Make kicking gens worth on its own.

Everybody should be familiar with this setup: It is on autohaven. In the middle of nowhere. 3 low walls, a car, a gen and a pallet. A survivor is working on the gen as the killer approaches. The survivor hides behind the car. The killer damages the gen and then spots the survivor. A chase continues. The survivor loops around the wall with the gen attached to it. And within a tenth of a second the survivor completely stops the regression that the killer instilled in the gen. The regression that the killer spend 2 seconds to cause. 2 against 0.1 seconds spend doesn't seem fair. A chase is a essential tool for killers to secure that the gens don't get repaired and the regression is a perfect tool do contain previous "damage". However a chased survivor (that shouldn't have time for gens) can easily unmake 2 seconds of killer action that if repeated would cost them the chase.
So I propose that survivors should have to perform a small channel at a damaged generator to stop the regression and work on it again. I'd suggest about 8 seconds: 2sec kick time for killer * 4 survivors that could work to repair = 8 seconds to keep survivor and killer on an equal level.
Wether stuff like overcharge triggers at the beginning or the end (or randomly in the middle 😈) of the channel is up to debate but I am confident that a solution can be agreed upon. (ruin would also be buffed again to a somewhat acceptable level a a result of this)
Thank you for comming to my BHVR talk.