MAAAAAAYBE We'll Update Your Achievement... and maybe we WON'T

IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Yeah, you know that whole thing where SOMETIMES your Tome Achievements update and SOMETIMES they don't? For no readily discernible reason? Yeah that's not working for me.

Tome 1, Level 2: ENLIGHTENED (Survivor Master challenge) "Blind the Killer 2 time(s)."

-- I blinded the killer *4* times, and made good and sure each time. Excited to see my achievement update after the match and nothing. Poor design? Poor coding? WHO KNOWS? All I know is that I've got to do that aggravating crap all over again, hoping the inner workings of the game have maybe this time decided to update my achievement. Good one, guys. Outstanding.

Tome 1, Level 2: REVERENT (Killer Challenge) "Sacrifice 13 Survivor(s) to the Entity."

-- SOMEtimes the Entity accepts the 4k I just got, or the 3 kills, or the 2 kills, or the single kill. SOMEtimes rewarding me with 3 kill credits, sometimes 2, sometimes 1, and more often than not... NONE. What gives? Stop creating secret background code to mess with us as we're trying to grind through this stuff lol. Pretty please? With a cherry on top? Can these achievements just update in a straightforward fashion?

I am salty. Where's the salt emoji...🌩️ 😡🌩️

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