Hillbilly Broken? Discussion/Question
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Can you upload some footage doing this with an evenly ranked billy? You always have so much to say about everyone else being wrong, so prove it.
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There's plenty of streamers out there; and "evenly ranked" should mean nothing. The entire rhetoric of you guys is that Billy "is broken and has no downsides", meaning that if he has no downsides, anyone could use him and do well. Make up your mind, lol
ALSO - to those saying "he needs a cooldown":
Hillbilly's chainsaw takes 2.5 seconds to charge without addons. He has a cooldown after his chainsaw of 3 seconds after missing a chainsaw. During that cooldown, he moves slower, and can't do anything but move (again, slower). He can't hit, chainsaw, pick up or destruct. He can only move (again x2, slower than his base speed). While Billy is backreving, which is usually when he's trying to chainsaw you at a loop, he loses 1m/s of movement speed, making him stupid easy to loop/force him to M1.
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I don't see problem with hillbilly its fun to play against him, better than spirit, forever freddy or legion - BORING!
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Insta chainsaw addons are still really powerful when stacked imo but aren't really OP. Just increasing the rarity would be enough.
I think the steering addons are too powerful when stacked and remove the skill required to play him. I would suggest making them non stackable at least but I don't think the devs would do that.
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Any decent killer player will 4k at ranks 12-20.
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Hell, if you're a rank 12-20 killer and you're facing rank 12-20 survivors, you don't even have to be decent. Using those ranks as a point of reference is silly. It's telling, though. Shows where their point of view is coming from. No disrespect of course. It's okay to be low rank.
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And that’s the issue. Thank you.
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Any killer player can 4k at those ranks with any killer. Does that mean all the killers are OP? I think you should debate instead of trying to end it on an out of context statement. :)
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I hope you're being ironic...
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He has cooldowns and recharges.
Hillbilly's chainsaw takes 2.5 seconds to charge without addons. He has a cooldown after his chainsaw of 3 seconds after missing a chainsaw. During that cooldown, he moves slower, and can't do anything but move (again, slower). He can't hit, chainsaw, pick up or destruct. He can only move (again x2, slower than his base speed). While Billy is backreving, which is usually when he's trying to chainsaw you at a loop, he loses 1m/s of movement speed, making him stupid easy to loop/force him to M1.
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And yet if you look at reddit for example its all rank 10s complaining non-stop about how hard the game is, how survivor biased the devs are and how all the killers need mega buffs.
They sound a lot like the people here actually. I’ve seen the same arguments made too lol
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That's because they all relied on ruin. Most people in those ranks needed ruin. That's why the meme was created that BHVR only cares about new survivor fun. Not new players.
Combine that with the matchmaking putting them up against red rank players constantly, and it all makes sense why they complain; and the devs are survivor biased. Everything changed in the patch was done for the specific purpose of "survivor fun".
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That is the issue, players tend to be lesser skilled in those ranks they're not decent. However if a killer is they will win against players lesser skilled, if you see this as an issue you should be a dev.
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But thats the same argument here. How many posts in the past week about how the game is ruined due to the Ruin change? Or how people are quitting the game because of it?
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No decent killer was mad because ruin got changed. They were mad because it was changed at the wrong time. Maps needed to be balanced before ruin was changed. And people are quitting. This is why there's not a ton of red rank killers.
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I've read through the whole debate or insults about this, while making no point as to why it's a bad idea has no use, it does sound stupid to me personally as he has a cooldown, if a hillbilly makes a mistake and then downs you soon after, this sounds like you made a bigger or similar in scale mistake as the hillbilly. He has a cooldown and punishment for messing up in his base kit.
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I would argue it's not the amount of loops, but their safety. In my opinion, they could even increase the amount of pallets that spawn on a map if those pallets are almost all mindgameable.
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He's really easy to counter.
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Quantity over quality, I wouldn't mind either but they shouldn't spawn extremely close together.
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Depends on his skill and the map.
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Clicky sounds like the kind of survivor that holds down W the whole chase, and then gets mad that their team didn't take the hit for them.
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Just bring bumper addons and ur fine to chainsaw into every obstacle.
Most killers have to wait or perform for their power to have an impact. Hillbilly can run arund like a drunk monkey and dont give a damn.
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You can force him to m1 in almost all loops. It's not only the killer's job to know about maps, and loops. It's also the survivors. Survivors know not to be out in the open too long against a billy, and adjust to counter him.
That's skill from both sides, and from most the billy's I've faced he's very easy to counter when you force him to loop. Even on a map like Rotten Fields.
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Before I assume what your implying, please clarify, do you mean that he can chainsaw with no penalty or that he doesn't have to wait? Either way I said base kit, is huntress broken because all you need is iri head and your good?
