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Unpopular Opinion, Killers are MORE Toxic than Survivor



    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Actually, if a killer hardcore BMs the entire survivor team, you will have four players believing killers are toxic.

    If it was the other way around with the survivors hardcore BMing the killer, you will have only one player believing survivors are toxic.

    Therefore, it's a common majority that players will think killers are toxic. Through, whether that's true or not is a different story. 😁

  • Mrjuice
    Mrjuice Member Posts: 94

    Ok..I didn't read the whole post.. But is there really a point of comparing which side of the community is more toxic?

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Except survivors are more likely to ######### and moan when they lose. Moris are pretty much the only thing that cant be countered by survivors. Everything else survivors have one or more ways to counter. Also i have never once seen a killer use franklins and dc just to get rid of items. That makes so little sense tbh. And if they do so what? Oh no u lost an item. Big deal high tier items arent rare.

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Youre sorely mistaken. To sat that all toxicity starts with the killer is ludicrious. There are SO many survivors who rage and dc just for being downed normally. Not playing the way they want you to? "Douche." Missed a swing? *teabagging uncontrollably. There are a ton of survivors who go out of their way to make the match a living hell for the killer. Wether it be all green toolboxes or multiple flashlights. Simply for playing killer! I have a genuine hate for killers who get off on making the game unfun but they can only do it for one person at a time if theyre camping/tunneling. Therefore it can be countered.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    There are more killers trying to ruin games than survivors.

    Both sides can be painful to each other.

    I said it STARTS WITH, meaning that it is generally a single killer, or a few killers, who annoy survivors that they start doing these things. And the main part of my argument is that a majority of this starts, on the killers side at least, IN THE LOWER RANKS, which then spills into higher ranking survivors taking out their frustration on mid-rank killers, find out it works really well as a normal strategy, then goes through to Red.

    Killers in turn go back to being toxic to get rid of toxic survivors, get more kills and keep playing as such. Or stop playing all together, leading to our current match-making.

    A self-perpetuating cycle that can mainly be attributed to one side. MAINLY. Not fully.

  • Rouge
    Rouge Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2020

    From my experience I'd disagree. I find that I see more toxicity from survivors ontop of less kind comments. I see killers being kind more often then I see survivors at the same time seeing them not be as toxic.

    But in all honestly I dont know why we need to chop up who is mean to which people like to play more, if you are a mean survivor you are probably a toxic killer. and vice versa

    The reason I see more toxicity from survivors is probably because there are more of them, for every 4 survs you see 1 killer.