So you can fix DS in a week but not killer bugs?

Killers: wraith glitch where he is stuck in cloak form when flashlight burned. Hag having major delays in her traps when triggered making them less useful. Spirit not being able to hear survivors who are right next to her when phasing. Ghostface’s stealth ability being just a general mess.
The devs: y'all hear something?
The devs: We are so sorry to hear about that so to compensate for that it will be fixed in the next hot fix and along with that you will have five seconds of invulnerability after using DS.
Welcome Into the minds of entitled survivor.
8 -
Sad truth......
31 -
They can't even fix simple sound bugs like Bubba's chainsaw. Meanwhile Last year get's weekly bugs and has less players. BHVR have no excuses when a game that was pretty dead get's weekly bug fixes, when DBD get's none until the next patch.
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priorities yo
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Unreal 4 is like one of hte most populair engines out there, how they cant hire some people who know this engine to clean up their game is beyond me.
19 -
You forgot meyers stalk is broken, gen grabs are impossible (got denied of 3 gen grans yesterday alone), i even got a closet grab denied even though the animation had started, and of course sounds in general.
I'm the kind of guy who doesn't want the devs to be working 15h a day, i want them to have a healthy life, but it boggles my mind how much they don't care about killers
41 -
They were saying that grabs were an issue with dedicated servers, but since the latest patch I went from having many dedicated issues to having almost 0 now. I still can't get grabs. Probably something in the animations, which seem to be an issue for multiple Killers.
Very sad that Hag is broke AF right now. Her teleportation is screwed so badly it took me 3 matches just to get 4 teleport hits. Her stun animation is jacked as well. Everytime I take a pallet hit, it leaves me looking at the ground instead of returning to face forward like every other Killer. Mama needs some love. 😕
30 -
Yep, been like that for a long time now. Killer issues need to be looked and carefully and considered and tested. Survivor stuff will get changed as soon as physically possible.
23 -
I think most people are biased against devs. Yes killer is unfun to play and game is veteran survivor sided but lets be objective here.
A perk getting disabled can't be compared to bugs that happens "sometimes" and isn't as game breaking.
I play against spirits they find me from my walking footsteps not running or injured so I don't see the problem if it happens once in a while. Spirit still dominates survivors.
Hag still works that bug is annoying as ######### but it isn't fixed because it is not as simple as changing some codes in the game unlike that decisive bug. It is dedicated server based and we all know the pain with the servers, they are trying, they even tried a new mechanic where it was supposed to fix that weird getting hit 2 meters away from windows etc. last ptb remember ?
Ghostface reveal is actually a bad thing against survivors since revealing him is broken not something killer not being able to hide or anything.
I am sure if a killer perk was to be disabled for some reason or their power being broken and not working they would fix it in few days as well.
6 -
I want last year to really take off. DBD needs some good competition cause right now the devs have a monopoly on this genre. They don't have to please their community cause there's hardly anything else. It's like that south park episode about the cable company "Well if your not happy with our service you could always go to someone else. Oh, that's right. There is no one else"
I thought FT13th could be that contender but it had a bad launch and the law suit was the nail in the coffin.
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It might be possible that one Bug is way easier to fix than another Bug.
But thats just me, going the logical way instead of calling for Pitchforks.
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I'll just leave this here. How the hell can this still be in the game?
The Wraith was just stun locked in a loop.
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They sure as Fawuck are NOT trying; and if they are, all they deserve is a participation reward with their negligence on their own game
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Every time someone buys an outfit or pays for their battlepass, they get their participation reward.
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Easier fixes.
4 -
-Trapper: Invisble aura for near traps
-Wraith; Many problem with uncloaking by a pallet or a flashlight
-Billy: Ghost chainsaw (rare)
-Nurse: Infinite blink sound and animation
-Myers: Stalk regression (Dedicated servers ?)
-Hag: Weird camera after teleportation (Dedicated servers ?)
-Clown: Bottles can collide wth invisble wall (rare but devastating for a poor trash-tier killer)
-Spirit: Sound problem (All killer suffer for this) + As a survivor i can hear her phasing sound in her terror radius.
-Plague: Vomit doesn't infect survivors sometimes (Dedicated servers ?)
-Ghotsface: Impossible/delay to lean (Dedicated servers ?)
Post edited by Avilgus on18 -
There is a few games coming out this year that might give DBD some competition and i'm really hoping once the law suit is done someone new will make a new Friday the 13th game, thats all we can do is hope these games turn out good and we have more choices to play not just a couple.
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It just happened to be easier to fix?
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They said the "events" will be just the basic stuff, because they want to improve game health, but so far I can't see any more effort put in it... And just to be clear, I love this game, and I'm sad, that this is happening.
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That was the point I was going to make. They have to figure out what's causing the bug first. That can be a nightmare sometimes.
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These are the devs that left epilepsy triggering bright lights on flashlights for years until Matheiu got dunked on. Why do you want to White Knight for developers so rigidly stupid that it took multiple complaints from people about the brightness of the lights getting flashed in your eye AND one of their own getting embarrassed on stream to make that change.
It's nice to be positive, forgiving, supportive, and I appreciate you for that if nothing else. But you don't just ignore patterns on the wall my man.
