BHVR Please read: Re-address nurse

Tro Member Posts: 223
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don't know how many hours I've put into her already but its been a LOT, I have over 1200 hrs on the game and play in console. I sometimes get a 4k, but in general, I'll lose 5-6 matches where everyone escapes before I get 1 4k, or even a 2k.

She needs something changed. There's too many bugs and issues with her right now. She also has one of the lowest pick rates and kill rates of all killers across the board because of these:

  1. You get the blink right and the attack misses even though the survivor is in front of you.
  2. Statues/tires/rocks you cannot blink through.
  3. Randomly blinking to the basement if you are blinking in proximity to it even though you are not aiming down.
  4. Staircases, you can blink down from them but not up or across efficiently.
  5. Her individual cooldown on each blink on top of the fatigue. If you miss one blink, the chase is extended at least 10 sec.
  6. If you don't blink, you cant catch the survivor period, movement speed is too slow.

I've proposed some changes that may make her more viable to play without making her OP again. Please reconsider addressing her::

a) increase her base speed to 4.2-4.4 just like hag/spirit/huntress.

b) give her 3-4 blinks as opposed to 2.

c) Make one recharge bar recharge blinks to maximum (ie. one recharge bar gives you the 2 blinks at once)

d) remove the fatigue and leave the recharges as they are.

e) remove the blink c/ds while not in a chase, that way you start every chase w 2 blinks.

Any one of these changes would put her back in a very good spot without being as OP as she was.

Post edited by Tro on


  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    How do I know when they see my post? Do I get a notification?

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096
    edited February 2020

    @Tro You will see it here:

    It will say if the devs read it, or at least I think it works like that.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    and the same subject ..the nurse is still strong just need to know how to play it! Stop complaining about this issue.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Not necessarily. BHVR read is a flag that the devs manually apply to a post, a bit like an upvote. I don't know how they decide when to use it, but they don't necessarily apply it to every post they read.

    The only way to know for sure that the devs read your post is if they apply a "BHVR read" to it, or reply themselves, but just because they don't do either of those things doesn't necessarily mean they didn't read it.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
    edited February 2020

    Ahh got it. Thank you for the reply.

    raven9  I disagree with you, and so does the majority of console players. You are entitled to your opinion but so am I. She is broken when compared to any other killer on console. She might be ok on pc but on console she is not.

    Post edited by Tro on
  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    There is one thing I've noticed about all subpar killers that considered to be weak and underperforming - nobody complains about them being op. Since nurse rework all you can see is buff requests, like for all other weak killers.

    Just a side observation.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223


  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    Thank You.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    4 Blinks was a problem, thats why it was removed, her original move speed being that of a normal killer was a problem, so it was removed, her fatigue was to short and made escaping a chase nearly impossible, so it was increased in duration. All you are suggesting is reverting the nerfs that were made after 3 years of people playing nurse, 3 years of experience and practice and getting destroyed by the still best killer, Nurse. I agree that the bugs certainly need to be addressed, but once she is functional and consistent, she will be in a good spot. Her chasing ability is unmatched, her snowball potential is unmatched, her mobility is only matched by other top tier killers like Billy and Spirit, she is powerful, but she is by far the hardest to play, the ability to totally negate a survivor's defenses needs to come with a harsh trade off, so having a long cooldown and a fatigue allows survivors to punish her hard when she makes mistakes, but inversely, survivors don't need to make mistakes to go down, nurse never relies on survivors being bad, she is so capable that she can take advantage of a situation no matter how well the survivors do, the main problem is she is boring and difficult, many people abused her easy mode addons (i.e. extra blinks, reduced fatigue, omegablink, etc.) to boost themselves to high ranks. Nurse is supposed to be difficult, she has low kill rates because people struggle with her, as they should, since she has the most kill potential out of all the killers, but she relies the most heavily on player input and skill.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    I hope she gets addressed because honestly you want to know the one good thing I got out of playing her for so many hrs?

    It gave me patience and made me a better killer with any other killer. With her I most never win, but I grab any other killer and I destroy survivors at any rank.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I propose to revert the basekit nerf alltogether.

    Nurse currently resides at 43% killrate.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    As the strongest killer in the game, she would OP if she was easy, she has a low killrate because 1. she isn't great on console (she should get the Oni treatment) 2. People suck at playing her 3. she is buggy. Buffing her would not fix any of these things, once she is fixed she will be much more consistent especially when used by good players

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    In another thread i was told by somebody that there is a nurse main that only 4ks, no matter what happens. You know what happened? I was pointed to ask him in his stream, so I did. He has about 7,6k hrs in DBD estimated 2k alone on nurse. He also suggested that the kit be reverted and that he is not to be taken representative for the general player. He does also lose rounds.

