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Youtuber Recommendations? (Survivor)

xWoods831 Member Posts: 6
edited February 2020 in Ask the Community

I started playing this game just last month and i was able to hit Rank 7, currently Rank 6.

I think I've done well learning how to play roles and what to do in certain situations. I've learned basic terms and actions. Been playing with 2 buddies of mine along the way.

But, nonetheless, I want to further my experience and learn more into how I can be more efficient and more helpful to my team especially when I'm playing alone with randoms...

Anyone know WHO I can watch that provides great information as well as great gameplay to see how they do things their way and perhaps how killers might do certain things and how to avoid them better, etc.?

I do appreciate it. Thanks guys!


  • xWoods831
    xWoods831 Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2020

    Thanks again if you take a chance to comment.

  • Vammatar
    Vammatar Member Posts: 89

    I suggest Monto, all my friends and I watch him!

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    Noob3 is very entertaining and you can learn a ton from him.

    Ayrun is always down to invent and demonstrate exploits to train survivors in toxic Survive with Friends Gameplay.

    Ussylis is always down to ruin a killers day with extremely toxic gameplay and flashlight at every single pallet and window vault.

    I stopped watching all 3 of them because I play killer and I don't particularly like to verse their toxic inspired gameplay.

  • List_of_concerns
    List_of_concerns Member Posts: 182

    I'd have to say all roads lead to Fungoose. He is a self proclaimed "educational streamer". You can learn a lot very quickly from watching his content.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    You might not struggle with chase mechanics since you know the basics already, but this video does cover a lot of base tiles/loops that're seen throughout MOST maps in DBD to this day. The video is fairly dated, but these loops still exist and this information the video gives is 100% still solid and informative for Survivors and even Killers as well.

    here's the video i'm referencing on Base tiles/loops


    Some of the maps here have been reworked or don't show these basic tiles in them, such as the maps that came after like Hawkins and the reworked Lery's which never had these tiles in the first place. Other maps have been released as well like Yamaokas Temple of Wrath, so keep that in-mind when you don't see them in this video. Besides that, the video still covers the basic tiles that you'll find on most maps like Cold-Wind, Macmillian Estate, Azarov's, both Yamaoka maps, some parts of Badham Pre-school, etc.

    As for other videos and/or content creators you can refer to for information...

    I guess I can recommend Otzdrava, since he's fairly informative in all of his videos, but he seems to mostly play Killer and this isn't entirely something that's useful to you as a Survivor. Maybe you could watch these videos to learn what to counter against, but otherwise it's entirely Killer information for the most part.

    Anyone else i'd recommend could be OhTofu who actually made the video above, since he's pretty experienced had has been playing since 2016 and beta I believe. Besides that, I don't entirely know who else I could recommend to you, since a lot of information is usually self taught when you start to play more and more and get used to all the patterns in-game that a lot of Killers will do.

    some ending info...

    I guess I could end off with some useful info you could need. First, don't use a cluster of pallets that're in one area, if you waste all those pallets by sitting at them and waiting for the Killer to be stunned, than you're wasting their full potential and creating deadzones for other Survivors to be instantly downed at. Pallets are not the 100% defense against Killers, but they go hand and hand with windows as well, and deleting them from an area can really make it harder to Survivor as a decent/pro Survivor.

    Other bits of information you'll need like not diving for hook saves is a must to know, since if the Killer is still in the area... and you grab that Survivor... they'll most likely be tunneled and/or slugged, which wastes more time and gives them another target, aka you, to chase and down. That's 2 people not on Generators, and that's more time lost for the team to escape and win.

    Anything else is say... do generators while someone is being camped/tunneled, if you know they're dead (unless someone comes with Borrowed Time) than it's a waste of time trying to grab them while you could be progressing the match and doing Generators. This is especially important when the Killer has NOED, since going for them without breaking NOED is a for sure death on your part.

    Besides that... that's all i'll add without making this a 10 paragraph guide.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Personally I'm fond of Puppers. He plays both Survivor and Killer, plays both jokingly and seriously, rarely gets particularly toxic, and is good enough to learn while watching. Though unlike, say, Otzdarva, he doesn't go into a lot of detail of why he does things unless it comes up in his chat during the game.

  • xWoods831
    xWoods831 Member Posts: 6

    Hey, doesn't matter if it's essay or anything man. Any information helps. I truly appreciate the information

    What videos would you suggest for INDOOR maps. Because my squad struggles with them the most.

    (And am i the only one who thinks legion needs a nerf of some sort)

    And everyone else as well, thank you guys, truly!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I can't find any videos that' entirely specific on just maps like The Game or Hawkins.

    Those maps are a hit or miss, since a few of those tiles are actually just the basic tiles that the video above shows (at least on The Game anyways). The Game actually adapts a few of these tiles into it's map, like the jungle gym tile (altered) and the L-Wall and T-Wall tile (not altered) as well!

    Other tiles need trial and error to get used to, but a lot of the tiles on the top floor of that map don't have walls, so it's not entirely hard to learn if you follow the video above to get a better understanding of how to run loops like that. Tiles with walls really need you to depend on the Killers red stain (their red light) a lot of times, but relying on it too much can let the Killer mind-game you and moonwalk around a corner for a free hit, in which case you should assess the loop mid-chase and determine if they're moonwalking around the corner or not by running the opposite side still and than after a few seconds running back to that corner. By doing this, it means that Killer most likely doubled back to the other side, if they moonwalked to your side it would've been quick OR they're sitting there until you walk to that corner.

    Some tiles are too small for you to do this though, so you need to focus on learning where you can stand to view both corners, just so you know where they're going if the red light suddenly stops showing up for that side.

    In any case, going over all of this would take a lot of writing and it's better to just practice it yourself to get a bearing on these maps. If I could recommend a video, i'd just look for videos with Survivors that're specifically playing on in-door maps like Lery's, The Game, Hawkins, etc.