That's it. I quit killer. Uninstalled



  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    The worst part about this thread: the devs don't care. Their tunnel vision right now is selling the next killer that survivors can loop to oblivion.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    Sorry dude. Killer can be frustrating as it gets. You can always just bring trapper and NOED to enjoy some spicy, salty end game chat. It’s so yummy.

  • Negan4891
    Negan4891 Member Posts: 53

    Thats reason why i play the way i do. And i dont give 2 flying rats butt what survivors think on how i play. But yes i feel your pain man.

  • Thanks for the drivel.

    All that you said there, is of no relevance to my post, at all.

    1) 3k hours, means he played when rank reset dropped you around 10 places anyway, so your point fails.

    2) Again, if Mr whingey pants and his 3k hours is struggling because his "wrong" rank 17 is going against red rank survivors, then your point fails again.

    3) It literally takes 5 games to climb 2 ranks, it doesn't take long to get back into rank 1, while being matched against players that would have lower rank than you previously and especially if you're a competent killer. Maybe Mr cry to the forum, is one of those sweaty players that needs 100 games to pop into red, like most players that come here crying about "SuRvIvOr StUfF iS oP" So another fail

    4) I am also glad to meet you, his wife? Coming here and talking for him. Be sure to tuck him in with a bed time story about how the wikkle kiwwer got 4k

    Thanks for announcing that you can't read or understand context

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Take a break and then come back.

  • Hex_Oblivion
    Hex_Oblivion Member Posts: 27

    I feel you dude. I end chases in 16 seconds and gens still pop yet these devs want you to “pReSsUrE GeNs” I doubt MOST of them play their own game. And when they do it’s not high ranks. They don’t understand that gen speeds even by themselves are too quick even without toolboxes. Thankfully the new resident evil coming in a month is releasing their own 4v1 asymmetrical, and I can see a lot of this fan base leaving to their or other games (which has already happened)

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    Man I wish I knew why I never experience all these issues.

    Except matchmaking recently. But that's being fixed.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    What rank are you playing at for a 2k hrs player? I don't mean to sound overly rude, but this sounds like someone who has intentionally stayed at low ranks and is now getting a comeuppance. How many real rank 16s have you tortured throughout the years?

  • Personally, I think they should stop rolling back ranks every... what - month? Two months? Either way I'm tired of going up against Smurfs. Like, if you're new to the game and playing survivor then the killer is usually new too. And new killers ALWAYS camp and tunnel, because that's all they know and it's frustrating going up against them and then next match going up against red rockets that just got back from vacationing outside of the fog so they can come back and sink their toxic little nails into the mid ranks. Just, stop resetting ranks, it doesn't make sense to me.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    Player numbers on Steam are still stable last time I checked.

    There are no real alternatives seeing as how bad F13 and Last Year turned out to be.

    And Resident Evil... I wouldn't put smoke up a game's arse that is not even released yet.

    Also the game keeps improving steadily for years now. Yes the matchmaking is ######### at the moment. But they are working on it.

    The only thing for me is to protect the few gens next to the basement. This alone often guaranteed me at least a 2k in late game if not more. Also there is no toxic playstyle. Anything that helps you win is OK. If survivors flame you, just ignore them and move on. Too many killer players play too passive and nice but then complain they can't win.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Amen. Perfectly summed up the bs that is playing killer in this game. Take away all these goddamn 2nd chances. They already can take 2 hooks and they still get rewarded with ez heals, insanely fast gens, and ridiculous perks plus hatch so they have "hope". Dont even get me started on loops.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    That's what I believe up until the recent patch notes, but instead of nerfing survivors they buffed toolboxes, made keeping items easier, and then buffed sabotaging. Now Gen's are done even faster - tested with my friends. In the time it took for Clown to walk across the map - not 2 gen's were done, but 3 were done and the 4th was half done - all because they each went to a different gen with a yellow toolbox Socket Swivel, and Wire Spool. This was on Thompson House. Then i've been testing the new sabotaging update, and I NEVER had this much power as a survivor in matches. I am not kidding. In the PTB of all things, I am forcing Killer's to dc, afk, camp, tunnel, slug, and flame in end game chat just because THEY CAN'T HOOK ANYONE until they eliminate me from the game.

  • RussianSpyPigeon
    RussianSpyPigeon Member Posts: 83

    I find it very ridiculous that if I chase a decent survivor for a minute or two a gen gets done. Whenever I play survivor it's way easier and more relaxing then playing as killer.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2020

    I feel this pain. I'm Playing as non mobility killers like Plague, Bubba and etc... it's so painful and stressful to play, especially against three+ SWF or longest pallet heaven maps with god loop/window combos...

    Also trying to play with thana/dying light combo. 4 injured, 3 stacks early game and gens still "flying"...

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    edited February 2020

    Usually Im sympathetic towards posts like these as I know how unbalanced the game is if survivors play optimally, but when you are still yellow rank killer with +2k hours this might actually be one of those cases where "git gud" is in order.

