Apply 3 emblem bonus points for Killers equivalent whenever a survivor DC

I have noticed survivors disconnecting a lot as a survivor and killer myself. This does not make the game enjoyable at all. As a survivor, I am left with 2 other players to work with. As a killer, I cannot earn enough emblem points to pip or double pip. Sometimes, I even derank.

Which categories will these bonus emblem points fall under?

Answer: A new separate category callled, Disconnect Category. This just allows the killer to not be penalized when survivors disconnect. Rather, the killer gets rewarded. This, in turn, will discourage survivors from disconnecting out of rage/grief/troll/etc..

Survivors, too, should receive some bonus whenever a survivor disconnects. Again, survivors would no longer be penalized by this (due to lack of survivors to potentially unhook, thus limiting the amount of emblem points one can recieve). At least, with this disconnect bonus, the emblem points survivors receive serve as a buffer to prevent one from depipping, as well as to reward them (since the game was ruined, some reward should be given). This will discourage survivors from disconnecting as it will leave other survivors in a higher rank.


Penalties to survivors:

Make them derank two ranks (10 rank points). In addition, they will be given a 1 minute DC penalty, then 15, then 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year ban max. They would still be allowed to play private games, but not in matchmaking. Also, there is a 3 buffer system after the 1 day ban.

If you DC one time, that is a 15 minute ban. If you disconnect again, that results in a 1 hour ban, and the next is a 1 day ban. But if you disconnect again after that 1 day ban is lifted, you first receive the 15 minute penalty, then 1 hour, then 1 day, before receiving the 1 week ban. The next time you DC after the 1 week ban is lifted, you have to go through the 1 minute, 15 minute, and 1 hour ban first, before skipping straight to the 2 weeks ban and so forth.

What are your thoughts on this? Is this too harsh? I don't enjoy games that have been compromised because someone decides to disconnect. It wastes my time and I'm sure it wastes yours too.


  • YourFather
    YourFather Member Posts: 89

    But then again deranking the survivor will punish the new players for playing killer.

    To punish them they should give them a additional matchmaking timer which stacks with every DC,just like the one in league of legends.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Both the ranking system and the DC penalty system are about to be overhauled, so my only thought is that we should probably wait a while before giving feedback on them.

  • ilunite
    ilunite Member Posts: 11

    @YourFather I don't think you read the whole post. In addition to deranking, they will be given matchmaking penalties accordingly. Yes, in the shortterm, low rank killers will be faced with high ranked players, but in the long term, if toxic survivors keep repeating this, they will not even be in public games anymore, allowing killers to play against their own rank.

    And c'mon now, even to this day, do we really play with and against ranks the same as ours? The ranking system is flawed right now anyways. At least we get to tackle the DC penalty.

  • YourFather
    YourFather Member Posts: 89

    Yep i read the half post.I dont think they will DC on a killer that barely has any good perks.