Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Autodidact QoL changes

Member Posts: 1,620
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Autodidact is a great perk, but it relies too much on RNG and all healing speed buffs make it weaker instead of stronger.

Many people try to give it guaranteed skillchecks, but I think it would defeat the whole purpose of that perk.

So here is my idea:

All healing speed bonuses are converted to increased chance of triggering a skillcheck.

So basically you are stuck with basic healing speed, instead you buff the chance of Autodidact working.

This way Autodidact is no longer weakened by healing buffs, and it makes this perk a bit more reliable.

So for example with We'll Make It you have 30% chance of a skillcheck every second

Post edited by Archimedes5000 on

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  • Member Posts: 1,620

    So basically, with the wombo combo of We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge and Resilience, we reach 36.3% chance every second, and if we add Leader on top of that, there will be 40.5% chance

  • Member Posts: 496

    That's an interesting way to buff it. I think it's an awesome perk but with the speed of games and no heal meta. You just cant get your stacks to make it worth.

  • Member Posts: 1,946

    yeah no, 1 it inspires just more boring builds where people have to combine perks to gain the most benefit making the entire customization system pretty much non existent.

    and 2. honestly auto didact is fine, its another risk reward perk, if you dont want the risk, just run Botany Knowledge, simple set buff to healing, but if you want to run the risk, you could be rewarded with near insta healing upon a skill check and I personally love the option of both and run both on different survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited January 2020

    "it inspires just more boring builds where people have to combine perks

    to gain the most benefit making the entire customization system pretty much non existent"


    First of all, this is how you make and customize builds lol. Second, Autodidact would make you stuck with the basic healing speed, so no 8s heals with We'll Make It anymore. If your Autodidact doesnt proc, you are pretty #########. You get rid of ALL heal speed buffs for the sake of Autodidact, and this is fine, because you couldnt use it with healing buffs anyway.

    And no, Autididact is not fine, I have never seen it in a game, and for most players its just a healing speed debuff for the half of the game. Even seeing how skilled players use it, you can see that this perk is completely unreliable, as it does not work well with any survivior perk, and relies on skillcheck RNG, that can ONLY be increased by a fricking Unnerving Presence, and thats a Killer perk lmao.

    Oh yeah, and also Sloppy Butcher makes it quite good.

    So unless we get a survivior perk that increases skillcheck chance instead of reducing it, Autodidact is not fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,946

    Tenacity, lets combine that with unbreakable, boring obvious combo.

    Thats what I mean as an example, using perks together that are so obvious to run together, it becomes boring, it feels mandatory.

    Knock Out and Deerstalker

    Nurses Calling and Sloppy Butcher

    And again, Auto Didact is a risk/reward, if you dont like the risk, dont use it, no different from Hex Perks for killers.

    I personally run Auto Didact like I said before, not even with something obvious like spine chill and its fine, infact its a pretty awesome experience once you are past the negatives and especially when you have your 5 stacks, its just beastly fast.

    But to change the perk just because you want to run it but with less of the risk or making the risk more something you can calculate/count on is a bit off, again there are healing perks you can use instead that are reliable if you prefer that, this is a perk that fills the risk/reward category and tits not for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Yeah, just like Flip Flop and Boil Over, Iron Will and No Mither...

    I have yet to see someone using Tentacity with Unbreakable and not with DS for example.

    But well whatever.

    Yes, its a risk reward, but I dont see it as a reason for not working with ANY perk at all, (sorry, forgot about Spine Chill, but it does not do much anyway). Hex perks are are risk reward, but there are perks like Haunted Ground and Thrill of the Hunt that exist specifically to protect them. So yeah, having to waste a perk slot to make one perk a BIT more reliable is nothing new for this game and I dont see it as a bad thing, you can use 4 unreliable perks that dont work together at all, or focus on maximizing potential of that 1 perk you want to rely upon, in this case Autodidact.

  • Member Posts: 1,946

    the only perk auto didact does not work with is Stake Out, which literally works against it.

    You can run botany knowledge or Well Make It with it just fine as a back up/filler for if the skill checks dont proc, which is fine if you want that safety net, that is your choice, that is what it is all about, pick the perks you want, boost what you want.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Faster healing speed = less chance to get tokens for Autodidact

    So yeah, they dont work together

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    How about they just fix the bug that prevents healing skillchecks when you run it and alongside this change make solidarity work with medkit healing, et voila! Build that's useful and not a throw to run while being far from broken! :D

  • Member Posts: 2,057

    Autodidact works fine the way it is, only complaint is the random aspect of it, but it's the same way with any perks that rely on skillchecks. Sometimes you get 4 in a single heal, other times you get none, but most of the time I get 2 or 3 on the first heal and then the next heals are near instant.

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    Yea, thats what my change is trying to fix, give an option to increase the chance of getting a skillcheck, but without making it guaranteed. Also it fixes the issue of heal buffs making this Autodidact weaker.

  • Member Posts: 2,057

    Oh I read it all wrong! Guess I was still too sleepy when I went over your original post!

    Yeah I agree it would be nice if it made other healing perks work differently.. Or they could create an entirely new perk that allows you to get stacks for whatever reason that you can then use up to get skillchecks on demand. (I don't really see the use of that aside from using it with Autodidact though, honestly)

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    I had an idea for a perk that just increases skillcheck chance, if you are skilled player and always hit Great skillchecks, then perk like that would be useful

  • Member Posts: 298

    I thought this advantage needed a boost, but it's not. This advantage is a meta for me, you just gotta be lucky. If you ask my opinion, this advantage is as good as it is.

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