Pallet Stun Change

A while ago during the most recent DBD stream, a small discussion was talked upon that the pallet stun would accur half way through the dropping, not at the end. This is too much, in my opinion. With this current state of stunning at the end, pallets are still very powerful. When survivors complain about not stunning the killer when they come back to hit through the pallet while hiding the red stain, survivors should NOT be able to react to the killer surprising around the corner to hit through the pallet. The counterplay to this should be about predictions, adding a skill level to pallet plays, not just reacting to the killer


  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    The issue is that a lot of times they can't react to things they see coming because they have to do (as someone else put it) a little back flip before throwing it down and also have to be all the way at the end before they even get the option to throw it down. Hitting throw pallets is almost a sure fire way to get people now because the pallets won't even drop half the time. Being able to teleport to pallets is too much, but survivors should at least be able to use them while inside them.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Actually the Devs said that the stun will happen early mid of the animation, which is basically at the beginning, like the old OP pallets. :|