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Legion Rework #4768 - Introducing the Group + Add-On Changes

thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello and welcome to what seems to be like the 7 millionth Legion thread.

In this thread, I'll be constructing a very radical Legion rework from various ideas to make what I would consider the IDEAL Legion. If you aren't too keen on bigger changes for Legion, then this thread may not be for you, however, the changes I propose are what I personally think could be a very fun Legion who uses the idea of having a four man killing squad combined with the current Feral Frenzy quite well. I'll also be updating the existing add-ons to not only be better overall, but fit more in line with the desired model and be a lot more fun to use.

Without further ado, let's jump in!


New Power: The Lethal Legion

A relentless gang of teens formed a special and sadistic bond through killing, aiding each other in their wicked deeds at any time.

Start the trial with the 3 other members of your group, who will passively follow The Legion around until directed elsewhere. For each member by The Legion's side, their Terror Radius is reduced by 4 meters.


Holding the Power command will activate Feral Frenzy.

While Feral Frenzy is active:

  • The Legion runs at an increased movement speed (5.2 m/s)
  • The Legion can vault pallets, but not break them (window/pallet vault speed increased to 0.5 seconds)
  • scratch marks cannot be seen, but blood trails can
  • missing an attack reduces the total Frenzy Gauge by 75%

The Legion's attacks will apply the Deep Wound status effect.

  • refills the Frenzy Gauge
  • triggers Killer Instinct on all survivors within the Terror Radius
  • hitting a survivor already afflicted by Deep Wound while in Frenzy completely depletes the Frenzy Gauge and puts the Survivor into the Imminent Death state
  • survivors in the Deep Wound state will bleed more frequently and will have slightly louder groans of pain
  • survivors in the Imminent Death state will bleed much more frequently and will have moderately louder groans of pain
  • survivors in the Imminent Death state will suffer a penalty to healing, sabotage, repairs, and cleansing

Hitting a survivor with a basic attack while Frenzy is not active will deplete the remaining Gauge by 25%.

The Legion can activate Feral Frenzy with at least 50% of the Gauge.

When Feral Frenzy ends, The Legion is winded for 4 seconds. For each member of The Legion by their side, the winded duration is reduced by 0.5 seconds

Survivors hit by Feral Frenzy will be in the Deep Wound state for 20 seconds. Healing out of the Deep Wound state solo takes 10 seconds, and 5 seconds with a teammate. The Deep Wound timer will not deplete if in a chase or while running.

If The Legion puts a survivor into the Imminent Death state, The Legion will be completely stunned and immobile for 4 seconds. Survivors in the Imminent Death state cannot heal from it on their own and will suffer a tremendous penalty to all actions.

Putting a Survivor into the Imminent Death State will double the recharge timer of Feral Frenzy.

The Legion cannot use their secondary ability while in Feral Frenzy.


Hold and release the Active Ability command to direct a member of a The Legion to a spot for hiding.

The Legion can direct one of the group members to a hiding spot from up to 20 meters away.

The members of The Legion who are hiding will attempt to grab a survivor when within 10 meters, running at a speed of 5.2 m/s.

When a survivor is grabbed:

  • the survivor will be effected by the Oblivious status
  • The Legion member will slash at the grabbed survivor
    • survivors will need to hit a series of 3 successive skill checks to escape
      • survivors who miss one skill check will be pulled closer
      • survivors who miss two skill checks will be put into the injured state if healthy and into the Deep Wound State if injured
      • survivors who miss 3 skill checks will be put into the Deep Wound State if healthy and into the Imminent Death state if injured
      • survivors who hit all three skill checks will escape
      • survivors will not be grabbed if already in the Deep Wound or Imminent Death state, but will be yelled at
  • The Legion will see the auras of grabbed survivors. Survivors yelled at will have their auras revealed for 4 seconds.

Survivors who avoid the grab will cause the member to run back to The Legion.

Survivors can detect the hiding Legion member by staring at them for 1.5 seconds, causing them to run away.

The Legion can regroup their members by going back to their location and pressing the Active Ability command.

