European servers

Bring back the old (first) Killer finding system when we can get the geographically NEAREST killer in the lobby with ping/latency 30 - 60ms !
This is not what 133 ms latency does... This looks like 300ms at least, even taking broken hitboxes into account.
I dont think going back to p2p would fix that, devs just have to work on dedicated servers and matchmaking
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In the lobby was 133ms. I'm pretty sure about that. And it was not the one moment ping. It was stable 133ms.
So this game is dead for everyone who located between Europe and Asia.
Every ######### jump through pallet and i take hit from killer even when i'm on other side already.
Jump over window + one step after jumping and i taking hit.
Gameplay is fully broken with that servers for people who located between Europe and Asia.
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You are missing the point.
The reason why dedicated servers are so bad, is because they increase the interaction latency between killer and survivor (the killer has a ping too now). So, you might have a decent ping of 100ms, but the killer might have 100ms too. Which adds up to 200ms.
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Thats why matchmaking should be adjusted too, so that it picks players only with low latency.
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So players with high latency are just left out then?
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No, the players with high latency should be forced to play on servers they have low latency to. And if there are no such servers available, then they play with players that have the lowest latency to that server, so the latency cumulated is the lowest possible. If it doesnt reach acceptable levels no matter what is done, (like you have 400ms to the closest server, so if even others have 0ms, its still 400ms cumulated) then you have a problem. Buy a better internet or something, because they cant have you ruining other people's experience.