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Adept Plague Tips


Need some help. Have gotten a lot of 4k games with her, including getting that 4k with only 1-2 generators finished, but am still struggling with getting the achievement. I'm winning chases and puking on people, the best I seem to get at the end of the match though is "Ruthless Killer".

For context as to why I am asking for tips, I recently got Adept Spirit (even though I suck as her), dispite the fact that all generators were finished and I got LUCKY with her ability multiple times.

If anyone has any advice for how to structure The Plague for a better chance at get the achievement/Merciless Killer, I would greatly appreciate it. Whether I should use certain add-ons or offerings to complement her perks or what have you.


  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,354

    When in chase, hit the survivors BEFORE they get fully infected. Then hit them again to down them. It is obviously a lot more work but that simple change made the difference for me to get Adept Plague. If you one-hit survivors your emblems will suffer. I also went out of my way to count how many hooks each survivor got. I THINK I three hooked three survivors and one hooked the last.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,718

    Using her ability hurts your emblem score. I used Plague as an M1 killer, never vomiting on anyone, to get her Adept Achievement.

  • Slay___
    Slay___ Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 898
    edited February 2020

    You don't need 4 kills for that. However you should aim at getting at least 3 kills.

    If you struggle to get the emblems required for merciless killer in your normal playstyle then it might benefit you to leave 1-2 of downed survivors to the ground to get more chases and emblem score in the process. Don't guard them, let others heal them. This also slows down the game which increase your chances of getting merciless a bit easier.

    Always when I have failed on my normal playstyle I have done that and gotten merciless in the very next game.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 950

    This is what I done as well, it should be easier with the new buff as you can use the movement speed addons with corrupt so you can walk fast when you have red vomit to end chases more easily.

  • PeenutsButt3r
    PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695

    Using corrupted doesn't help with your chase emblem, you need to keep them injured and run them for quite a time, not a speed run.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    To get adept on Plague you'll need to gain the pesky emblem (the chaser emblem) up to Iridescent quality. How do you do this? Well, if you're going for Adept Plague than you'll actually need to hit every Survivor you're about to infect BEFORE they gain the broken status effect, since you gain points for hitting Survivors and winning chases.

    The issue with Plague is that she puts people into the injured state without being rewarded points for doing so. As a result, you'll need to actually hit them Pre-Broken state and than break them and down them, which in itself adds more extra steps to get this Adept achievement. Other important things you'll need to do is play near perfect or perfect in-game to pull off an Adept, which means you'll have to guard your Generators for as long as possible before they start to pop. The more Generators you have that're being repaired/not finished gives you more points towards the Gatekeeper emblem. Less Generators means every minute gives less points for the first 6 minutes I believe. (It could be 9 I don't remember.)

    You also gain points for keeping both Exit Gates closed when all the Generators are powered, so also keep that in-mind when you're in-game. As for how to use The Plague effectively, you'll have to get used to the basic tiles that most maps use. I'll link below a video that can help you with that, so please do watch if it you struggle with chasing.

    here's the video on basic tiles/loops for Survivors/Killers


    Some of the maps here have been reworked or don't show these basic tiles in them, such as the maps that came after like Hawkins and the reworked Lery's which never had these tiles in the first place. Other maps have been released as well like Yamaokas Temple of Wrath, so keep that in-mind when you don't see them in this video. Besides that, the video still covers the basic tiles that you'll find on most maps like Cold-Wind, Macmillian Estate, Azarov's, both Yamaoka maps, some parts of Badham Pre-school, etc.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Her Adept was the worst to get, by all killers! 35 levels to go...... OMG.

    My tip: keep on trying and trying and... you will get it eventually.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    If you're still having issues with Adept Plague than you can try grabbing tips from this video that focuses on Adept Plague directly.

    Just a bit of extra help if you're struggling, since that Adept is specifically difficult to get, especially during this meta AND if you're in Purple/Red Ranks...