The Legion can redirect the first member to go into hiding by holding a releasing the Active Ability command in another spot, causing them to run off in that direction at a speed of 5.2 m/s while emitting a 16 meter Terror Radius.

Members of The Legion can hide in lockers, around corners, and crouched on the ground.

Survivors within 20 meters of The Legion can hear an auditory cue when a member of the group goes into hiding.

Survivors can track members of The Legion with perks such as Small Game or maps.


These changes and additions will make The Legion a lot more fun and unpredictable for both sides! This will also allow all members of The Legion to shine, as they all will play an important role in gameplay!

Now, for the add-ons...


Add-On CHanges:

  • Common Add-Ons
    • Smiley Face Pin - Slightly increases Mob Mentality grabbing range. (previously applied Blindness on Deep Wound)
    • Scratched Ruler - (no change)
    • Mischief List - (no change)
    • Friendship Bracelet - Slightly reduces the skill check success zones for survivors grabbed by a hiding Legion member. (previously increased detection range with Killer Instinct)
  • Uncommon Add-Ons
    • Defaced Smiley Pin - Moderately increases Mob Mentality grabbing range. (previously applied Mangled on Deep Wound)
    • Never-Sleep Pills - While in Frenzy, Killer Instinct is triggered for survivors within 16 meters of a hiding Legion member. (previously increased detection range w/ Killer Instinct)
    • Mural Sketch - (no change)
    • Etched Ruler - (no change)
    • Nasty Blade - Slightly increases mending time for survivors. (previously rare)
  • Rare Add-Ons
    • The Legion Pin - Considerably increases Mob Mentality grabbing range. Legion members can also hide under window vaults and pallets. (previously applied Broken on Deep Wound)
    • Stolen Sketch Book - (no change)
    • Filthy Blade - Moderately increases mending time for survivors. (previously very rare)
    • Cold Dirt - Increases the speed of Feral Frenzy by 0.10 m/s for each member of The Legion still following. (previously decreased Frenzy cooldown)
    • Stab Wounds Study - Moderately reduces the Deep Wound timer for each member of The Legion still following. (previously reduced Deep Wound timer considerably)
  • Very Rare Add-Ons
    • Frank's Mix Tape - Hitting a survivor in Frenzy will apply the Blindness and Mangled effects until they are healed. Slightly increases the action speed penalty of survivors in the Imminent Death state.
    • Julie's Mix Tape - While in Frenzy, any time two or more survivors are working on a generator, it is highlighted in yellow and gives periodic notifications. Killer Instinct is triggered on the Survivors when they let go of the generator and lasts for 4 seconds. (previously uncommon; decreased cooldown of Feral Frenzy)
    • Susie's Mix Tape - While in Frenzy, the auras of any survivors in lockers will be shown. Hitting a survivor who exited the locker within the last 10 seconds with a Feral Frenzy attack will immediately put them into the Imminent Death state. (previously rare; increased Killer Instinct detection range in Frenzy)
    • Joey's Mix Tape - Picking up a survivor while in Feral Frenzy increases the carrying movement speed of The Legion to 4.4 m/s. Hitting a survivor while carrying another will replenish 25% of the Feral Frenzy Gauge. (previously rare; decreased Feral Frenzy cooldown)
  • Ultra Rare Add-Ons
    • Fuming Mix Tape - Hitting survivors in Frenzy with rapid succession fuels The Legion with power. When the first survivor is hit, they are afflicted with a severely reduced Deep Wound timer. When the second survivor is hit, they are Broken for 60 seconds and put into the Deep Wound State. When the third survivor is hit, they are immediately put into the Imminent Death State. The fourth survivor hit will immediately be put into the dying state. The Feral Frenzy time is reduced to 7 seconds. The Legion's immobilization when putting a survivor into the Imminent Death State will be ignored an Feral Frenzy will; immediately end when the fourth survivor in the chain is hit. (previously showed repair progression of generators in Frenzy)
    • Iridescent Button - (no change)


These are just some fun changes and additions to Legion that would really big their strength up! What do you think? What changes do you want to see for The Legion? Thanks for reading all!