    Tell me please, when a person like that states it, does he not count as good a player or what is your measurement for a good player?

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    Being a good player doesn't make you smart, it doesn't make your opinion valid either, consistently getting 2ks is exactly what the devs have said they want the game to be balanced around, any other killer doesn't have that level of consistency, unlike other killers it doesn't matter the map or the perks survivors are running, Nurse is still going to be strong. P.S. You aren't supposed to win every game, thats ridiculous, there will be times where survivors spread out and play optimally enough to make Nurse's lethality less of a problem, neither side should be winning 100% of the time. If you watch, a good nurse can end chases very quickly and that is the main gameplay of killers, chasing. Nurse is the best at chases and consistently downs survivors quickly when played correctly, just because the Nurse can't kill everyone before the gens are done doesn't make Nurse a bad killer, it means the survivors are playing around the Nurse and playing optimally to compensate for Nurse's incredible strength during chase

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
    edited February 2020

    We get that, I agree w your statements, the problem is we are NOT getting fast kills with her, nor are we getting 2kill avg with her after putting in ~200 hrs just on her. As soon as I swap to any other killer, I do much, much better.

    Im not asking to give her back all that she lost, just something in between. She was too good no question about it, but now she is too bad for the average player, new or veteran.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    How is she great? Please show us. She is picked far less than other killers and her kill rate is lower than other killers because she is so hard to learn and has all those bugs.

    The people that “do very well with her”, I guarantee you do very well or better with any other killer too.

  • Proxi
    Proxi Member Posts: 62

    The thing is yes nurse was very strong before.. but nobody really played her.. even in her superior days I barely saw a nurse at rank 1!

    I feel like the nerf probably was deserved but you overdid it.

    Having to walk so slow when no blinks are available makes her unplayable.

    The changes to her addons already did the work in my opinion.

    No more multiple blinks and no omegablinks.. thats already a big cutback to her former strength..

    Honestly I'd love to see how nurse did without the change to her skill but with the nerfed addons.

    I'd say she would be pretty fine!

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75
    edited February 2020

    Everything Plaquer says in his post pretty much sums up exactly how I feel about the situation. There was a recent forum topic about the same, saying the nurse isn't any good. I disagree. She can be great depending on the circumstances, but can also be poor depending on the same. I think her base movement speed could be increased a bit to get her played more, but other than that, be careful what you ask for. If the Nurse's blink cooldown were removed and she had even 3 blinks, no survivor could ever get away from her, ever. The survivors in the game need to have hope of getting away, and it would be bad enough with two blinks, but 3-4 with no cooldown and she is a monster. Here are some tips for playing nurse better. First off, you have to blink to be successful with Nurse--a non-blink nurse doesn't work. Not only is Nurse too slow, but the only thing that potentially scares survivors and gets in their head is that Nurse can just appear suddenly and hit them. Second, Nurse is environment specific, so if you play nurse in asylum or tight levels with lots of walls, it can feel terrible, and the reason is because, if you can help it, you never want to start a blind blink without visual proof where the survivor is you are chasing, and with tight walls, you pretty much have to do that. In contrast, on open levels, Nurse is very strong because the killer can see you a lot and can turn a corner to see you run off. The exception is if someone keeps running a circle around a small set of walls. So bide your time and blink wisely. Fourth, don't blink directly at a hidden gen...blink to the side then blink at the survivors to get hit and generate a trail. It is too imprecise to try and get on one particular part of the gen to score a hit, especially considering you don't know exactly where a survivor is on the gen. In contrast, always go for the straight hit when you see healing taking place. Open gens don't matter because you can see each other anyway, but you should still go for the two-part shot because it is easier to get a hit that way. Fifth, always blink for hits and always take a swipe when close unless so close walking makes sense. Sixth, never blink through two walls if you can help it. If you do, try to have in mind a large landing zone (big open space). Things that come to mind are diagonally blinking across two walls of the same room to cut a corner. If you are far from the corner, don't do it because you set yourself up to faceplant the first wall and small changes in rotational view before blink make for large changes in distance relative to what you are trying to pass through. If you faceplant the first wall, you are set up for a blind blink. Specifically, consider the killer shack looping. The proper play is to go inside the shack and blink through one wall out of it toward the survivor (smart nurse), not blinking from one external wall to another external wall (dumb nurse). The above does not apply if your are only trying to pass into a narrow hallway through one wall. Sometimes you have to do that. Seventh, consider proximity facecamping to use hooked survivors as bait. This is extremely true if you have already killed two survivors and have a third either down or hooked. There are important reasons for this. First, if the hatch opens, you have to blink to find it most quickly. You are better off looking for the survivor (more on this in a moment). Second, if you choose to be slow to look, then the survivor has an advantage because you are slower regardless. Third, if you are blinking you give away your position and proximity to the survivor due to the noise you make. Even if you manage to get the hatch closed, the survivor can tell you are coming a mile away. So you should facecamp the third person and hope the fourth is dumb enough to get close. Once the third is gone, uness you know where the last survivor is, you probably will not get a crafty survivor. Eighth, and I almost forgot, do not add glowing eyes and heads to the nurse. Be as plain and inconspicuous as possible. Yes, I know there is a glowing red light, but all the glowing effects make you stand out like a sore thumb against all the dull backgrounds. Last tip, don't be so hard on yourself as nurse. The fun is in the challenge of playing well with her. Cut yourself some slack and just have fun. The game is very biased toward at least one survivor escaping. With a little practice and the right environment, Nurse can be great.

