Question on a new perk in PTB

If I have off the record active and I am also using Distortion. Would I be able to keep my tokens since off the record is active and my aura is already hidden?
Best Answer
My guess would be that Off The Record will actually help you save Distortion tokens, in the same way that hiding in a locker does. The reason is to do with the wording of the two perks - Off The Record says "your aura will not be shown to the killer", and according to Distortion's description, it only actives "when your aura would be shown to the killer". Since Off The Record prevents this, Distortion doesn't meet the conditions for activation.
You would have to test it yourself, though, or find someone else who has, to be absolutely sure. But it would make no sense at all for them not to work together.
No, I don't think Off The Record would negate the token use for Distortion.
Comboing them kind of makes no sense anyways. If by the off chance it doesn't waste a token, than there wouldn't be a point to combo them anyways since it would be kind of a waste of a perk slot to use 2 perks that negates aura reading.
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How would that be a waste? If anything it’s more protection against the buffed hangman’s trick and bbq
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If Off The Record doesn't stop Distortion from losing stacks, than it would be a waste of a perk slot.
If it does, than why would you use two Anti-aura perks when most Killers just run BBQ which can be negated by going within the 40 meters, hiding in a locker, or using one of those two perks, using both for that perk is not useful in my opinion. Also i'm glad Hangman's Trick got a buff, but I don't know how used it'll be in LIVE. At least, I don't know yet.