Change Mad Grit

So, I just got done playing a game with a Wraith who downed me, then was attempting to hit another survivor extremely fast (like a machine gun) and he wasn't getting any cool-downs. On top of that, I couldn't wiggle at all for a few seconds. Honest to god, thought he was hacking the game. Turns out, he had a lovely little perk called "Mad Grit". Basically, the killer suffers no cool-down with his hits while carrying a survivor and IF he hits another survivor while carrying, the wiggle meter stops for 4 seconds.

Am I the only one that sees an issue with this? I understand this perk is supposed to prevent "blocking", kind of similar to how DS is to prevent "tunneling", but they A) need to change how fast his M1 is OR B) Remove the wiggle meter penalty, entirely.

I don't see a lot of people running this, luckily. However, if this starts becoming more frequent, this can become an issue..
