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I have had dbd for about 2 weeks and I don’t know what killers mean by saying “I’m going for my obsession” also what do all the status effects do such as exposed cursed etc... I don’t remember them all


  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    edited February 2020

    This is what they are talking about. See these entity arms on the player icon? That means that player is the obsession.

    The obsession is a status a player gains when starting a match. This status and it's affects are connected to a number of perks such as Save the Best for Last, Decisive Strike, and many more. Depending on what happens in a match, the obsession could change to another player and the original obsession will no longer be affected by anything that involves it.

    You can check what every status effect does by clicking on help and tutorials on the in game menu.

    If you want me to, I'll post another comment on what each status effect does. :)

    Post edited by Boosted_Dwight on
  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited February 2020


    I'lll provide a link to the DBD Wiki on all the current Status Effects in-game. There's also Status Icons in there for you to review, so everything is there for you to read and understand.

    Here's the link to the DBD Wiki on Status Effects

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The Obsession is a mechanic which is randomly applied to one survivor at the start of the match (although there are various things, such as perks and add-ons, which can affect a survivor's chance of being chosen as the Obsession) when there is an Obsession-related perk in play. It appears as a pair of claws around their icon in the status bar, as illustrated in the image Dwight posted above. As he explained, there are many Obsession perks for both survivors and killers, and any of these being in play will guarantee that someone will be the Obsession. Some of these perks also have the power to change which player is the Obsession, at which point any Obsession-related effects will be transferred to the new Obsession.

    There are a lot of different Status Effects, probably too many to list here. I'll explain the ones you mentioned, though.

    Exposed means that the survivor can go from healthy to dying with one hit. In some cases this is applied to all survivors, but in others it can be applied to one survivor specifically depending on what mechanics are in play. For example, Devour Hope applies Exposed to all survivors when it reaches three tokens, but Rancor applies Exposed only to the Obsession after the gates are powered. Again depending on the mechanic, sometimes Exposed is permanent while at other times it may only be in play for a limited amount of time.

    Cursed means that you are affected by a Hex perk of some kind. On its own, it doesn't do anything except let you know that there is an active Hex perk in play. The only way to get rid of the Cursed Status Effect is to cleanse the associated totem.

    As with all Status Effects, both Exposed and Cursed will tell you what is causing them when they are first applied. You can find a list of all the Status Effects in the game and what they do here:

  • Rapid_Oli_YT
    Rapid_Oli_YT Member Posts: 36

    Oh okay thanks Baby_Dwight are you able to give the status effect cause I can’t get on my ps4 for a week

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited February 2020

    His name is Baby Dweet thank you very much.

    And you can find all that here if you're interested in checking each status effect out in it's own separated section and description.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,056

    One thing related to the Obsession that hasn't come up yet, when the Killer is chasing the Obsession, the little obsession claws will wiggle and twitch. That means that, assuming your aren't the Obsession yourself, you'll know when the Killer is chasing them, leaving you able to focus on other tasks.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I actually thought someone said that already lol, thanks for clarifying that in-case the OP is curious.