"As if it was a mere cakewalk escaping a single monstrous beast, the Entity torments us by pitting us against four. Their agitated cries sometimes show through their great pleasure in killing, eluding to another life, where they were just kids. A wicked evil, the Entity is."

Post edited by thefallenloser on


  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    I can not stop without saying this. I really liked this idea and would love it to happen. The legion needs to be strengthened and perhaps replaced... I appreciate your subject!

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 226
    edited January 2020

    @thefallenloser Don't feel like it's a bad thing that you also have an idea for a Legion rework (and one that looks both extremely fun and strategically devious); the more people want it, hopefully the more likely Behavior is to listen. I submitted my own idea for a Legion rework that similarly capitalized on there being several of them. I really, really like your take on it.

    Now, that said, I do have some minor critiques. Purely friendly.

    The wording on the Imminent Death state is vague; is it the Legion that becomes immobile, or the Survivor?

    The Never-Sleep Pills seems exceptionally powerful for an uncommon add-on; you basically would have three 15m radars you could put on the map. This would be monstrous on some maps (particularly indoor ones, think what this'd be like on Underground Lab), and would also be quite nasty for proxy camping.

    The Legion Pin: Hiding in chests... The Legion members are small, but I don't recall any lore about Frank and the bunch being contortionists in their spare time. Plus, very limited utility; 1-4 random spots (minus basement) that Survivors may not even bother with? Perhaps, drawing from my own Legion rework, have it allow them to hide under windows for an ambush.

    Julie, Susie, and Joey's mixtapes seem to just be an upgrade, downgrade, and sidegrade/counterpart of Discordance, Iron Maiden, and Mad Grit, respectively. Julie's would be better than running Discordance, Susie's would be outclassed by Iron Maiden, and Joey's would work very well in tandem with Mad Grit. I do like the idea of addons synergizing with the Killer's own perks, but replacing them, ehhh.

    Fuming Mix Tape: If the vague wording of the Imminent Death state indicates the Legion getting stunned, this add-on clearly clashes with that functionality. If not, unless the Frenzy ended after the fourth hit immediately, any future hits beyond that would allow Legion to be a 5.2m+/s speed instadown killer on any Survivor. Would basically be chainstab NOED without a totem at that point.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276

    Hey @Levitika , thanks a ton for stopping in!

    Thanks for your comments, as it pointed out my weird wording due to writing this for quite a while. (i think at some point i started confusing myself lol)

    Imminent Death is meant to stun The Legion, not the survivor.

    Never Sleep does seem a bit too powerful now that I'm looking back on it. I was borrowing the Killer Instinct idea from The Demogorgon's Upside Down portals. Perhaps maybe something like Killer instinct within 10 meters while charging/using Feral Frenzy?

    Hiding in chests was just some weird extra place I figured they could hide for more randomness. Windows would be a lot more practical though.

    I really enjoyed the idea of Nurse's new add-ons containing some of her perks inside of them, and would really enjoy seeing it in more killers, hence the Legion perk add-ons.

    Sorry for not being more clear about Fuming. Fuming should ignore the Imminent Death Legion stun and instadown the last survivor, ending the Frenzy. The chain should also reset after the Frenzy ends, which means Legion would have to stab 3 survivors in Frenzy again before they can instadown the fourth one.

    Hopefully this cleared things up. I'll be updating the original post to be more clear for more readers as well.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276

    Bumping this thread after a few edits. :)

    Also check out JottScund's video on reworking Legion and give your own thoughts!

  • Masterninja
    Masterninja Member Posts: 411

    This is just incredible, this is the best Legion rework I've ever seen. Of course I will change some things, but it is still amazing. Good job. You have even better ideas than the devs, they should totaly take this concept. You deserve It.

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727

    Yes, I'd love to see all of the legion members at once.

    They are a gang after all and I feel like this rework would give a better representation of the characters.

    As well as finally giving legion mains justice.

