Pig Traps

I've had two games now where I had to go to the last possible box, and I died to the final skill check to get my helmet off :/ feelsbadman
Never had an issue before; I feel like I overlooked a pig buff at some point.
the game isn't on my side anymore; they said "youve escaped to many traps, pay with blood"
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Never had troubles, but you might have just gotten unlucky and circled the wrong way around the map to check the boxes on a large map :/ if every box is in a far corner, I would assume it would take longer to reach them all (or in some maps, having them nearby but having to go up and down some stairs is time consuming)
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Probably an issue with the dedicated server when taking the trap off near the end of timer, if its a new thing happening. You see the trap taken off, but the server doesnt, cause of ping or something.
Edit: sorry, i misunderstood the OP...
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I'm scared of when the game might eventually go "you got too many RBT kills; we're changing them so they'll never kill."
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I hardly ever get trap kills honestly.. and when I do it always comes as a surprise "wait what, someone died? oookay"
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If I play majority Pig in one session (which I usually do), I can score at least a few.
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I probably could if I bothered to patrol the boxes and chase survivors off of them, but if I do that, then I'm not chasing survivors off generators.. Rather prevent generators than force someone's head to blow up.
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I try to keep a balance. Don't try and push for it unless I think there is chance that I can make it happen.
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True. I mean, if I'm patrolling and I hear a jigsaq box laughing nearby I'll go check, or if the generators are all complete and someone has an active trap I'll go check the boxes.
Pig's pretty fun to play, she's the first killer I played when I got the game.. Been playing Huntress a lot lately, might play some Pig tonight,. though I wanted to play Nurse again.. I'll see when I log on ;)
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Two Pig games, two massacres. I love playing her, but I think Third Seal is a bit too powerful.. then again, it's fun when it doesn't get destroyed right away but people die even faster.. it's a bit like Devour Hope.. it's so fun when it pays off and you get to 5 stacks and Mori people left and right, but you get less points that way