Perks in the Shop

With all of the new DLC characters being added, I really think that we need 4-5 survivor perks, & 4-5 killer perks in the shop rather than the 2 for each that we have now. Maybe they could rotate where the killer has 5 perks in the shop & survivors have 4, & then the next week, survivors have 5 & killer has 4. I think we need more perks in the shop because it takes forever for a perk to come back if we missed it, & not everybody wants to buy the character with the perk we are seeking, because that means we will have to spend a million bloodpoints to get the teachable. I do not like waiting a full 7 days for 2 perks for each role, only 4 perks total. I think we need atleast 8-10 perks in the shop so we are a little more excited with our hopes up for every 7 day perk reset. Just my opinion, let me know if you think 4 perks a week is enough (:
Would be nice! Unfortunately this will never happen because the Devs need a way to give incentive buying the DLC/characters to speed up the process. The same reason unlocking characters by actually playing the game takes a ridiculous 9,000 Shards -- to pressure people into buying the DLC packs or characters with real-money.