Perk Rarity

I've always had this idea that could help lessen the meta perk combos and switch up the perks but it would require a total rework of the rarity system to better reflect perks. For example BBQ, Thrilling, Infectious could all easily be considered Purple, Rare perks but the fact that Furtive Chase, an awful perk is also the same color is a bit misleading.

The perks should be recolored to reflect how good they are at Max level with input from the community and obviously Dev choice with colors being Purple, Green, and Yellow (at MAX level)

And then from there ideally there would be few (relative to the amount so maybe half a page or 3/4 of a page) purples and then greens and yellows and your options to make a build can be limited to only at Max 2 purples, Max 3 Greens and As many Yellows to make a build. It might seem restricting and unfun but it could help balance the game out so you don't see soooo many good perks being used at once.

I mentioned this to Otzdarva and he replied to me saying that it would recognize that this game has some perks that are better than others and I agree, there DEFINITELY are perks that are better than others. Do you really think Distressing and BBQ would be on the same level (if the rarity system mentioned was implemented)? No, they're obviously on the opposite sides and I think the game should reflect that.