So you can fix DS in a week but not killer bugs?



  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    With the latest patch, whatever they did to optimize or tweak the dedicated servers has worked wonders. I only had 4 spots in matches last night where I got "dedicated". Twice as a Killer and twice as a Survivor. This is going from 3-4 per match prior to the latest patch. It felt GOOD to play as Killer and not lose Survivors because of rubberbanding and ghosts for a change.

    That's why I think some of the bugs people are seeing, especially with the grabs, are not a dedicated issue. Considering how many problems are going on with the various Killers, it would not surprise me if this was the issue and dedicated servers simply magnify it. They will take longer to fix of course, it's not as easy as tweaking a bit of code to get better performance, but whether it's the animations or something else, it's not as easy as a single instance of something failing to work properly (Madness 3 + DS).

    I think most people only complain because they really love the game and don't want it to fail. You see this at workplaces a lot, where the one or two people who ######### constantly only do it because they really love their job and want everything to be perfect. Now of course, some are just toxic buttholes, but I'd say that most of the people who are complaining just want the game to be the perfect experience they desire.

    I appreciate all the work that does get put into the game, but it is really painful to have to shelve one of my favorite Killers for a while because of a bug that hurts her game play so much, especially not knowing if/when it's going to get fixed. Now I have to P3 the Spirit and listen to all the complaints about "noob killer playing easy mode" instead of max'ing Mama. 😥

  • Shirokuro
    Shirokuro Member Posts: 182

    I mean, Dead Hard has been wonky ever since the dedicated servers came out. All actions make the survivors' hitbox the size of the map (killer can hit a survivor who vaulted like a year ago). Killers can sometimes grab a survivor even though an animation has ended already. Sole Survivor doesn't work at all...

    I very rarely stumble upon bugs as a killer and if there ever is any, they aren't usually gamebreaking.

    The balance is one of the biggest problems in the game right now. Not bugs. You can't just treat bug fixes like your usual balance changes. The devs fix them depending on how easy/urgent they are to fix. They aren't thinking like "Oh killers haven't received a nerf in a while, better fix all survivor bugs ASAP!"

  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372
    edited February 2020

    The new grabs animation is disgusting. But before, the game had normal animation. Just facepalm.

    You just look what we lost

    Post edited by Animator on
  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372

    The common problem of all killers is ugly 1st person animations.

    And that's not all.

  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372

    When do you finally get down to fixing the animation of first person killers?

    Hey? How much longer to wait? Why does the Clown lose the bottle after reloading? Why doesn't he have leg animation when he walks sideways or diagonally? Why did Trapper's hand-wipe blood animation fail? Why did the killers' animation break when they break the pallet? Why? When will you fix it all? Already 3 years have passed since it all broke!

    And. that's .not. all.

    Take the time and view ALL animations of killers from the 1st person, all their models (why is the Clown missing a stomach? What is it bothering with?) and fix it!

  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372

    @Peanits Here's a post in which I mentioned most of the bugs related to killer animations. And that's really not all.

  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372
    edited February 2020

    It is also worth mentioning such animations that you removed / broke for some unknown reason or there was a reason, but you were too quick to fix it when you could find another solution without deleting this animation:

    1)Animation when a killer missed his weapon. This animation was removed due to the fact that the killers looked in this way into the locker. But if you sit down and think carefully, you could add a small invisible hitbox in front of the locker that would prevent the killers from looking into the closet. And to make sure that he did not bother anyone to go, run or open the closet. If earlier we assume you did not have such an opportunity, now it is 100% there, because you have updated your arsenal of tools.

    2)Animation of grabs from a window / pallets. You changed this beautiful animation (I’ll attach the GIF below) and gave us in return this wretched, nasty animation of the hornbeam, because of which there is blood from the eyes. Seriously? Was it not possible to take that animation and make it so that the killer grabbed the survivor by the leg, the survivor resisted, but instead of throwing the survivor to the floor, the killer would throw him on his shoulder immediately? Or it’s even better to leave it as it is, because you accelerated the animation of raising the survivor on the shoulder, and that animation just consists of 2 parts: the first part is the killer grabs the survivor, the second part - the killer lifts him on the shoulder.

  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372
    edited February 2020

    I do not want to spam similar posts here on the forum, but you force it to do because you ignore them. And I can’t sit and watch how the game that I love, the game that I play from the very moment of its release, turns into hell.

    Maybe you will stop ignoring this problem?

  • Herbalyte
    Herbalyte Member Posts: 45
    edited February 2020

    Sounds have been bad for 3 months now without getting fixed, when playing nurse I get stuck in objects denying me my lunge and having to waste a blink sometimes to get out (ps4). Also nurses blinks are inconsistent when it comes to travel distance, I'd do a fully charged blink and it'd tp me 5m sometimes. I get blade wipe and stun animation frequently aswell and cant teleport through corners of the map which is really annoying aswell.