Enduring got nerfed again?

I didnt play with enduring for a while, guess the last time was before oni came out. And now I noticed, when I got stunned after picking up a survivor under a pallet. Usually enduring would reduce that stun duration but I had the normal stun duration like I had no enduring when I got stunned after the pick up. That wasnt like that before, I wonder why the devs needed to shadow nerf AGAIN enduring even though it got nerfed once?
I've noticed a pattern of things people accused of being shadow nerfs simply being bugs...
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A bug usually comes if you change something in resulation to that for a example when they wanted to adjust the spirits post phase movementspeed curve, they bugged it to not stack it with the wraith AND spirits lunge.
In this case they didnt needed or had to change anything with Enduring so it is most likely not a "bug".
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Counterpoint: It has explicitly been stated recently that if it is not in the patch notes, it is not an intended change.
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A lot of things in this game get bugged without being related to other things in this game.
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Like when medkit charge add ons got bugged a few patches ago for no reason
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Maybe its because thats not considered a pallet stun, instead a wiggle out stun i guess? IDK
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Sole survivor doesn’t work for some reason.
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enduring hasnt effected that in a long time. spirit fury still triggers but I assume its to not instantly punish asurvivor for a timed drop.
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Well then...it's pretty sad that they consider new sound an improvement
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If you add something that can come in trouble with the coding then yes, but only the doctor got updated recently. I am not sure for how long this enduring "bug" is already in but I am still not really sure if its just a "bug" its always easy calling everything a bug^^
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The devs like to change something without mentioning anything in the patchnotes. For example, the oni addon "Polished Maedate". They changed this addon completly 3 times in a row in the past few weeks. I noticed that because I prestiged oni and just finished him a few days ago too 3 level 50. Yay contrags myself!
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Maybe it was used in 80% of matches so therefore it had to be nerfed?
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I'm pretty sure it has been that way for a while, at least since Enduring stopped interacting with perk stuns like DS and Head On?
Pallet, Head On and Flashlight stuns all trigger the "Killer grasp escape stun" if you want to call it that, not a regular stun. It looks different from both 1st person and 3rd person. And from a gameplay perspective I guess it's so the killer doesn't recover so fast that the save is practically pointless.