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Who would like to return to the nurse her old ability?


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited February 2020


    The old Nurse was fundamentally broken and mostly unfair for mostly every player BESIDES Survivors that knew how to counter her.

    She's still a power house, but she's far less used due to how hard it's to learn her for beginners now. She was always difficult to learn, but now it's a lot harder for players trying to learn her. I could state many reasons why I believe she was fundamentally broken, but that'd be unnecessary. A lot of players before the nerf can agree that The Nurse was really, really difficult to face if she was decent or especially pro, she's still difficult to face if a Nurse in 2020 has learned to overcome the nerf.

    The nerf was necessary, at least in my eyes it was, but if you still want to learn her and go pro... than you'll still be a big threat if you put the time into it. It's kind of like waiting for a present after 10 years, after all that wait you'll finally get your prize (The prize being the skill you gained from all that training).

    I could go on, but i'll end it with this

    No, I personally hope she never gets her base-kit back. For the Survivors sake, and to actually mix up the top Killer spot after such a long time. I main Killer (insert meme), and I can even agree that she was really busted to face and/or play if you put the time into it.

    The nerf gave her solid counter-play, and a lot of people could argue that she did already have counter-play... but that requires a lot of practice against Nurse, which was rare to see since even the Killers that used her got bored after awhile.

  • I personally don't think she needs a buff, since she still is a very powerful killer if played right, however i really feel like she needs to be more fun to play. Having to look down in the floor 90% of the game takes away all the fun there is for her. I honestly just think she should be reworked completly IMO.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    One thing at a time with the reworks, if she was reworked it'd require another power to give her or just fundamental changes to the overall concept of the blink mechanic.

    I can agree that it's fairly hard to learn her if you don't have prior training, and going into fatigue can be sometimes boring, but if you do learn how to play her than she can clean house pretty quickly. It's one of those Killers that rewards practice with amazing results, practice that takes awhile though. The issue with Nurse is that if you put in work, she'll give back amazing results. But because of how difficult it is to learn her, especially if you're new to her mechanic, the losses she'll bring discourages people heavily, hence why most of the community has abandoned her now... unfortunately. If they haven't, it seems that way from what I've seen.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    The cooldown is an extremely unfun and boring mechanic added to her. I have never had a problem with her fatigue, because it acted as a more organic cooldown. It feels natural, and good. But now having a cooldown added ontop of the cooldown is just frustrating. You are forced to walk at 96% movement speed, watch the survivor gain distance on you, and you are completely powerless.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I think because of how strong the power is, it's entirely necessary for two cool-downs to be put on each other.

    This maintains the original concept of her power and doesn't require an in-depth rework to the overall design of the blink mechanic. Is it fun? Not entirely from what I've played and seen. Is it entirely necessary because of how strong she's, even in base-kit? Yes, at least if it's to maintain the original powers concept.