Make the Halloween DLC Great again!


Laurie Strode and the 1978 horror movie Halloween, is part of the reason why I wanted to play DBD. But sadly the Halloween DLC wasn't as good as the movie. (one of) The most rage inducing thing in DBD, is the perk D-strike, but honestly thats really the only good enough reason to buy the dlc. The devs plan on nerfing it, but its a big money making perk so they are trying to do it right.

I have a proposition to make most of the DLC worth the money. Lets Adjust the perks! because thats a big part of the DLC.

Sole Survivor: Devs you are close, but you your missing the mark. The perk should be like this:
keeping to your self has created a veil of isolation.
For every survivor that is out of range of you by 50 meters, you get a token that hides your aura from the killer's aura reading abilities by 16/18/20 meters. If not the obsession then survivors must be 65 meters away from you.

The problem with Sole Survivor is that its situational, its great for finding the hatch if you have "Object Of Obsession".
But it should be more useful then what is and was, give us something to counter act "BBQ and Chili" and "Nurses Calling". Not enitrely but something. This would also give a more "its okay to help" because its pointless without Object of obsession and there is no point to use it even now.
I know how these perks work, I mained Laurie for a long time. and still kinda.

D-strike: The problem is (Not that it exsists Shut up killer mains for a sec) that too many people can use it for a free escape, thus making it to where the killer might not even get to hook the survivor. Once again Dev's are close, but I have a more interesting and kinda fair (for those who want to have a free escape) solution.

Once per match, if you are the killer's obsession. If the killer is carrying a survivor, you can run over to save them (But will apply exhaustion for 40 seconds, even if you are already exhausted ), or if you land the skill check after being picked up by the killer, you will be instantly set free and stunning them for 3/ 3 and a half/ 4 seconds.
(NOTE: You can only use one or the other, once per match and you must be the obsession.)
When not the Killer's Obsession, when the wiggle meter is at 45/40/35 % succeed a Skill Check to stop the killer in his tracks for 3/ 3 and a half/ 4 seconds, so you can continue to try and escape or give your friends a chance to save you.

This perk is the only reason Laurie is unique, and I think that she being the obession has the choice to save her self or save someone else. (Plus killers wouldn't need to worry to much about to many people running it, because knowing others might be running it later on in ranks would call for a change in style, don't want to rely on that one perk)

(Also to survivors who don't need D-strike to rank up has big bragging rights)

What would survivor perks be without killer perks

Dying light. Dying light's problem is the same thing with sole survivor. You need to focus on killing one survivor to get this perk to work, resorting tunnling and camping (Unless you use a mori) and its stupid the way it is now.
But heres a solutions I have come up with.

Every time your obsession is unhooked survivors will begin to loose hope, and every other Survivor gets a penalty of 19/22/25 % to repair, healing and sabotage speed for 200 seconds. But your obsession will have 10% increased speed for healing, repair, and sabotage. Dying light has a cool down for 90 seconds.

Play with your food, it doesn't sound good, and I hardly understand it.
So why not?

After injuring your obsession, every missed attack while chasing them will grant you a token of increased speed by 5/6/7%.
You will loose a token after downing and hooking your obsession.
(Make it a more controled blood lust, where you chase your obsession, then leave them and use that speed to chase other survivors? This also could help prevent looping when paired with bamboozeld)

(Now this is just wishful stuff, not really gameplay releated)
Could you fix up Laurie's design? her face, her hair was longer and a little more flowwey (and not so emo looking)
Also you could make cosmetics of Laurie's other designs from the other Halloween movies, and sell them sepratly in the shop. like the H20 version, Laurie's blue sweater she wore in the first movie, and what if you made the white dress outfit she wore when she visited Micheal in the asylum.

Micheal...Uh you could give him differen't colored masks? oh and you could make one mask look all cracked and old looking. and one white mask where he has bloody tears. Also you could give him a scaple for a weapon too, thats what he used in the second movie.....Sorry there isn't really much for the poor guy, but he's my favorite horror movie killer.

I know this is a stretch but please consider this.


    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Hillbilly420 said:


  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:


    He's a millennial. He probably thinks his time is too good for some nice thinking. Don't worry about it.

    TLDR is a millennial term that means "Too Long, Didn't Read". It's a made up thing.

    The Halloween DLC is also why I bought this game, not the complete reason, but it was a driving force. Dying Light should get buffed to 20/25/30%, currently tier III is 25%.

    Yeah you gotta tunnell the obsession to get it to work, but the obsession gets faster heals and unhooks too. I think that perk is fine. It could use a small buff like I said.

    Save the Best for Last is finally viable, and balanced.

    Play with Your Food... it is also fine the way it is. It's just difficult to use and goes against Dying Light.

    Myers got a slight buff last patch as well. He now moves faster slightly in Tier I EW and walks to hooks slightly faster I think?

