used Hex: Ruin

lazytension Member Posts: 56
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just a quick PSA: A GOOD killer should never have to rely on Hex: Ruin to get a 4K (or at least enough points to pip).. I've mained the Spirit for over a year now and am slowly transitioning to Oni. I'm glad to say I don't even have Ruin unlocked.

I currently run: Haunted Ground, BBQ&Chili, NOED, and Bitter Murmur. On most days, I can easily kill all four survivors, but occasionally one or two may escape. No big deal, just get better.

EDIT: The main reason for this post is because a lot of you are acting as if the game is ruined now that Ruin got reworked. It's not.
