Idea for Hex perk overhaul?
So, the recent change to Ruin has certainly shined a light on the Hex perks as a whole, and the underlying mentality of them.
Additionally, the recent Q&A session revealed that secondary objectives as part of controlling overall game speed and balance is something the developers seem keen on looking at.
I had an idea, and I've been mentally gnawing on it for a while, and I'd like to get feedback from others in the community, as well as hopefully bring this idea to the attention of the developers.
The Hex system as it is right now feels very luck based, and more often than not, the risk far outweighs the reward. Poor totem spawn locations, the ease with which they can be cleansed with little risk to the cleanser, and the limited randomization of spawn locations contribute to this.
My proposal is this - remove the "lit" totem mechanic, rebalance the Hex perk system around all totems. This would mean increasing the power of some Hex perks, with the tradeoff being that each totem that is cleansed decreases the power of ALL Hex perks. Once all totems are cleansed, the all Hex perks become inactive. This would also necessitate adding additional totems, in my opinion (my thoughts would be 2-3 additional totems). I also feel that if all totem spawn locations were more like the ones seen hidden well on Badham maps (limited sight lines to see killer coming, not visible from a distance), this would add to the risk/reward. As a counterbalance, totem cleansing speed could be slightly increased. Adding Oblivious as an effect while cleansing, in the same way that survivors are effected by demogorgon portals while cleansing would also likely be a good balancing effect.
For example, we'll use the controversial Ruin. Currently, if a generator is not actively worked on, it automatically degrades at 200% the normal regression rate. If that rate was increased to 300%, but each totem cleansed (assuming there were 5 as is currently the case) would reduce that regression rate by 60%. This makes the perk effective early game with good pressure, but if survivors cleanse totems (a secondary objective that slows overall game speed), this decreases as the game progresses. The numbers would of course need to be tested and a good balance found that makes it both worthwhile to use Ruin, as well as making it worthwhile for survivors to cleanse totems.
I think the potential for this system to revitalize Hex perks as viable, in addition to making them more easily balanced as additional characters and perks are added, and the potential it has to help balance the game as a whole for both sides makes this an idea worth exploring.
Looking forward to feedback and hopefully some developer consideration! Thanks all!
I like this idea, but devs don't care about killers, there I said it. We're a minority, and you only need so many of us to start games. We've been asking for a hex rework or something to assist with them for a while without running a full hex build and we never get any answers. And since we don't get any answers, hex's outside of the old ruin and the spirits hex rarely ever get used. So most of the hex's outside of that are ghost perks. Either completely useless or never used. To go along with the many other trash tier killer perks that.....considering your limited perk space are a complete waste of space.
I wish they would do something about them, hell your idea sounds amazing....but time and time again hex's get I'm not holding my breath...
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The idea is not bad but and makes sense. The risk of a hex perk is waay too big atm for my opinion.
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While that may be true (recent communication has really shown that mentality to be the case), the best we can do is try and offer better solutions than the ones they've come up with.
Thanks for the feedback!
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So you're saying the risk of using a hex perk outweighs the reward at this point? I agree, I think the changes I proposed would help with that.