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Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Does anyone know of areas where the killer CANNOT hook you if a specific hook is broken?

Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
edited February 2020 in Ask the Community

I was recently enjoying a chill game as Freddy on Rancid Abbatoir when I met a particular Nancy. I was taking the game rather lightly for the most part, more concerned with my Daily Ritual of "Dream Chaser" than anything else. However, after I sacrificed a survivor, Nancy ran into the abattoir where it had the long route to the window and proceeded to sit there. I was initially confused but soon learned that I could no longer hook her since the hook behind the abbatoir was broken from an earlier sacrifice and by the time I was nearly at the next closest hook she had struggled free.

I'm just curious if there are other spots like this I should be mindful of in the future. I know the Thompson House second floor comes to mind.

(In case anyone is wondering what happened to Nancy I slugged her and camped her after alt tabbing to listen to this: )


  • Ace_trainerJosh
    Ace_trainerJosh Member Posts: 16

    There's a spot in the Oni map in one of the corners where you can do something like that. One of the farm maps also has a place where you can do that in one of their corners.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    There's a spot in the corner of Ormond where a lone Generator sits every game. In that spot, if the hooks spawn correctly you can break the hook next to the Generator and/or another hook nearby to prevent the Killer from hooking you UNTIL they regenerate.

    This happens because the Survivor will wiggle off your arm once you grab them in the corner of that map, than run back to that corner and repeat the process. In a scenario like this, you should just 100% down and slug them. This saves you time and it requires someone to go and heal them once they're downed.

    But I have some interesting news for you...

    As of version 3.6.0 of the PTB (If nothing is changed in the LIVE version...) the hooks now respawn every 20-30 seconds I believe. This was to compensate for the 2.5 seconds it takes to sabotage a hook in the PTB with the new Saboteur perk. If i'm wrong, i'm sure someone will give the exact respawn time the PTB has if they want.

    I can't find the exact time it takes for a hook to respawn, but the hook does respawn pretty fast, at least from what I saw in the PTB. At any rate, I wouldn't take that information above as 100% fact, since it could easily be changed before the LIVE version of 3.6.0, but it does give you some awareness of how long the respawn timer will be once this happens.

    ending statement

    In any rate, i'd just watch out for the corners of the map with lone hooks, since a lot of maps like that spot in Ormond create deadzones that can be bodyblocked and prevent you from hooking. If this happens again (which is rare) than just slug the Survivor and move on, it's more trouble than its worth to attempt and hook them.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    If i may give you a tip...

    In the scenario you told, the hook were previously destroyed by a sacrifice. Well...

    Everytime you go for a hook, choose it wisely. And only use the map-edge hooks if you have no other option. There are strategies when choosing which hook go for, and avoiding to create a dead zone for hooking is one of them.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Agitation + Iron Grasp meta coming back when??