    Post edited by Magician on
  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    60% would be more realistic. I don’t think anyone can predict where the survivor will turn 90% of the time. I mean is there a trick? Because they can keep going straight, they can turn left, turn right, or turn into you. Or even standstill. How does someone guess 90% of the time with the survivor will do?

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    Not only that, my biggest problem is not really blinking as much as the lunge after the blink. I miss so many blink lunges with the survivor in front of me it’s not even funny.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Yeah that's ridiculous.. you have to be literally on top of them and even then it misses half the time. :/

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
    edited February 2020

    I did the same, de ranked from 1-8 and then slowly coming back. I get some 4ks, but in general everyone survives most of the time.

    Post edited by Tro on
  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    If they either fixed all the bugs or increased her base speed a little like, even if it was to 4.2, that would be great.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    it's not a complaint, they just can't accept the truth. You just need to know how to play it and first I mentioned it in my answer.Unfortunately, I do not find you right nor do I find you wrong.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    I hope they change something, anything to make her easier or more fun to play.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    The add on nerf was deserved, not the basekit thou. Many killers and survivors, including myself, said that the problem was the add ons, not the basekit. People who complained about the basekit, usually were people who complained about god nurses.

  • YourFather
    YourFather Member Posts: 89

    Her first blink is slower than the second one,and its easily predictable.

    They should make the first blink faster, but they also have to balance it somehow if they do so.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    I want to play against more nurses especially since I want to play her as a killer and understand her counterplay but I rarely see her as a survivor.

    I think devs went too far in nerfing her.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    She needs a buff or a change of some sort that’s for sure

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Nurse is badly implemented in so many ways it hurts. They fixed major bugs some time ago but dedicated servers hurt her. Hag even more.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
    edited February 2020

    I’ve kept at her for another week and came up with another solution that may be easy to implement and wouldn’t help very good nurses at all, but would help new nurses:

    a) DONT reset bloodlust timer on every blink. Make it like the rest of the killers, lose LOS for x time/get stunned/brake a pallet/ get a hit you know, same as other killers.

    I will also repost the other suggestions but note we are not asking for all of these, only for 1 of these to be implemented:

    b) Return her base kit to preenerf, leave addons as they are now.

    c) increase her base speed to 4.2-4.4 just like hag/spirit/huntress, leave rest as is.

    d) give her 3-4 blinks as opposed to 2, leave rest as is.

    e) Make one recharge bar recharge blinks to maximum (ie. one recharge bar gives you the 2 blinks at once), leave rest as is.

    f) remove the fatigue, leave rest as is.

    g) remove the blink c/ds while not in a chase, that way you start every chase w 2 blinks.

    Post edited by Tro on
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,160

    I just want them to return her basekit to what it used to be. The add-ons needed changing; the addition of a cool down is so frustrating and not fun at all. I have to take my eyes off the map to look down at the power bar otherwise I lose a Blink, but taking my eyes off the map means I lose sight of everything else (like survivors).

    She already had weaknesses. Having fatigue. Being unable to cancel Blinks. Being limited on the number of Blinks. Being slow af. Being unable to open a locker directly after Blinking. The new cool down is overkill. It's frustrating. And playing as survivor, my normal counter to her now is running in a straight line. That's terrible.

    She was difficult to play as but still a fun challenge on console, and now she's just difficult; there's nothing fun about it.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Well, BHVR is not responding to anything we say about cooldown nurse. I think Nurse will stay as she is now... forever. Or they will nerf her again, when/if Nurse players get too good with her as she is now.

    The absence of any response is a bad signal for us. Plus, as they've just nerfed her, they wont work on her again.

    But the ideas brought to this topic are great. Sadly, they wont implement none.

    For starters, the Nurses nerf came out of the blue, at least to me. No heads up, just an update and there you go, Cooldown Nurse arrived.