  • Zom
    Zom Member Posts: 9

    I'm usually against a lot of these Legion reworks because for the most part because most posts seem to take away who they are and what they are all about. This is a change I can 100% get behind as it still keeps their aggressive nature with Frenzy whilst giving them new abilities to fully utilise Frenzy.

    This would also really separate them from the other m1 killers and actually show their rebellious young personalities. It would also allow each member to feel more unique, as right now J, S & J are nothing more than reskins of Frank. Not to mention it would actually make Legion a threat again.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I'd be down.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    I just wrote a big post about my ideias to implement into yours and it didn't posted!!! well let's write all again

    I liked your idea because I had the same concept as you, a power to allow the use of all members of the legion gang. I would change your idea of their power to be like this, If you could read and give me your opinion I would be happy:

    • You can control all of your gang members one at a time(like Charlotte&Victor)
    • Each member will have their unique strengths and weakness
    • Only Frank can use Feral Frenzy

    So each member will be different and will excel in different situations, and worst in others

    tHe GaNg:

    • Joe(chases): can break pallets 20% faster and successful hits have reduced 20% cooldown, but he can't gain bloodlust
    • Susie(stealth): has reduced terror radius and has no red glow, but her m/s is 4.4
    • Frank(basic and the default one you start the trial with): can use Feral Frenzy, no penalty since he's the basic and default one
    • Julie(patrol): can hear generator repairing noises(progress or repairing) with extra 15 meters and when she's not being controlled, she reveal all survivors within 16m of her with Killer Instinct, but she can't see blood or scratchmarks.

    For example:

    • Wanna chase a Survivor?: Use Joe since he can follow up after breaking pallets and hitting survivors.
    • Wanna surprise survivors healing/doing gens?: Use Susie with her reduced TR and no red glow.
    • Want to injure everyone?: Use Frank and then switch to Joe to chase them while sending the Susie to potential Survivors who are unware after being hit.
    • Wanna patrol gens to get information?: Send Julie there and keep changing her position until you find someone with her Killer Instinct, or control her for better information.

    You start the match with all your gang members, you are going to a generator, you can then send Julie there and if she detects someone, you can then send her to another place to patrol and send Joe there to chase that Survivor and when he's close, switch to him while walking to the next place you're going after the chase would end(presuming you will down him or ignore him)

    You need to know when to use each member and use their advantage to catch Survivors, and you need to have a skill capacity to control multiple members to always be ahead and have your next play ready. In exchange, you can have a strong Killer which can be in multiple places and pressure multiple Survivors very fast.

    If you play him in a bad way, like chasing survivor with Susie or patrolling gen with Joe because you didnt move your other members well enough, you will not get the full potential of their power and you will be punished.

    That is my main idea, there are various improvements I still had in mind but these are the basics.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276

    This idea does sound cool, and I do like the idea of being able to individually control each member of the Legion, however, my issue is that this version of Legion would make the problem with The Twins even more apparent. The most effective way to play them would be camping, tunneling, and slugging. This would be even easier to do with this version of The Legion as not only can they not be destroyed, but it's even easier to catch up to, locate, and injure survivors.

    I do truly adore the idea of each Legion member having their individual strengths, but in this form, it would exacerbate an unhealthy and unfun playstyle.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276


    A few small details I’d like to come back and add.

    Most importantly, with this style of Legion rework, the four members should be individually customizable so that killers can show off their LEGION DRIP 4 TIMES AS MUCH (also gives players an incentive to buy more Legion outfits).

    Survivors should recover from Imminent Death either passively (30 seconds), or automatically after being healed.

    Legion should not be able to use Mob Mentality while in a chase, as this could have Legion being able to trap a survivor in chase using the other members as easy grabbers.

    While keeping Legion’s Terror Radius at 32 meters and having it be reduced all the way down to 20 with everyone following sounds cool, it may be better balance wise to have Legion’s Terror Radius up to 40 and then be reduced down to 28. Slightly smaller than usual. I’m most curious as to this one, as it will also allow Legion to make use of Terror Radius dependent perks similarly to Doctor.