Live Q&A: Technical Stream



  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    Will keyboard and mouse ever be implemented into console ?

  • Demodoogun
    Demodoogun Member Posts: 1

    On PS4, often when I play The Demogorgon, I will use the pounce attack and the animation will end as soon as I get to the survivor like it didn't reach them even though I was in range of securing the hit. Is this something to do with hitboxs or am I missing something with the pounce attack? Thanks for the feedback!

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I could answer this for you. It's because on a controller you have analog input, and your inputs can be in any direction. On a keyboard, you have a digital input and can only move in 8 cardinal directions. It's easier with a controller because you just spin the stick, where on a keyboard it's more complicated.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2020

    Why do notifications on console cause such serious frame drops? Xbox players have come to hate Sloppy Butcher because your screen will freeze for a solid 2 seconds when you get hit, which means you end up running into a wall or sometimes directly back into the killer. It's quite unfair. Doc is a giant walking frame drop even after his rework. PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS!

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I know it's not an actual autoaim. It just "makes the hit look better". But can we please have a button to turn it off?

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    What do you think about Scott junds idea of a "trial warm up"?

    Will it be tecnically easy do make? Do you think it can be a solution to some of the problems of the game?

  • AWildLuke
    AWildLuke Member Posts: 22

    Can you please explain how pallet/window hits work? Like, the timing and distance of the lunge, the conditions (medium and slow vaults, injured survivors) required to connect a hit and etc. Some hits are suppose to hit (there's even an achievement for it), but it's hard to understand how, so I think having a demonstration would be a good idea!

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    On PS4, why are there frame rate drops whenever you enter bloodlust?

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    I just wanna have some fun with Totems but on older maps they are just in sucky spots hide the totem better!!

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    Why is it possible for a killer to hit me when i vault and have already taken a few steps ahead?

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    Why is it every update causes the same error that was fixed by a previous update. I.e. The Rank update error.

  • BaschFonRonsenburg
    BaschFonRonsenburg Member Posts: 311

    Is there any plans to implement higher sensitivity for consoles? I find myself being unable to catch a survivor pulling a 360 and having to wait for them to finish before I’m able to hit them. Aim Enhancement usually makes me miss while they are spinning.

  • Fnatic47
    Fnatic47 Member Posts: 396
    edited February 2020

    Will Doctor huge fps drops be fixed or you guys already have a fix for it on the Next patch?

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Is there any technical issues as to why console hasn't been optimized yet?

  • Adriang14
    Adriang14 Member Posts: 257

    Are there any plans to reduce the way the killers enhanced animation hits can cause misses and camera flicks.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Do survivors all have the same size hit box? Do Killers all have the same size hit box?

    Youtuber's and streamers have been saying all the survivors have the same size hit box, and the killers all have varying sizes of hit boxes. Which explains why Clown can't chase survivors around corners, because his hit boxes forces him to take a wider girth around a corner - making him move at the same speed as survivors that run as close to the inside of a turn as possible.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513

    Can we please get cross progression if possible if not possible what is stopping you?

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    Can you explain how the action order is registered because as killer it feels like grabs take last and survivors escape mid animation all the time.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Have you thought about reducing the hitbox around killers to allow them to round objects better without losing as much distance?

  • Lithuanian
    Lithuanian Member Posts: 141

    any changes coming to dead hard ?

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    Last it was said that you were aiming for 60fps on PS4/Xbox One by the end of Summer 2019.

    Is a big update to console performance still coming?

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    Why is DBD causing PS4 systems to overheat? It is the only game I play that causes this issue.

  • Unironicalygoth
    Unironicalygoth Member Posts: 175

    Why dont iridescent add ons work with each othet?

  • Jareth
    Jareth Member Posts: 112

    Are there any planned fixes for when a killer appears to grab a survivor but then gets cancelled mid-animation?

  • KingOfBadRNG
    KingOfBadRNG Member Posts: 425
    edited February 2020

    Why do killers have different lunges I get it for higher or slower mobility killers? For my Example wraith and freedy

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    This ones for you @SpaceCoconut

    With the Hag, as of the moment, she cannot be played because of that weird bug from teleporting.

    Can you please explain why this happens to us, and how you plan to fix this?

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    How does the loop safety assessment tool work? For example, in the 3.5.0/1 patch notes, there was mention of a +82 loop safety rating. What does this mean exactly? How safe are the loops on an L-wall/T-wall tile vs. a long wall jungle gym tile, and how are pallets taken into account?


  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Regarding performance and UI feedback the game gets slower the longer it's running and it literally freezes sometimes for some seconds when navigating through menues and so on and it became really worse on consoles. You promised performance optimizations since over 1 year already. When will you finally address and improve those essential issues?