  • Craazzy
    Craazzy Member Posts: 1

    I just got this game a week ago because it looked fun. I figured being the killer was just hard at first due to having to level up. But the more I play I can definitely tell the survivors have a huge advantage. Gens done in 10 sec or less (4 complete within the first 2 minutes of the game), instant sabotage on hooks, the Scooby Doo chases you can't win, 5 sec full's ridiculous. Plus being ranked 17 or 18 and matched up against 6's and 10's with all purple perks when my killer is at level 10. Makes for a seriously aggravating time. This game is broken and definitely not fun as the killer which should be the best part imo. I'll stick to COD unless this POS makes it out of the trash it's currently in.

  • AtomP
    AtomP Member Posts: 23

    At this point the game has become a caricature of bad game design. Like if you wanted to describe a joke asymmetric game where you had a 1v4 game but gave the 4 every advantage, you couldn't do better than dbd.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    This is one of the worst attempts I’ve seen at trying to get the devs attention to make your side easier with an absolute nonsense retirement bit. What’s even worse, are the people falling for it. “Maybe he took a break”.. lmao what a comical reach. 2-3K hours and facing ranks 15 better than him. Far more likely that he’s full of ######### and went way too far exaggerating his story. Seriously, I’m sorry but how stupid can people be?! I guess bias tends to cloud judgement.

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179

    Welcome to war kid. Everyone is having a bad time playing killer even the ones who swear up and down they aren't. In a 4v1 match no matter who has the power it's a simple numbers game. More chances of survivors either out playing you or wasting your time to get 5 Gens done and open the gates by your 2-3rd hook. Even if you are some godly killer that usually gets 3-4k per match the survivors (especially red ranks) will harass and berate you to no end and the devs are no help. The ones who know don't care and the ones who care don't know.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited February 2020

    So you also have 2-3K hours and are tired of facing survivors 15 ranks above you? If you are agreeing, then i assume it must be true. Otherwise, maybe we should discuss the fact that he’s clearly lying? At least acknowledge it? Either that or he’s a horrendous killer with entitlement issues. Take your pick. It’s one or the other.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited February 2020

    You know if you want to call me stupid for taking in account of the matchmaking being #########, have the ######### balls to tag me next time.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited February 2020

    @Mc_Harty If you don’t see the the bs behind a player claiming to have 2-3K hours and wanting to quit due to facing players 15 ranks above them, then yeah, you are stupid. Sorry. Don’t hand me the bit about “maybe they played survivor for 1.9K hours”, this wouldn’t be posted if that were true, THINK. The entire post is nonsense. Only made to fuel killer complaints under the silly guise of “I quit”. As if that makes everyone, including devs, take notice. He didn’t even do it right though, that’s what is weak.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited February 2020

    No, you think.

    It's entirely possible for someone to take a break for a couple of months and be rank 15 when they come back. Add on top of the matchmaking system CLEARLY NOT WORKING, it's NOT that much of a stretch to believe.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    It would be better if all killer just leave the game like you, If survivor mains start playing killer the game will be much more fun.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited February 2020

    So someone with 2-3K hours experience, takes a little break, and then wants to quit because they are being matched with survivors they wouldve been (unless they were GOD awful) matched with in all their previous hours of experience? You aren’t thinking this through...AT ALL. If you reached ranked 3 in a game, took a few months off, and came back to face rank 3 opponents in some games (don’t even pretend it’s all) would quit? Lol. 99.9% of players would be aware of the fact this was the caliber of opponent they played previously and want to return to that level, which shouldn’t take long. They wouldn’t quit, thats ridiculous. Did this player retain NOTHING in their previous 2-3K hours? They are completely back to rank 20 level apparently. See the gaping hole in the story, man.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    you really think survivor mains are just gonna start playing killer?

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited February 2020

    I would quit because the game has become a ######### show, not because of survivors being a higher rank than me.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807
    edited February 2020

    To the OP - I understand your frustration. I really do. HOWEVER, killer isn't impossible. Or rather, not as impossible as you make it seem. I hate to be this guy, because I usually detest the guy who says this, but there is an element of "git gud" that does apply here. I will confess right now, I didn't read your whole post, because it seems like I've seen it all before.

    I get it. Killer can be frustrating, and even when you are better at it, you'll end up still getting smashed upon at times (though, significantly less), but that happens to even the best killer mains. That all being said, even when you do get better, more times than not, you're going to have to sweat to get the job done, which is the main underlying issue. Killer isn't fun for everyone, because most people don't play a video game (especially one like this, which for all intents and purposes is basically a party game) to play super sweaty mcsweatlord.

    If you take the time to get better, you'll lose less. You'll never stop losing no matter what, because sometimes a team is just so well coordinated it's crazy (though, seal team 6 coordinated teams aren't that common); but when you start to win against better and better teams, it is EXTREMELY rewarding; and it's a feeling of rewarding and accomplishment that playing survivor (don't @ me, cause I'm right) will never get you. Simply because survivor doesn't take the sheer amount of strategy and good plays that killer does.

