Will the mobile dbd game allow you to Bluetooth sync a PS4 controller?
This is kind of a deciding factor on whether or not I would play mobile or not. there is no way I'm going to be using my phone's screen as a remote control, that would drive me crazy to be honest.
This is a question for the mobile devs, which you can ask by going to the Help Centre on their website here: https://dbdmobile.helpshift.com/a/dead-by-daylight-mobile/?p=all
But personally, I doubt it. I've never heard of a mobile game that does that, and since DBD mobile is being built and balanced exclusively around mobile controls, I'd think it highly unlikely that they would allow players to play with console controllers instead. I'd be surprised if they even bothered to program in that functionality.
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I haven't heard of this being the case for most mobile games, so I doubt DBDs controls would sync with a Duel Shock controller as well. My guess would be is that it could come off as unfair to face a Mobile DBD player with a controller VS. someone who's using the on-screen controls.
You can always ask the Mobile Devs with the link above though, perhaps i'm wrong and this is one of those cases where it does work.