Questions for devs

Will your team work more on optimisation in the future updates(like grapihcs) Since there is some fps spikes in game fps in chases from time to time especially on new larry's map when you play freddy(there are massive fps drops).
Also will you rework other maps(like larry's) since that was pretty good job. Will you add more versions of the existing ones in the future and balance pallets and gens?|
Or is it only be the current meta updates to keep nerfing killers?
Yes, we're always working on optimization. Most of the work being done these days is very technical, so it tends not to get talked about as much. We are still working on it though, and we'll be sure to mention it if we think you'll see a huge increase in a certain update.
Yes, other maps are going to be updated like Lery's. Pallets and generators are not planned to be changed at the moment.
There has been (and will continue to be) changes to both sides, not just one or the other.
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I'm not a developer, but most of those questions were answered, at least partially, in their last livestream, so I can still give you some information.
Optimisation is something that they are consistently working on improving behind the scenes. Every patch, they make a whole bunch of technical backend changes to help the game run more smoothly, which aren't necessarily listed in the patch notes because they're not easily explainable or necessarily immediately noticeable to players, but it is something they are working to address all the time.
If you are experiencing huge FPS drops as a specific killer on a specific map, I would recommend filing a bug report to help the team identify and fix the issue. Be sure to include any potentially relevant details, like what you are doing or where on the map you are during the FPS spikes, what build you're running, your graphics settings, etc. Here is the link for bug reports:
They will be doing more map reworks in the future, which will likely include balancing the distribution of things like pallets, vaults, hooks and totems, but the next one will probably not happen for a while (at least a few months) as map reworks take a lot of time and effort to get right, and it's not the sort of thing they want to rush.
We don't know very much about what they will be doing for future maps, and it's not the sort of thing they will likely reveal until right before they're ready to release it, the way they did with Lery's. However, they did mention in the stream that we might be visiting a different floor of Lery's in a future map release.
If you would like more information about what was revealed on the stream, you can read my full summary post here:
Or you can find the official summary post, which is much less detailed but contains the most important information, and was written by the devs themselves, here:
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Thank you for the info. I missed their last stream, so all i had was old information. Ok ill see if i can help in bug section when that happens. Glad you will keep maps fresh.
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Darn, beat me to it again!
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Hi peanits,
"Yes, other maps are going to be updated like Lery's." ??
Well that´s very very awesome. I LIKE THIS NEW DESIGN like larys.
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Also will you rework other maps(like larry's) since that was pretty good job. Will you add more versions of the existing ones in the future and balance pallets and gens?|
You can watch the stream at anytime on Youtube or on Twitch. They answered this there. Again.
People keep asking this question, amoungst others, and they have answered it so many times its getting annoying because there are so many other questions that need to be answered.
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Sry if i annoyed you. Just couldn't find anything of forum that was about graphics and and old maps(so i simply asked). I'll take a look at twitch when i get some free time. Thx for the info.
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I play on the PS4 I was wondering if anyone knew a fix to this, I have the digital download and when I go to play it'll go to the screen to press start and it'll say my PlayStation has over heated right as soon as I press it then shut my PlayStation down
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I don't own a console so everything i say is NOT 100% sure. From what you described it is probably dust accumulation in your console. So try to open it up and pull out it's commponents and clean dust with vacuum cleaner some alcohol and ear sticks. Then put it back and try that again. Especial from the radiator and fan side.
WARNING: Do not do that if your console is under insurance, if it is give it to the service to fix.
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I don't think it has anything to do with the console thou I think it's just a bug possibly in the game because I have games that run a lot harder than this one and this is the only games this happens to on here
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But I'll still try it
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I doubt it’s the console if it only happens with DbD. Don’t take it apart if that’s the case, just get a can of compressed air and a vacuum that has a nozzle and hose attachment. Blow air into the vents from one side while sucking out air with the vacuum attachment from the other. Been a while since I used one, but I don’t think you should shake the compressed air can.
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Yeah only on dbd and I've tried compressed air on it I've also deleted and reinstalled the game.
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Mb dbd hits them more then the other games. You need to take out components and then use compressed air also mb you need to change thermal paste too. The thing is that is strictly hardware problem not software.
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Add k/m compatibility for console please !!!
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How about Freddy's Dream Realm basically turning all the lights on in Lery's. Is there a plan to change that? It's funny when I load into Lery's as Freddy, and everything is clear as a freshly cleaned window through the dream realm effect.