Witch Hunting, Time Spent and Offerings

Pruinae Member Posts: 11
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions


Why can the killer see the survivors players but the survivors can't see the killer? I'm fine with the killer being able to see the survivors and the items they carry, but being able to see the steam profile name just makes so they can put that juicy mori and play like douches. I ain't even that good at the game but I've got players that hate me just because I got lucky once.

1 Min Lobby

Isn't waiting 1 minute because that Jake doesn't ready up a bit excessive? It should be 30 seconds or less. Maybe it could cut out that lobby entirely, just start the match already (But yeah, cutting it would make so survivors could just put 4 toolboxes and get away with it, which is definitively a no no).

Dying on Hook Animation

That animation is soooo long, an option to skip it and go directly to the end game chat would be nice, if I could skip the death by mori animation too I probably would do it sometimes.

Ebony and Ivory Moris

Why are they after the first hook and not the second? Might as well make them kill the survivor right when they touch the first hook. Makes the match seems like a complete waste of time, when I see the killer using the mori on someone with like 4 gens left I just feel like opening youtube and watching a video. My time would be better spent that way and I would still get the xp for the match.

End Game Chat

I would like an option to disable the end game chat entirely, and no, that arrow to the side is not enough (and kinda buggy, sometimes the chat opens by itself for no reason).


Why exactly are they a thing? I'm fine with the bloodpoints ones but being able to choose maps (and Moris but I already said what I had to say about them) is unfair. Why not remove offerings altogether and make a system to give extra bloodpoints for playing in a certain way? Some examples would be solo players getting more bloodpoints, SWF giving a boost of bloodpoints to the killer, every empty perk slot giving a boost, etc. The only argument that I can give to keep map offerings would be when I get macmillan 10 times back-to-back, but behaviour is probably able to make something to avoid this being a thing if they removed the map offerings.


  • hanscardoso
    hanscardoso Member Posts: 83
    edited January 2020

    I agree that moris should be nerfed, if 3-man-games are not fair, why allow the possibility of one or more to be eliminated in the early game.