    I think a couple of his add ons could use a tweak, but overall the Halloween Chapter is fine. Laurie's SOle Survivor needs reworked, DS needs to be reworked obviously and OoO is fine the way it is.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:


    He's a millennial. He probably thinks his time is too good for some nice thinking. Don't worry about it.

    TLDR is a millennial term that means "Too Long, Didn't Read". It's a made up thing.

    The Halloween DLC is also why I bought this game, not the complete reason, but it was a driving force. Dying Light should get buffed to 20/25/30%, currently tier III is 25%.

    Yeah you gotta tunnell the obsession to get it to work, but the obsession gets faster heals and unhooks too. I think that perk is fine. It could use a small buff like I said.

    Save the Best for Last is finally viable, and balanced.

    Play with Your Food... it is also fine the way it is. It's just difficult to use and goes against Dying Light.

    Myers got a slight buff last patch as well. He now moves faster slightly in Tier I EW and walks to hooks slightly faster I think?

    I think a couple of his add ons could use a tweak, but overall the Halloween Chapter is fine. Laurie's SOle Survivor needs reworked, DS needs to be reworked obviously and OoO is fine the way it is.

    Dying light is fine? Okay I was making it use able so the killer doesn't need to tunnle or camp. just one hook them leave them, and when they get saved you get extra time to hunt survivors. Plus, its dumb that micheal's 2 perks rely on keeping your obession alive when Dying light needs you to kill them. and what if the percentage was buffed like you said,and my had buff idea?
    The idea of sole survivor and dying light requiring players to be eliminated is stupid, and my suggestion would allow the killer to go after multiple targets instead of needing to tunnle and camp, and Sole survivor would have use out side of OoO. (It could be a perk that has us outside of its original purpose like Botany knowledge. Yeah I know you wouldn't want to use that without self care, but you could)

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Your idea for Sole Survivor is interesting, I like it. About DS I don't know, I think with the upcoming change it could still be useful if someone has a flashlight.
    Dylight Light imo should be more progressive instead of a all-or-nothing. My idea is that everytime you hook your obsession you gain a token which reduces survivors' repair speed (up to 3 tokens). The obsession death or dc always gives some tokens (don't know how many though). This way the perk doesn't necessarily promotes camping, but rewards even non camping killers.
    I like your idea for PWYF but imo you should loose a token when you down any survivor.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @White_Owl said:
    Your idea for Sole Survivor is interesting, I like it. About DS I don't know, I think with the upcoming change it could still be useful if someone has a flashlight.
    Dylight Light imo should be more progressive instead of a all-or-nothing. My idea is that everytime you hook your obsession you gain a token which reduces survivors' repair speed (up to 3 tokens). The obsession death or dc always gives some tokens (don't know how many though). This way the perk doesn't necessarily promotes camping, but rewards even non camping killers.
    I like your idea for PWYF but imo you should loose a token when you down any survivor.

    Sorry I'm not familiar with certain stuff with just letters whats PWYF?

    Also thanks, Your idea for dying light sounds good, but that would still kinda require the killer to tunnle and camp. Like if the death of the obsession still grants tokens, then why would they let them get saved? Its not a bad idea, but I'm aiming for a anti tunnle/camping playstyle. but who knows?

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited August 2018

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @White_Owl said:
    Your idea for Sole Survivor is interesting, I like it. About DS I don't know, I think with the upcoming change it could still be useful if someone has a flashlight.
    Dylight Light imo should be more progressive instead of a all-or-nothing. My idea is that everytime you hook your obsession you gain a token which reduces survivors' repair speed (up to 3 tokens). The obsession death or dc always gives some tokens (don't know how many though). This way the perk doesn't necessarily promotes camping, but rewards even non camping killers.
    I like your idea for PWYF but imo you should loose a token when you down any survivor.

    Sorry I'm not familiar with certain stuff with just letters whats PWYF?

    Also thanks, Your idea for dying light sounds good, but that would still kinda require the killer to tunnle and camp. Like if the death of the obsession still grants tokens, then why would they let them get saved? Its not a bad idea, but I'm aiming for a anti tunnle/camping playstyle. but who knows?

    PWYF is short for Play With Your Food.
    As for Dying Light, I suggest that because I'd like it to reward non-camping killers, but at the same time it should synergise with moris and Myers' addons (like the Tombstone Piece) since it's one of his teachables. Being the killers' priority is the main concept behind the obsession mechanic, so tunneling is inevitable. If anything, they could introduce new survivors' obsession perks to help them in that regard.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @White_Owl said:

    PWYF is short for Play With Your Food.
    As for Dying Light, I suggest that because I'd like it to reward non-camping killers, but at the same time it should synergise with moris and Myers' addons (like the Tombstone Piece) since it's one of his teachables. Being the killers' priority is the main concept behind the obsession mechanic, so tunneling is inevitable. If anything, they could introduce new survivors' obsession perks to help them in that regard.

