Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Unpopular Opinion, Killers are MORE Toxic than Survivor

They simply have more ways/chances to make survivors lives a living hell. You see too many items, bring Franklin's, take their items, and DC. See a team that may look like a SWF, that's probably not, bring Ebony Mori. Gets looped by a survivor for 5 gens because they're better than you, face camp. So many opportunities to make the game so terrible for Survivors. Sure survivors can what, Tea bag, that's it. Sure there is doing gens, their one and only objective, and flashlight clicking, most of the time to take agro off of someone being tunneled. Killers simply have more ways to make Survivors hate their lives, and they take it more often. Before you say I have a survivor biased, I don't. I play Killer and Survivor equally, have been bullied as both, and gotten to rank 1 as both. I see both sides equally, but whenever I want to be toxic, it's usually just slap on an Ebony Mori and OP addons. Survivors can't do that, all they can do is bring a key, which imo isn't toxic, just op.