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    The experience on console (PS4 in my case) feels to be going further downhill with every patch and is the reason many friends of mine who were previously long-term obsessive players of this game have given up on it entirely. Are there still optimisation plans for console, and if so, when can we roughly expect them? And if not, when and for what reason were they abandoned?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2020

    Why does huntress chuck invisible, wall phasing, Honda CRV's at you? I thought she was supposed to throw hatchets.

    I get she needs some aim assist to a degree so they actually hit, but it's very annoying to run around a turn and take 3 steps and still get hit, or to dodge perfectly or so you think and watch it about to fly way past you and still you get hit. There has to be some better way to solve this problem for her right?

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267
    edited February 2020

    Are you guys going to add more Dedicated Server locations other than the ones you have now, if so where do you guys have in mind?

    Post edited by Elk on
  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    Okay, so my main question is when are dedicated servers going away, it is something that is EXTREMELY unhealthy for your game. Peer to peer felt better, worked better for everyone, and is just better in this game overall. I don't see why we are forced to play on dedicated servers when the PTB exists for a reason.

    Also, saying "what we are doing to reduce the feeling of hits that don't appear to be close enough" doesn't help anyones worry that dedicated servers won't be put in the trash as they should. We KNOW those hits shouldn't hit us. Covering up the hits that shouldn't hit by changing animations isn't good game design. It should be obvious by now that hits are way more generous than they ever were before. You could loop things many times before but now you can't even be greedy because of how inconsistent the servers are. Remove them, tyvm or at least give us an option to play on P2P.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    At what point should the window M1 hit no longer be available? I've been hit on a double L wall after taking more then 4 steps while being at the end of the wall. This was before and after dedicated servers.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Will PC players receive the ability to adjust our graphical settings further, rather than have to tinker with .ini files?

  • krzak95
    krzak95 Member Posts: 11

    Can you guys finally add more sensitivity to controllers? And when we can expect stable 60 fps?

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited February 2020

    short version: in the stalking mechanic (Ghostface and Shape powers), how does the game know when a survivor can be stalked?

    (long version, because I would like a somehow precise answer here :P: a survivor can be located not only behind a wall, but also behind see-through grass / half-way behind a generator / between the shack planks etc. - meaning that only a part of the survivor can be seen. I assume you raytrace from the killer POV to the survivor location, but what are the points that you use in the raytracing?)

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    How does dedicated servers affect things like grabs (EG: gen grab, totem grab, hook grab etc)? I'm curious why it happens and what it takes to make it happen less.

    Also, why does having a really good ping seem to make my experience worse (not being able to hit through windows or pallets when I see streamers do it all the time)

  • TraitorousLeopard
    TraitorousLeopard Member Posts: 156

    Why does healing heighten the survivor hitbox, especially when most healing animations involve the survivor bending over to heal someone or themselves?

  • monka
    monka Member Posts: 66

    Will graphics and FPS selection items be added to PS4?

    Monster hunters, etc. have selection items

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Will there ever be more graphic settings

  • miotas
    miotas Member Posts: 42

    Is it possible to get optional projectile aim assist for Huntress on console, similar to other FPS games?

  • Cabbage
    Cabbage Member Posts: 349

    Dedicated Servers for Xbox

    Is there an expected date for them to be released? What issues have you faced with dedicated servers for Xbox?

  • AceOfSpades1773
    AceOfSpades1773 Member Posts: 74

    Is there a reason as to why Huntress' hatchet's hitboxes are as wide as the damn survivors?

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Any upcoming plans to address second phase hook "struggle" button

    Mashing X feels horrible and it's awful for hardware and fingers alike

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Are new maps / loops designed with dedicated servers in mind? (question is related to hits through pallets/windows due to latency)

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    Why does an interrupted grab often revert to “no damage done” instead of a hit?

    To clarify: an injured survivor accidentally performs a vault and the killer hits the survivor which registers as a grab. The grab is then interrupted because of latency and the survivor runs away. The survivor should be dead on floor.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    When are grabs going to be fixed?

  • Groxiverde
    Groxiverde Member Posts: 767

    The hitboxes of Freddy's hits and Huntress's hatchets are the worst by far. Are you planning to do something to fix them?

  • GrumpyGamer
    GrumpyGamer Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2020

    Sometimes when playing killer the game will pause for several seconds when I pick up a downed survivor. What is causing this and is there a plan to fix it?? Also I occasionally get noticeable frame drops when playing killer, usually when I swing at a survivor, however I've never experienced frame drops as survivor. Why does this happen and is there a fix? I'm playing on PS4.

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