    Oh okay.
    So what your saying is, that the killer gets a token for hooking their obsession (Max number is 3), I think the problem with that is that whats the point of leaving when you can just more tokens for camping and ensureing they die? What if this.
    everytime you hook a different survivor you get a token, but every time you hook your obsession you loose one?
    Also I think my idea for PWYF is good because if you (pretend to) loose your obsession, then how can you get all 3 tokens? my idea would let you purposely miss the obsession then use it to catch other survivors

    (I'm going to edit my ideas)

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @White_Owl said:

    PWYF is short for Play With Your Food.
    As for Dying Light, I suggest that because I'd like it to reward non-camping killers, but at the same time it should synergise with moris and Myers' addons (like the Tombstone Piece) since it's one of his teachables. Being the killers' priority is the main concept behind the obsession mechanic, so tunneling is inevitable. If anything, they could introduce new survivors' obsession perks to help them in that regard.

    Oh okay.
    So what your saying is, that the killer gets a token for hooking their obsession (Max number is 3), I think the problem with that is that whats the point of leaving when you can just more tokens for camping and ensureing they die?

    The point is that not everyone enjoys camping, and for such players Dying Light is mostly a waste of a perk slot. With that little change a killer wouldn't be feel forced to camp the obsession to get some use of the perk.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @White_Owl said:

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @White_Owl said:

    PWYF is short for Play With Your Food.
    As for Dying Light, I suggest that because I'd like it to reward non-camping killers, but at the same time it should synergise with moris and Myers' addons (like the Tombstone Piece) since it's one of his teachables. Being the killers' priority is the main concept behind the obsession mechanic, so tunneling is inevitable. If anything, they could introduce new survivors' obsession perks to help them in that regard.

    Oh okay.
    So what your saying is, that the killer gets a token for hooking their obsession (Max number is 3), I think the problem with that is that whats the point of leaving when you can just more tokens for camping and ensureing they die?

    The point is that not everyone enjoys camping, and for such players Dying Light is mostly a waste of a perk slot. With that little change a killer wouldn't be feel forced to camp the obsession to get some use of the perk.

    @White_Owl said:

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @White_Owl said:

    PWYF is short for Play With Your Food.
    As for Dying Light, I suggest that because I'd like it to reward non-camping killers, but at the same time it should synergise with moris and Myers' addons (like the Tombstone Piece) since it's one of his teachables. Being the killers' priority is the main concept behind the obsession mechanic, so tunneling is inevitable. If anything, they could introduce new survivors' obsession perks to help them in that regard.

    Oh okay.
    So what your saying is, that the killer gets a token for hooking their obsession (Max number is 3), I think the problem with that is that whats the point of leaving when you can just more tokens for camping and ensureing they die?

    The point is that not everyone enjoys camping, and for such players Dying Light is mostly a waste of a perk slot. With that little change a killer wouldn't be feel forced to camp the obsession to get some use of the perk.

    But my idea doesn't re quire camping either, the killer doesn't need to be near the hook when the obsession gets saved, it'll activate weather or not the killer is near.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @White_Owl said:

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @White_Owl said:

    PWYF is short for Play With Your Food.
    As for Dying Light, I suggest that because I'd like it to reward non-camping killers, but at the same time it should synergise with moris and Myers' addons (like the Tombstone Piece) since it's one of his teachables. Being the killers' priority is the main concept behind the obsession mechanic, so tunneling is inevitable. If anything, they could introduce new survivors' obsession perks to help them in that regard.

    Oh okay.
    So what your saying is, that the killer gets a token for hooking their obsession (Max number is 3), I think the problem with that is that whats the point of leaving when you can just more tokens for camping and ensureing they die?

    The point is that not everyone enjoys camping, and for such players Dying Light is mostly a waste of a perk slot. With that little change a killer wouldn't be feel forced to camp the obsession to get some use of the perk.

    @White_Owl said:

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @White_Owl said:

    PWYF is short for Play With Your Food.
    As for Dying Light, I suggest that because I'd like it to reward non-camping killers, but at the same time it should synergise with moris and Myers' addons (like the Tombstone Piece) since it's one of his teachables. Being the killers' priority is the main concept behind the obsession mechanic, so tunneling is inevitable. If anything, they could introduce new survivors' obsession perks to help them in that regard.

    Oh okay.
    So what your saying is, that the killer gets a token for hooking their obsession (Max number is 3), I think the problem with that is that whats the point of leaving when you can just more tokens for camping and ensureing they die?

    The point is that not everyone enjoys camping, and for such players Dying Light is mostly a waste of a perk slot. With that little change a killer wouldn't be feel forced to camp the obsession to get some use of the perk.

    But my idea doesn't re quire camping either, the killer doesn't need to be near the hook when the obsession gets saved, it'll activate weather or not the killer is near.

    I don't say your idea is bad, but for a Myers' perk it would work very badly on him. If you have an addon to instantly kill a survivor, you wouldn't be able to use it on the obsession without wasting Dying Light.