Proposed Killer Perk "Plot Twist"

When equipped the Killer will - when the fifth generator is powered - have precisely ten seconds to use Plot Twist, and if activated they'll randomly be teleported inside one of the two exits (if they don't activate it within this period, they don't get another chance). Unless the Survivors see this happen, they are given no indication this has happened. Furthermore, the Killer's terror radius is removed - and all killer detection perks stop working - until one of the two gates are finally opened. If the killer's gate is opened first, everyone is given 15/30/45 seconds of Exposed status (based on Rank). Additionally, at Rank 3 - if any unlit totems remain - a totem becomes lit and the Entity blocks both exits until the Totem is destroyed. If the safe gate is opened first, then absolutely nothing happens (even if the Survivors eventually open both gates).
Clovis15 said:
When equipped the Killer will - when the fifth generator is powered - have precisely ten seconds to use Plot Twist, and if activated they'll randomly be teleported inside one of the two exits (if they don't activate it within this period, they don't get another chance). Unless the Survivors see this happen, they are given no indication this has happened. Furthermore, the Killer's terror radius is removed - and all killer detection perks stop working - until one of the two gates are finally opened. If the killer's gate is opened first, everyone is given 15/30/45 seconds of Exposed status (based on Rank). Additionally, at Rank 3 - if any unlit totems remain - a totem becomes lit and the Entity blocks both exits until the Totem is destroyed. If the safe gate is opened first, then absolutely nothing happens (even if the Survivors eventually open both gates).
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Yeah, it is, but only in 50%or less of games, so it seems semi workable, especially since it's super easy to counter with the major downsides (killer is trapped in exit gate, and can't even defend the totem)
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I haven't much of an opinion of the idea, but I love the perk name "Plot twist"
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funny idea
i would enjoy doing that on the pig or leather face. like..surprise motherfu...
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One Surv with OoO and Killer will be tbagged through doors and Survs will have free exit and free points for remaining totems, while Killer is chilling inside gates picking his nose.
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Just play Insidious NOED Nurse.
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Well he deserved that T bagging if he went the entire match without noticing somebody had OoO.. Remember, he described it as a voluntary activation.