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I tend to bait forced m1s, or simply not take the hit and force down the pallet in the loop by getting bloodlust or revving and curving and at less safe pallets I'll take m1s if it is a faster option.
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A killers power is considered to be a power.
They have to wait/perform for it. Hillbilly can run around and spam his power. Even in his base kit.
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"He can run around and spam his power"
That's called a mind game, and that is an equal ground of skill between survivor and killer. If the survivor goes down in that instance, they got out played and deserved it.
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I personally think it's just important for killers to have counterplay at loops. If the devs just decrease the number of pallets, the gameplay might evolve too much into killers just trying to break all pallets until survivors have no defence other than windows anymore. I don't even mind two pallets like 3 meters next to each other, as long as the pallets remain mindgameable, so the killer has counterplay.
In fact, I wouldn't mind some kind of double pallet structures, if these structures were still mindgameable. Hell certain loops or structures can have as many pallets close to each other as the devs want to, as long as the killer has some form of counterplay. Structures with multiple pallets that are rather safe until you break one of the pallets could also be interesting. It would make for some interesting, new loops in my opinion. But I don't know if these kind of loops or structures would even be possible, but I could definitely imagine that. I feel like Hawkins has pallets that alone are pretty bad for survivors, but chained together with a nearby pallet can make for some interesting loops, though chaining two pallets together is rather rare.
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"Spam his power" are survivors spamming pallets? Spamming windows?
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Here's the trick for Billy. Which I'm sure some have done to you. You force him to have to use m1 to hit you around a loop, keeping the pallet up as long as possible. Then when you finally drop the pallet. You can stay there and keep looping till he actually m1's you. Then with the speed burst and probably dead hard, you can reach the next loop no problem by the time billy recovers from the hit and tries to charge his chainsaw.
I mean that's what I do. If can get through at least 2 loop locations against any Killer than I did more than what's expected of me as a survivor, that's much longer than a 20 second chase.
Again it's all about the skill of both the survivor and the killer. Just survivors have many tools that make them immune against any killer.
EDIT: That scenario was also me thinking with Rotten Fields in mind. Obviously smaller maps, and maps with more corners/obstacles it becomes immensely easier to loop Billy and turn him into an m1 killer.
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By flick you mean curving? Because I feel like that's still possible even without the charge addons. I just feel like those at the very least can be a bit too good. Insta saw gives survivors very little time to react to his chainsaw, so I would say they could get a bit of a nerf. His basekit should stay the way it is now, though.
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Instasaw doesn't exist anymore. It hasn't for over a year since Tinkerer was reworked.
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Yes cause it is not enough in comparison to the other killers. Devs seem to have a plan regarding a killer's power. Time will tell if im just ignorant or if i have a point.
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Very fair and solid point, what I was referring to is not m1ing and forcing the pallet down asap and repeat at very safe pallets.
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I'm not kidding getting rank 1 survivor is easy, and I was surprised at every nerf in the recent months. Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, were all easily countered. Now it's just even more child's play.
Now people are talking about Billy, before any Killer like Hag, Myer's, Ghostface, or Doctor. Puh-leez.
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Really? Nurse has 2.5 seconds (or something like that) per blink. Billy has 2.5 seconds of charge, and 3 seconds of cooldown. 5.5 seconds in total of nothing in order to use their power. I don't see how that "isn't enough".
You really just need to get better at survivor and learn to outplay it if this isn't enough for you.
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I'd say billy is perfectly balanced his insta saws are a little annoying but not even his best build if your good with him but he also has a lot of useless add ons, but I wouldnt be remiss if his insta saw add ons did get toned down.
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A chainsaw charge can last forever and let you run around the map several times, if wanted. U still dont see the difference to 1 blink?
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Myers is pretty weak in comparison to billy
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If they nerf Billy I'm quitting, he can be beat and is accepted to be fun to play as and against by most. You have given addons for an example, in his base kit there is a wait for his power, 2.5 seconds and a cooldown on it, he is also slowed while revving. The fact is that there are things so he can not spam his power as you are implying.
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Well whatever people call insta saw now. The two best charge addons of Billy stacked. I'm not going to argue over definitions now though, there's no reason to do that.
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It can last forever, and has a huge tell. You have to be really bad, or really out of position to get caught by a cross map chainsaw. Both of those situations are your fault as a survivor. Again, learn to play, hone your skills, get better.
Instasaw doesn't exist anymore.
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They don't need to be removed. What people "call" instasaw is not instasaw. It shortens the charge time to 1.5 seconds, and is still easily dodged. Unless you're right in front of the Hillbilly, literally touching them, then you were screwed whether he had those addons or not.
This is just a case of players not wanting to adapt. These are the same people who told killers to adapt when ruin was nerfed.