    And I dont like the addons. They are worse than before, nevertheless i never used an addon. Now, you add 1 more blink, and cant go thru walls!!! Or, you hit someone and become a... M1 killer!

    But i second the topic. I think its important to try at least to get BHVR attention. Nurse now is a baby killer with easy counterplay. No fun to play with, no fun to play against, as I already said...

    She lost even her map pressure. She moves slow and cant blink freely to cross the map. So she lost the surprise factor.

    I am adapting to the changes. But as I call her now, the Cooldown Nurse cant go much further. The Nerf was overkill in each and every aspect.

    Again... an addon that makes you blink only to where you can see... is it really an useful power? Who plays Nurse blinking only to where can see? Isnt the central idea of blinking that you can go thru anything? How about the guessing and mindgames?

    Some addons are good or great now, like the no terror zone one, but I think they got out of ideas when made 3 addons for extra BP...

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    I think the only small buff nurse would need is a shared cd for both blinks, your option "c" from the first post basically. I feel like the current situation is too crippling for her, because gens go way too fast and one single mistake means prolonging already the chase by a very good amount, especially in indoors maps such as lery's or hnl.

    Also, I really feel like most players that keep calling nurse 'op' are just really lazy and don't want to learn how to actually counter her, and that's only because she's the only killer that requires a different strategy than normal pallet looping + the fact that you don't see many nurses so they're not used to her.

    Her addons are also mostly trash, the only ones that are worth using are blink recharge reduction or fatigue reduction (both yellow and green paired together, never alone). Rest are... disgustingly useless

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
    edited February 2020

    I hope they read this thread and change something, anything because right now she’s too inconsistent.

    Post edited by Tro on
  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    The random blinks to the basement are the worse. You can’t chase someone blinking close to the basement because you’ll end up blinking to the basement without aiming down to it at all.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    The Temple is a blink nightmare if you wanna stay on the first floor. LOL

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    Happened to me at pallet town again today, twice. Had to abandon chase and give up the gen close to it. Needless to say I lost so much time everyone escaped.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    If I remember, I will write a more detailed response regarding some issues I find with how you present your argument for Nurse's change being a positive thing after years of research, but I want to at least say:

    I am a mediocre Nurse. My mouse sensitivity is sky-high and the area I have in which to move my mouse is small, so I am frequently 360'd or miss swings due to a twitch of my wrist or an erratic survivor movement.

    I play to primarily have fun and not for a trophy of being the best Nurse. I don't have fun playing Nurse anymore whereas I used to have fun (especially with Jenner's Last Breath and Anxious gasp add-on combo). I don't expect consistent 4ks or even 3ks, but I'd like to be able to get kills through using my power rather than simply people down that rush the hook like any m1 killer does.

    I used to play Nurse 33% of all my games just before her nerf and I used to get 4ks if survivors were stupid, but I mostly got 0ks to 1ks + a boatload of fun. Now I play Nurse less than 5% of my games and typically get 0ks to 1ks. However, I use my power less frequently, to less effect, and to my frustration when I find I can no longer blink after a survivor even though I am staring at him/her "running away" from me.

    Was the goal of the developers to make the nurse less powerful by removing what made her incredibly fun to play? If so, well done. If not, there were several other solutions that could have been explored that may have taken some more work and time, but would have resulted in more survivor counter-play while retaining the fun mediocre Nurse players have when playing.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    Yep, I’d say now my kill rate with her is ~40%, if that. I do better with any other killer.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Nurse is strong, but masochistic. He's arguing to make her less so.

    (Nice name, copycat)

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
    edited February 2020

    I’ve been able to make her viable with the 4.2 addon, 4.6 addons, or reduce fatigue+reduce cooldown. Other than that, nope.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    Literally nothing for nurse on next patch? Not even an acknowledgement?

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
    edited February 2020

    Daily reminder nurse still needs to be looked at again and possible solutions the community has come up with:

    a) DONT reset bloodlust timer on every blink. Reset it when losing LOS for x time/get stunned/brake a pallet/ get a hit you know, same as other killers.

    I will also repost the other suggestions but note we are not asking for all of these, only for 1 of these to be implemented:

    b) Return her base kit to pre-nerf, leave addons as they are now.

    c) increase her base speed to 4.2-4.4 just like hag/spirit/huntress, leave rest as is.

    d) give her 3-4 blinks as opposed to 2, leave rest as is.

    e) Make one recharge bar recharge blinks to maximum (ie. one recharge bar gives you the 2 blinks at once), leave rest as is.

    f) remove the fatigue, leave rest as is.

    g) remove the blink c/ds while not in a chase, that way you start every chase w 2 blinks.

    Post edited by Tro on
  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