7 -
I don't know how complex their coding is, I have never worked on games or coded for them, and I wager not many of us on the forums have either. Judging one fix, that was recently broken, against more complex fixes that might be affected by several variables sounds like a rush to judgment.
Just to be clear both sides are frustrated by lingering bugs. If the devs could wave a wand and fix them all, I'm sure they would.
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Oh believe me i want to have faith that things will be fine but with how long all these bugs have been in the game and whenever they are brought up the developers get catty and either ignore or reply with sarcasm. Its just unacceptable to me, thats just me though they preach about balance but don’t even bother to.
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I bet there's some more $10 cosmetics coming soon though... I don't care how the game plays as long as I can look cool and spend ridiculous amounts of money on digital At least have some resale or trade value 🤮. Bad thing is that every bug fixed seems to create more bugs...🤦♂️
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Exactly. The devs can't replicate these bugs, how would they be able to fix them?
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going to assume most bugs are easier to find and fix then others
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remember the game breaking basement glitch that was gone in a matter of days?
okay now remember killer sounds were broken for close to 3 months? theres your answer
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How about nurse? Her 2nd blink can be disabled for whole game. How is that not game-breaking?
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You can't hear spirit phasing when you're in her terror radius. This is intended.
If you can hear it, it's broken
4 -
Different bugs can take different amounts of time to fix. It's not a matter of preference. In fact, the same update fixed an issue with Freddy's trap placement (which surfaced the same time as the Decisive Strike issue). We'll also typically have a section in the bug fixes specifically for killers in larger updates, like this:
14 -
Its not limited to her 2nd blink. Sometimes she can't even blink the first time, effecively allowing the survivors to hold the game hostage.
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More the reason people don't play as nurse these days
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Who would've thought that a bug that was related exclusively to one killer due to a known mechanic would be easier and faster to fix than stuff you literally cannot pinpoint the cause of?
Some of yall don't understand coding and it shows
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Only "bug" I experienced frequently is the hit box bug. And I'm sure that is because of players with a bad connection.
And yes as long as they can't replicate certain bugs they can't fix them. Only bugs that can be reproduced on any machine can be easily fixed.
I never experienced any of the bugs mentioned in this thread.
I'm also pretty sure that there are more bugs, even with UE4, on console than on pc.
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Man, Peanits. Don't confuse us with your actual facts. All we want to do in this forum is blindly insult the devs and behave like children.
Post edited by Rizzo on8 -
Indeed, corrected, thank you.
As survivor i can hear her phasing sound in her terror radius.
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Man it's almost as if a certain group of people were proven wrong yet hey in a few days another thread will surface about Devs favoring survivors more in terms of bug fixes of all things.
"Durrr hurrrr DS was broken and it was fixed within a week! Brrehhd what about this killer??? Wow bias!! Ergh"
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Ahhh yes, our fault COMPLETELY.
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Are we really going to ignore how Wraith a Spirits lunge got fixed?
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I’d think you’d be happy that bugs get fixed.
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Oh god I remember... that was painful
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BHVR is really trying to compete with Bugthesda.
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We dont ignore that wraith and spirit lunge got fixed but it took over a month to fix that. I was not able to play my spirit for over a month.
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I haven’t noticed that often when I play clown, sole survivor however currently does nothing and has done nothing for awhile. Don’t know why you’re trying to have a competition though.
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Can't deny: I'm getting more and more tired of not uncloaking from stuns but looking like you're uncloaked.
Then my brain's like: "Look, there's your weapon, you're uncloaked, bruh."
2 -
Killers are in a sad state right now. I think that the majority of killers have a game breaking bug that they're dealing with. Here's a partial list that's reposted from an earlier post in this thread.
All killers - survivors aren't making sounds
-Trapper: Invisble aura for near traps
-Wraith; Many problem with uncloaking by a pallet or a flashlight
-Billy: Ghost chainsaw (rare)
-Nurse: Infinite blink sound and animation
-Myers: Stalk regression (Dedicated servers ?)
-Hag: Weird camera after teleportation (Dedicated servers ?)
-Clown: Bottles can collide wth invisble wall (rare but devastating for a poor trash-tier killer)
-Spirit: Sound problem (All killer suffer for this) + As a survivor i can hear her phasing sound in her terror radius.
-Plague: Vomit doesn't infect survivors sometimes (Dedicated servers ?)
-Ghotsface: Impossible/delay to lean (Dedicated servers ?)
Generator grabs are bugged
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-Don't forget the bug for Demo to get stuck in random trees in swamp still.
-And don't forget if Oni is stunned after his power is used up he's stuck in an animation loop of putting away his weapons.
Also, #########..
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the devs knew what was causing the Decisive Strike bug. Im willing to bet all my money they had it fixed the same day, if not next day, the bug was found out. It was being in Madness Tier 3. Much easier to isolate the line of code causing the bug. Plus i'm willing to bet killer powers are more complex than perks to code. Yes many bugs have been in the game for WAY too long and need to be looked into yesterday. Dedi servers are bringing many problems and i just wish they would bring back PTP and work on them. Both sides suffer from it and from my experience killers suffer way more.
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Pretty good job so far! Keep doing what you are doing!
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I had "tombstone piece" and I thought I grabbed a surv off the pull but no, they get the gate open and escape. Lame. Also my stalk would turn off all of the sudden too.