    Take a break, but don't quit my dude. Get better, and serve up a heaping helping of [BAD WORD] to survivors in the future.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    This never ever happens so far on the Switch then again we do not have SWF so far that I know of so most matches the killer wins and rapes everyone. I hope we never get SWF teams because I find it very unfair for the killer. I play both sides so I am no in favor of killer or survivor but when I see a SWF team bullying a killer on youtube it actually makes me mad for the killer.

  • Hex_Oblivion
    Hex_Oblivion Member Posts: 27

    The game gets better in some things, but whenever they “improve” something, something else breaks. They don’t know how to fix things without breaking something else. No game is perfect, but I’ve never played a game that is so infested with bugs. They talk about balance, but seems to me they don’t even know themselves how to balance.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    REALLY?! Playing survivor is a cake walk? You must either be getting players that have a clue or playing with friends on mic. I play solo que on the Switch and am lucky to get a survivor who has 100 hours of game time played. I normally get players who can't do a gen let alone think about even cleansing totems. I have had teams where 3 of us are on a gen and they pop it so much the gen is worst then when they joined me.

    I can play killer and make mistakes and still get at minimum 2 kills if not all. I guess maybe the Switch Version has not caught up to the problems the rest have.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    I know many survivors inclauding me start to play more killer, and it really fun for me and survivors i play against.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I agree they should take all the second chance perks from the survivors. I mean after all there is 4 of them and 1 of the killer. DOWN WITH THE SURVIVORS! They should not LIVE ....or have fun. lol I mean it's only fair that killers had Hex Ruin for how long? Then NOED to stop a game dead in its tracks if the game gets to the end and they missed a totem. I mean dang those second chance perks. lol

    They should just take away all perks and let you play the most basic of games. lol jk jk

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    This could happen because the player pool is bad at the time you go to play. I have had games around 3AM on my Nintendo Switch and I was Rank 10 and had a few survivors with me 14 and lower ranks. The killer was rank 4 but I was not to upset because at that time of night I was lucky to even get players. I mean yes the rank system might and probably is broken but you also have to put into account the player base. If they have no one around your rank would you rather not play at all or just try harder. I mean it is suppose to be a game so have fun and if you need a break take a break. I have my problems with the game very much so but I also know it is just a game. I think maybe if they finally did Cross Play the player base would be bigger and getting matched with the right ranks might be easier.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    No one truely quits this game. You'll be back eventually.

  • The rank system is definitely flawed.

    When I'm against similar ranked survivors, I do really well. I've been playing for about three weeks

    I got all the way down to rank 11 last week, then all of a sudden.... Entity displeased or brutal killer yet both scored me a rank loss.

    I'm back to 16 and facing rank 4-6-8 survivors

    Gens are done in five minutes regardless of the fact that I knocked them all down, hooked three out of 4 and killed 2....I still end up losing a rank chip Mark or gaining a zero progress on rank

    I've decided to give up on rank

    Been having a lot more fun just trying to kill the perky bastards.

    Camping used to work when I was new, I have learned that hunting and pressure on the survivors is the most successful strategy.

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198

    I do feel you, the reason i quit playingg killer, and "IF" i play, only survivor with such god toolboxes, and help other Killers to quit also.

    I dont have a single point, i dont agree with you. You spoke out of my heart.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited February 2020

    It can go both ways. I have seen experienced killers with seemingly overpowered perks positively steamroll over survivors. Honestly, if I was that good I’d probably get bored and switch to a different game. When it stops being a challenge for me, I’m gone.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Okay the fact that you started with "I play on Nintendo Switch" made me ignore the rest of your comment... How bigs the player base there? And how many hrs do you have playing? Yeeeaah, thought so... Come try on ps4 and lemme know all about it.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    To the OP - I understand your frustration. I really do. HOWEVER, killer isn't impossible. Or rather, not as impossible as you make it seem. I hate to be this guy, because I usually detest the guy who says this, but there is an element of "git gud" that does apply here. I will confess right now, I didn't read your whole post, because it seems like I've seen it all before.

    I get it. Killer can be frustrating, and even when you are better at it, you'll end up still getting smashed upon at times (though, significantly less), but that happens to even the best killer mains. That all being said, even when you do get better, more times than not, you're going to have to sweat to get the job done, which is the main underlying issue. Killer isn't fun for everyone, because most people don't play a video game (especially one like this, which for all intents and purposes is basically a party game) to play super sweaty mcsweatlord.

    If you take the time to get better, you'll lose less. You'll never stop losing no matter what, because sometimes a team is just so well coordinated it's crazy (though, seal team 6 coordinated teams aren't that common); but when you start to win against better and better teams, it is EXTREMELY rewarding; and it's a feeling of rewarding and accomplishment that playing survivor (don't @ me, cause I'm right) will never get you. Simply because survivor doesn't take the sheer amount of strategy and good plays that killer does.

    Take a break, but don't quit my dude.

  • Gamer29
    Gamer29 Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2020

    You will care as your wait times keep increasing!! I’m sure your one of the survivors that come in with your toolboxes and your toxic swf that has memorized every loop and pallet, then exploits the game! There seems to infinite exploits to the game that you and your swf team seem to have. Then complains when your tunneled. I can tell this by your arrogance and the way you respond. Your that player that has ruined the game and the community!!!