Unpopular Opinion, Killers are MORE Toxic than Survivor

They simply have more ways/chances to make survivors lives a living hell. You see too many items, bring Franklin's, take their items, and DC. See a team that may look like a SWF, that's probably not, bring Ebony Mori. Gets looped by a survivor for 5 gens because they're better than you, face camp. So many opportunities to make the game so terrible for Survivors. Sure survivors can what, Tea bag, that's it. Sure there is doing gens, their one and only objective, and flashlight clicking, most of the time to take agro off of someone being tunneled. Killers simply have more ways to make Survivors hate their lives, and they take it more often. Before you say I have a survivor biased, I don't. I play Killer and Survivor equally, have been bullied as both, and gotten to rank 1 as both. I see both sides equally, but whenever I want to be toxic, it's usually just slap on an Ebony Mori and OP addons. Survivors can't do that, all they can do is bring a key, which imo isn't toxic, just op.
This isnt reddit, sorry.
your """controversial""" opinions wont really give you many internet points here.
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You have a point. I have to admit that I've done plenty of cruel things to survivors. Slug races, survivor pinata, 2 survivors - 1 basement, violent boss, etc. Ahh, the memories.
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You're right, reddit is all killer mains, so there are no controversial opinions there, and did I ask for points?
Post edited by Rizzo on6 -
It's just so easy to make survivors lives so bad. I'm not saying it's OP, but just irritated when killers complain about Survivors being the most toxic thing to walk the planet.
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The killers have more tools but it's the survivors who act out more in order to unnerve the killer. Fast action notification survivors literally make me want to vomit with disgust. The only thing I want to do is kill them and nothing else I will actually even let the others go then stop playing after.
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If you didn't know you were facing an SWF you definitely do after that annoying Dwight starts locker spamming as soon as you start a chase with someone else
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I personally don't experience this when playing killer, but I can see why it can be irritating. Atleast it means that one survivor is doing nothing.
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You might get away with saying "it's not a bait thread", if you hadn't replied to your own thread with "let the hate comments begin...".
Post edited by Rizzo on9 -
It's not unpopular it's incorrect....well.....in post game chat at least it's 100% more toxic from survivors than from killer, in terms of in game actions it's usually more killers but the difference is not as huge.
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I'm just not a fan of dbd after a night where all I get is flashlight abused, fast action notifications and gens done before I've crossed the map.
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Actually, mathematically, 400%. :)
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Definitely more toxic in end game, but I'm talking about gameplay experience. Endgame you can just leave the lobby, when you're in the game, all you can really do is DC, but killers still get upset when survivors DC when they get mad, calling them entitled just because they actually want to have fun.
The reason I said that is because look at the comments, half of it is people either claiming its bait, or that my opinion is flat out wrong.
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I experience this whenever playing a killer without a one hit down. All m1 killers need a speed buff
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You might be able to get away with using the excuse "I said it cause look at the comments"...if you hadn't posted that before any comments happened. You were baiting people.
Baiting people is toxic. Popular opinion. :)
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Tell me how survivors are more toxic than killer. I genuinely want to know what you think on this matter, rather than you calling me out for bait or telling me I'm wrong for thinking this...
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I'll stop calling you on for bait when you admit that at least part of you was trying to bait toxicity, and it backfired.
In any case, survivors are more toxic based purely on numbers. There's more of them. Therefore, there are more toxic survivors. Therefore, more toxicity.
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You're logic is blowing my mind in how wrong you are. This literally isn't even a bait post. If you look at it, people are actually discussing the matter. Stop being so disrespectful of other people's opinions and actually give you're thoughts lmao. No one but you thought this was bait.
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I'm not taking it back, because it isn't true. I wasn't baiting anyone. I was simply predicting what the comments were gonna be. If it makes you feel better, do you want me to edit my post so it's actually in my post and delete the comment, because if it bothers you that much, I'll do it.
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lol you mad because someone DCd after hitting you with franklins!!
That's so funny god bless Monto, yall need to stop replying so long to every salt post. This man is mad, you dont got to debate him. Rubbing salt in salt
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Both sides are equally toxic, and each creates toxic players of the other side through their actions. It’s the cycle of this game.
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I can happily say that no one has ever done that to me before, the only reason why I brought it up is because it is toxic.
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Killers dont have time to be toxic, gens go too fast and there are tea bagging survivors to run after right up to the point they run out of hte doors.
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For your second part: you are right, but people won't accept that. Same thing happened in my thread "The Hillbilly Problem" where I detailed how he was such a problematic character with his current power level, and 75% of the comments were I'm just wrong, gut gud or borderline abuse.
You actually have a point, but people are so stuck in their own personal biases to even consider the points of others.
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Look, yes, but with the power of the game, it surely starts with killers going out of their way to ruin people's games. People make accounts specifically to get away with tunnelling and face-camping just to annoy others.
It's even more prevalent on consoles where it's free to make new accounts and the corporates won't ban anyone.
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I don't think I saw that thread, but people probably called you wrong...because you were actually wrong. Hillbilly is far from overpowered. Addons maybe, but base kit no.
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That is not what I was arguing. I was saying that he shouldn't be so strong for how simple he is to play and pick up, and compared him to Spirit and Nurse.
Big difference that people, just like you, ignored entirely.
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If the only strong killers are the ones that are too hard to play for most players (Which the nurse does count as) Then no one will play killer.
