Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

do you think cross play will work with all versions of dbd?

switch,ps4,xbox, maybe even mobile?



  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    That's currently unknown, we don't even know if cross-platform play is possible with Console and PC yet.

    Until we get an update on Cross-Platform and Cross-Progression, we know as much as you do, it's entirely guess work until than. Other games have done it before, but not every game is designed the same and works the same way, it takes time to have systems like that made.

  • TheeOPgod
    TheeOPgod Member Posts: 3

    It is possible a hacker on reddit managed to get on the ps4 servers from the pc

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited February 2020

    That's not really confirmation that it's ready for a mainstream service, one player vs thousands players isn't solid evidence that it's possible.

    I don't doubt that it is, but you don't know what's keeping it from happening and neither do I. That's why we need to wait until more is said on it, we have very little information to go off of.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    As FireHazard said, we don't know, but I personally believe and hope that we will eventually get cross-play between all platforms - that is, PC, PS4, Xbox and Switch - because all platforms will benefit from a larger player pool.

    I don't believe that cross-play will happen between PC and consoles, however, until the devs are satisfied that the controls on both are equivalent - either by adding KBM support to consoles, or adjusting things like controller sensitivity to match what one can do with a mouse.

    Mobile will surely be excluded, though, because it's not just the same game on a different platform, it's an entirely separate game with a separate development team behind it.

    Bear in mind that this is just my personal speculation, though, not official information in the least.

  • Codyguitarmasta
    Codyguitarmasta Member Posts: 9

    Bloodpoints should be shared across all platforms at the very least IMO. If you want to switch from one platform to another you should be able to log on and have the amount of bloodpoints that you have earned on the other available to spend. How am I supposed to feel motivated to play if the 10 days of game experience has literally achieved nothing for me in the new version. If bloodpoints cross progression was implemented I might actually want to buy the same killer/survivor for the same game with the same perks and the same experience. At least then the amount of time you have played the game as a whole wouldn't be wasted.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited February 2020

    Let's assume for a second it is real.

    The reason its not enabled it because the Dev's are probably fine tunning it and preparing for cross save so if people want to switch they can. This also enables people to play with friends on a specific platform.

    At least that's a logical conclusion as to why it would be available and added in, but still not available to the general public.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That's made sense, but we're not talking about Cross-Save, we're talking about Cross-Platform.

    I just threw Cross-Progress in there since Cross-Progression usually comes with Cross-Platform play. But yes, from a logical standpoint it would seem to be not yet implemented or announced because it's either being fined tuned or the concept is on hold for other important balance issues at the moment, like the Rank Rework for example.

    Again for context, I don't doubt that it's possible, but it really just depends on if the systems can handle it at the moment (with thousands of players cross-playing with others), so we'll have to see and wait for, like you said, it to be fine tuned. But we also have no information on this, so we don't 100% know what's happening behind the scenes.

    It's all just speculation and theories at the moment.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I added cross save because I feel the Devs would probably add both at the same time honestly. Otherwise we have the same line of thinking.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited February 2020

    I mean it would make sense if they did, it's usually a packaged.

    Besides that, we do see eye to eye on this yeah. Where this concept goes I don't personally know, we'll just have to wait and see.