Rework for shrine of secrets?

The main reason people buy survivors (or certain killers) with shards, auric cells or rl money is to get their perks, I also saw many people claiming that it's unfair. Personally doesn't affect me since I buy every chapter and just want to drop a suggestion on how the shrine of secrets could be reworked.
Let all perks old be available for purchase for 4000 shards or 100 auric cells, the perks from the newest dlc/which didn't appear in the rotation for 4700 shards or 150 auric cells.
Make perks that appear in the rotation for their first time cheaper after they appeared in the rotation.
Keep the weekly rotation of perks with 2000 shards for an old perk and 2700 for a new one first appearing in the rotation.
Just my idea, don't know if the prices seem reasonable or not.
Thanks for reading