This logic is flawed in the sense that it doesn't consider the idea of introduction and how a bad first impression(If everyone who is easy to play gets stomped)it will put people off.
Being hypothetical :Imagine playing the game where the only powerful roles were as hard to play as the nurse. That game would have some die hard players but would die fast due to no one having any power unless they are willing to torture themselves to play one of the few powerful characters.
TLDR: Difficulty =/= to power for the simple reason of maintaining a player base.
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Yes, cause every new Billy player can do the Billy flick, and not be forced to M1 in loops. Sure.
And Clown is S tier. lol
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Playing the game is just playing the game. It's the messages or on PC "end game chat" were people are toxic, and survivors are much much worse.
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Skill floor vs. Skill celing. Or another eay to put it is 50 hours of Nurse or 5 in Hillbilly.
I have had this argument withtoo many people. There is nothing new you can say.
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And by the looks of it, you've lost every time. GG I guess.
Anywho, back to the topic at hand, toxicity is all around. Not purely killer or survivor based.
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The issue: Most people WILL NEVER put 50 hours into nurse as people don't want to put up getting curb stomped for 50 hours.
So if all killers were that hard that were worth using the game would be dead much like nearly all other online game that strictly make a game that's ONLY playable by the top 100 people. Only 100 people will play.
This mentality has plagued and killed so many Arena shooter games that its almost frivolous to name individual examples as it has happened to nearly every failed game in that genera.
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But on console???? Nurse???
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I'm not saying that all killers should be NURSE DIFFCULT, but harder than "hold chainsaw to win" at their core. Nobody cares about the skill floor though.
What I also said is that if the Devs consider Billy to be their focus point for balance, then there's something fundamentally wrong with their balancing.
I'm fine with Doctor and Freddy being top-tier strong, just not with Hillbilly being their equal.
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Can't lose an argument if people never go against your initial point.
GG EZ indeed.
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This is the reality, survivors who can do nothing but m1 almost win vs a far better player.
Go argue about skill floor when survivor doesn't have any to begin with.
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Given how much flack you're getting for it, I just wanted to say that I understand what you're trying to say about the skill floor:ceiling ratio, and in general I agree with you, not only in that it is an important issue to consider when discussing balance, but that most players don't acknowledge it as such.
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I expect it.
I know I'm right because I've versed Hillbillies like PC players have Nurses, picked him up to see what all the hype is about, had one bad game as a low green vs. tryhard purples, and dominated every game since.
On console, yes, but still.
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Not many people played nurse before her rework on console even less people do now
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Survivors are far more toxic then Killers are. I never received a hate message from a Killer, when our little SWF ended the game quickly or the Killer got looped for ages. But when I play Killer hate messages are a constant thing. It doesn't matter if you camp/tunnel/mori/etc. or not. If you don't play according to the Survivor Rulebook, you get hate massages
Now this is on console. Though, if there was a in-game chat, like it is on PC, then Killers surely would speak out their feeling too ;)
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most killers act like its not their own fault for choosing to chase the one survivor for 5 gens then complain about gen speeds XDDDD
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2018 and early 2019 I would have disagreed with you but the second half of 2019 onwards boy did the toxicity shift.
There seems to be more killers now that go out of their way to ruin the experience for survivors. They tend to gloat far more than survivors too post game, even if they only get kills with noed, or camping, or winning a game after 2 dc its still toxic gloating post game.
As survivors strength comes down and killer rises you can see the toxicity start to shift a little bit.
I’d bet big money right now this is only going to increase once the disconnect penalty comes in. Tbagging Ghostface leaving you slugged? That will increase drastically once they know you can’t disconnect anymore. That’s how the community is.
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Survivors have sabo squad, so survivors have it in their arsenal to make the game unfun for the killer. Sabo is a lot of fun for survivor, but it's frustrating as killer.
Dealing with a sabo squad that just aimlessly run to areas where they know you can't hook them is incredibly boring for the killer.
I once played against a sabo squad where I had sound bug issue and I couldn't hear the noise notifications that my hooks were being sabotaged. I just assumed I was unlucky with the number of hook spawns,
At high ranks, a single mistake as killer can cost you the game. So when a survivor wiggles off your shoulder due to your hooks being sabotaged it's very frustrating.
Post edited by Nutty_Professor on3 -
Seems like there are more instances where survivors go out of their way to be #########, like t-bag and flashlight clicking, doing things that are otherwise a disadvantage just to cause more annoyance to the killer. Not saying the killer never does that but survivors tend to be the ones who started it. Also the survivors are usually the ones slinging ######### in the endgame chat, and since there's 4 of them they can all team up on the killer insulting them and the killer can't get a word in edgewise. Even if the killer didn't do anything wrong they might still get bombarded with hate or taunting and be unable to make any sort of comeback except just leaving.
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Your all toxic, it's simple as that.
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So killers playing the game normally is toxic not nothing survivors do is...
What a bait post
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Then what they are doing is working rather well, that kind of actions are usually done to divert your attention from something else, like the parent birds trying to get the snakes attention and divert it from reaching the nest with the very vulnerable offspring.
When I get one of those fast action spamers I usually leave them for last when their weaker teammates have already dropped al pallets to make his chase way easier and remember someone spaming is someone not fixing gens.
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That's why I have received less than 10 pieces of hate from killers compared to the 1000's from survivors
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You aren't just the clown, you're the entire circus.
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I was going to argue that both sides are toxic (which they are). But the OP makes a good point.